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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 431 Just This Once
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Chapter 431 Just This Once

Archer grinned as the goddess approached the bath, but his gaze briefly fixated on her body as her unnaturally large boobs jiggled at every step.

However, he quickly regained his composure, aware of her immense power, and relaxed as she entered the water.

She sat across from him, a knowing smile adorning her face. Archer, although tempted, shook his head and greeted her with a grin. "Hello, my goddess. How have you been?"

"I've been good, Arch," Tiamat responded.

She leaned back in the hot water, her expression serene as she continued, "I brought you here today to tell you that in five years, the Swarm will reappear."

Archer's laughter in response to her warning left the Dragon Goddess puzzled, though she was well aware of his unpredictable nature.

Observing his reaction, she narrowed her eyes and issued a stern caution, "You may have your monster army, but their numbers are beyond measure and resolute. What you faced before is a mere shadow of what they have since amassed."

Tiamat leaned forward slightly, her gaze fixing firmly on Archer. With a tone of solemnity, she delivered a dire warning, her voice heavy with concern.

"Archer, you must understand the gravity of the situation," she began. "The Swarm has grown more formidable, thanks to the unholy alliance they've formed with a dark god. They have access to powers beyond imagination."

She paused for emphasis, her words lingering in the humid air of the bath. "The remnants of the Swarm that remained on Thrylos have burrowed deep within the planet, hiding from prying eyes."

Her gaze bore into Archer's, conveying the urgency of her message. "You, as their nemesis, must prepare for a challenge greater than any you've faced before."

As Tiamat concluded her warning, Archer fixed his gaze on her as his violet eyes glowed and wore a grin before posing a question. "What's in it for me if I take on this fight?"

Tiamat held a glimmer of hope that he would request something specific, but she refrained from getting her hopes too high.

Nonetheless, she responded with a curious tone, "What would you desire?"

Archer rose from the hot water and confidently moved closer to Tiamat. He gazed down at her with a determined expression and a broad, charismatic smile.

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"I want you," he declared with unwavering resolve.

The Goddess couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement inside, even though she kept her emotions in check.

His bold statement had stirred her, for he was the first white dragon to express such a deep interest in her, regardless of her being a goddess.

Tiamat maintained a smile, though her tone carried a sense of caution as she responded, "Why would I form a bond with a mortal?"

However, Archer responded with a voice full of confidence and charm, "We look alike. I'm the king of all dragons on Thrylos, and I can even become a dragon god if I want. And I've seen the way you look at me.''

When the older woman heard him, she let out a light, playful giggle before sinking further into the warm water.

Archer observed her for a moment before resuming his seat. He retrieved a piece of bread and began to eat, patiently waiting for the Dragon Goddess to provide her response.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Tiamat spoke with a seductive tone, "You won't win me over by defeating the Swarm alone. But when the moment arrives for you to face the true adversary and emerge triumphant, then, and only then, can you claim me."

Archer couldn't help but chuckle when he heard her words. He then inquired, "Who are these adversaries? And how do you know all this?"

Tiamat responded candidly, "Other deities keep me informed about events transpiring across the world ever since I regained my powers. However, I've yet to discover the identity of the dark god supporting the Swarm. What I do know is that a race called the Eldraliths is orchestrating their actions, serving as their leaders. Interestingly, they originate from a different realm that has access to Thrylos."

Archer nodded in acknowledgment when he heard her explanation, accepting the fact that he would have to face these adversaries.

He didn't mind, as he relished the prospect of this challenge, especially knowing that it could lead to claiming a goddess.

With a joyful smile, Archer expressed his agreement but said with a mischievous grin, "Okay, but I want a kiss to seal our deal."

When Tiamat heard him she became flustered but quickly composed herself and answered. ''You're taking advantage now.''

Archer remained silent, wearing a contented smile. Tiamat let out a sigh and reluctantly consented, saying, "Okay, just this once."

His smile brightened as he approached. She extended her hand, which he took and used to draw her closer.

Their bodies pressed against each other, and before she could react, Archer claimed her lips in a kiss, causing her to momentarily stiffen in surprise.

They found themselves locked in a passionate kiss, the waters of the bath swirled around them.

The hot, steamy atmosphere only intensified their connection. Their lips moved together with fervor, the power of their attraction undeniable.

As the kiss deepened, Tiamat suddenly pushed Archer away gently. She held his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and confusion.

Archer looked at her with longing in his eyes, wondering why she had stopped their embrace.

With a soft, sad smile, Tiamat spoke, "You have five years to prepare, my white dragon. When the time comes, you must be ready for the battle that awaits."

Tiamat used her divine power to send Archer back, and he abruptly woke up in the bath, disoriented and looking around the empty room.

He got out of the bath and used his mana to dry himself before leaving the room to see Talila, Teuila, and Leira sitting in the living room.

They all turned to him and smiled before Talila jumped up and challenged him. ''Husband. I want to see how strong you are. Fight us three.''

Archer was taken aback by their sudden excitement but shrugged. ''Of course. Let me create a dry arena outside first.''

The three girls nodded as he closed his eyes and created an arena outside the treehouse that would stay dry thanks to a Cosmic Shield he summoned around it.

He flashed a smile at them before teleporting outside, prompting the girls to hurry after him.

Archer stood in the arena as the moon hung high in the sky, casting aside his Cosmic Sword and summoning a greatsword, ready for the fight.

As the three girls appeared, they were ready to engage in combat, but Archer's words gave them pause. He announced, "I won't use my full strength. I'll use a limiter."

Closing his eyes, he modified his bracelet to include an option that allowed him to reduce his power to that of a Master Rank.

With the adjustment complete, Archer readied himself for the battle and signaled for them to start.

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Teuila and Talila moved with remarkable coordination, their swords gleaming in the moonlight.

They advanced with calculated strikes, their blades whistling through the air as they aimed to hit Archer.

With swift and precise movements, he parried their attacks, his greatsword meeting their blades in a symphony of clashing steel.

Leira, the magician of the group, conjured her elemental magic. Fire and Lightning crackled around her as she unleashed her spells.

Flames licked the ground, and lightning arced through the air, creating a chaotic battlefield.

Archer's muscles tensed as he deftly maneuvered to counter the magical onslaught, his determination unwavering.

Teuila and Talila, unwavering despite their initial strikes being deflected, pressed on with renewed resolve.

Their swords sliced through the air with deadly precision, their eyes focused on any weakness in Archer's defense.

But he met each of their strikes with skill and precision, his greatsword serving as an impenetrable barrier.

As the girls continued their relentless assault, Leira's magic added a chaotic element to the battle.

Flames danced around Archer, and bolts of lightning crackled dangerously close. He navigated through the magical onslaught, ensuring his safety while fending off the attacks.

The battle unfolded beneath the ghostly light of the moon, each clash a testament to skill, strategy, and trust.

Archer's promise to protect the girls was upheld as he defended himself with remarkable expertise, all while ensuring their safety amid the chaos.

The girls, with their exceptional teamwork, pushed him to his limits but during the chaotic battle, Archer's greatsword found a rare opening.

With a powerful thrust, he managed to send Leira flying, her body propelled through the air.

She let out a surprised yelp as she soared briefly before crashing into the ground a few feet away, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

The other two who witnessed the unexpected turn of events, hesitated for a moment, allowing Archer a brief respite.

He seized the opportunity, quickly repositioning himself to engage them once more.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]