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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 471 Silly Old Man
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Chapter 471 Silly Old Man

Archer heard Mia's stern voice echoing in Albert's ears through the communication device.

"Albert, you are not leaving the mansion, not even if the emperor himself orders it. I won't allow it," Mia declared sternly, like she was telling off a child.

Her words carried a sense of authority, and she continued, "If the emperor wants you, he'll have to go through me first."

Mia's firm tone left no room for argument, showing her commitment to protecting Albert from anything.

A chuckle escaped Archer's lips, catching the attention of Sia and Albert. Their eyes widened in surprise as they turned toward him.

Upon hearing the chuckle, Mia's voice demanded through the communication device, "My handsome grandson! Bring me to the old man so I can drag him back here and give him a piece of my mind."

Archer heeded his grandmother's request and cast Gate to the Silverthrone mansion.

An older version of Sia emerged, clad in pants and leather armor while holding a spear, a sight that took Archer by surprise.

Puzzled, he wondered why she was dressed in such a manner. Mia scanned the tent, spotting Albert and Sia, then finally, Archer.

A warm smile graced her face as she approached him. She hugged him tightly before whispering into his ear. ''Thank you for saving my husband, Arch.''

Mia spoke in such a loving and grateful tone that it caught him off guard, but he returned the hug with one of his own.

Archer thought to himself. 'This isn't so bad. She reminds me of mother back on Earth.'

But he stopped thinking about that and replied. ''He may be a silly old man, but he's still my grandfather, and all you two have done is show me love, so it's the least I can do, grandmother.''

The older woman hugged him even tighter, releasing him only to gently kiss his forehead before speaking, "I'll love you until my last breath. You're my cherished grandson, after all."

A smile adorned Archer's face as Mia approached Albert, who initially grinned at the heartwarming sight, but his expression shifted when he noticed his wife.

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As she neared, she addressed him angrily and affectionately, "You old goat! You seem to forget that you're not as young as you used to be! I appreciate you protecting our daughter, but you still need to take care of yourself."

When Albert heard this, he didn't know what to say and scratched his head while Mia continued. ''If it weren't for our grandson, you and Sia would be lost! I told you to take more soldiers when we last spoke.''

"But, darling, those Church dogs and a dragon attacked us, and little Sia was about to be hurt, so I had to step in," Albert explained.

Mia's temper subsided as he spoke, and she embraced him, saying, "I'm sorry for my outburst; I was just worried. But I knew he would appear whenever you and Sia get into trouble."

Archer's grandparents turned to him, smiling as Albert expressed his gratitude. "Thank you for saving us again, my favorite grandson. I'll take you out for a drink once the Frostwinter Festival starts. I know a good tavern."

Mia scolded him again, saying, "Oh, so you want to get drunk again, eh? Remember what happened last time, old man? Your nephew had to drag you back to the mansion!"

Archer laughed when he heard her before focusing on what she was wearing and examining her armor.

With a teasing voice, the older woman smiled at his gaze and said, "Oh, look at the way you're looking at this old lady. You're going to make me blush."

After she spoke, Archer blushed, but she kept teasing him, saying, "I had to suit up, ready to slay bandits, but nope, you'd already taken care of them. And now, you're here, attempting to charm me away from your grandfather, you mischievous dragon! Who knew you had a thing for grandmothers?"

Caught off guard by her comment, Archer was surprised to hear the laughter of both Sia and Albert.

That's when Archer surprised everyone when he finally spoke with a cheeky grin. "Well, I do like an older woman, but not one who's in a happy marriage and is my precious grandmother.''

Mia had a look of shock appeared on her face. Quickly recovering, she countered, "Oh, interesting. My little grandson loves older women, eh? What if that woman has grandchildren and is free?"

Before he could reply, Sia spoke up in a voice filled with jealousy. ''You will not be marrying an old woman!''

Archer faced his fierce warrior lady and grinned before moving closer to her. Archer tightly held her, which Sia loved.

As they held each other close, Archer leaned towards her ear, whispering words of affection that brought comfort.

Sia warmly hugged him and playfully pushed his head into her bosom, making Mia and Albert laugh while the older woman jokingly remarked, "Well, it seems like the little girl has finally achieved her desire."

After hugging her, Archer released her and turned to his grandparents, stating, "You can head back to the mansion; I'll finish off the bandits."

Curiosity etched across Albert and Sia's faces, prompting the old man to inquire, "How do you know where they are?"

"I don't, but I will know soon," Archer replied confidently.

The other three watched in amazement as Archer opened a portal, and Tressyms appeared, flocking around him.

Mia and Albert's eyes widened in shock, but soon, they burst into laughter as the flying creatures nudged their heads against him.

Archer commanded them to find the bandits in the Summerfield Duchy, to which the Tressyms agreed, taking flight and soaring off.

Following that, he directed his attention to Sia, Mia, and Albert, who observed him with astonishment.

However, he promptly clarified, "They are my scouts. Now, I'll go check on Scar and Shiva."

With those words, he pivoted and strode towards the exit. As Archer stepped outside, he was met with a breathtaking scene.

The jungle, once a vibrant tapestry of green, now lay under a serene blanket of white. The trees bore the weight of glistening snow.

Their branches were adorned with delicate icicles that sparkled like diamonds in the soft light.

A thick blanket of fog clung to the landscape, weaving an ethereal veil that obscured the familiar paths and transformed the jungle into an otherworldly realm.

The air was crisp and cold, each breath visible as a misty cloud. The silence that accompanied the winter scene was profound.

It was broken only by the distant sounds of creaking branches under the weight of snow and the occasional rustle of unseen creatures navigating the frost-covered undergrowth.

Now attuned to the weather, Archer took a moment to appreciate the surroundings. When he arrived, his primary concern was Sia's and Albert's well-being.

His gaze fell upon the two jungle tigers outside the camp, peacefully relaxing amidst the wintry scene.

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Closing the distance, he gently touched their fur before casting Aurora Healing on them.

A radiant white light emanated from Archer's touch, enveloping the tigers in a healing embrace.

The last traces of wounds dissolved and healed them completely. With that complete, Archer continued to show his care.

He tenderly stroked behind the tigers. That's when he looked at Scar and spoke. ''You and Shiva can rest in the domain and take a break.''

Scar nudged its head against Archer, prompting him to stroke it affectionately. Shiva followed suit, seeking similar attention.

With a gesture, he opened a portal for the two majestic tigers. They stepped through as the portal materialized, disappearing into another realm.

Archer watched them vanish before shifting his gaze, contemplating the dark sky before returning to the tent.

Sia, Mia, and Albert chatted when he entered, their laughter blending with the ambiance.

The sound echoed against the backdrop of the ongoing snowfall. They turned towards him, their expressions illuminated by smiles.

He addressed them. "Do you want to return to the capital? I can deal with the bandits."

Mia nodded in agreement with a smile on her face. "I'll be taking the old goat back, and Sia needs to report the church's attack to the emperor."

Archer cast Gate twice, one leading to the Silverthrone mansion and the other to the floating island.

Sia quickly kissed Archer's lips. Her voice reassured me as she spoke, "Come see me when I'm back on the road. Send me a message beforehand, okay?"

Archer nodded a silent agreement between them. Sia's smile widened, and with a final shared gaze, she leaned in for another kiss.

Sia walked through the portal, leaving the snowy jungle behind. Mia and Albert looked on with happy faces, seeing the sweet moment between her and Archer.

His grandmother couldn't resist teasing him more as they prepared to depart. "Archer, how about some grandbabies, eh? I'm not getting any younger, and I might pass away from stress, all thanks to this silly old man."

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]