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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 483 Where Did You Get This From
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Chapter 483 Where Did You Get This From

Archer saw the bear woman and smiled at her, but the Professor asked when she arrived in front of the two of them. ''What happened here, Mr Wyldheart?''

He looked at the older woman and was about to speak, but Nefertiti interrupted. ''She was trying to force Archer on a date, and when he rejected, she got angry, so I dealt with it.''

Professor Ashguard let out a heavy sigh, her concern etched on her face, as she gestured for Archer and Nefertiti to step away. "Give the Healers some space," she urged them, recognizing the situation's urgency.

As the College's Healers swiftly arrived, they took charge, attending to Eliza and her underlings with practiced efficiency.

Professor Ashguard kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, her worry not easily concealed, but she still shooed the couple away.

Archer and Nefertiti reluctantly stepped back, allowing the healers to work on tending to the injured before they left.

The college's garden lay beneath a pristine blanket of snow as they strolled through it. The crunching of their footsteps echoed in the crisp winter air.

Nefertiti, her pink hair contrasting with the snowy backdrop, turned to Archer with a thoughtful expression.

Nefertiti turned to Archer, a touch of urgency in her voice. "Husband. I need to visit my parents and pick up some tomes. Can you open a portal to my home?"

He nodded with a warm smile on his face. "Of course, Nefi."

Archer, with a skilled incantation, cast Gate to the Zenian Palace. Nefertiti, appreciative of his assistance, expressed her gratitude with a deep, lingering kiss.

A radiant smile adorned her as she gracefully stepped through the shimmering portal. It closed behind her, leaving Archer in the serene, snowy tranquility of the college garden.

The echoes of their shared moments lingered in the wintry air, a bittersweet resonance in the quietude of the snowy landscape.

Standing in the college garden, Archer marveled at the enchanting snowy landscape that stretched before him.

A feeling of gratitude surged within him as he took in the beauty of the world around him and was happy to find himself here and not in some hellhole.

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With the serene scenery as his backdrop, Archer decided to seek out Ella. The thought of spending time together on such a picturesque day excited him.

Determinedly, he set off to find her, eager to share the charm of their wintry surroundings and the warmth of their connection.

Archer walked back into the college, and when he did, he used Aura Detector to scan for the half-elf, but it was blocked, which confused him.

The thought of a particular witch crossed his mind, eliciting a chuckle. He opted for the old-fashioned approach and set out to find her.

After wandering around the college for ten minutes, he spotted her at the entrance, surrounded by the other girls.

When he approached and they spotted him, their smiles brightened. Each girl greeted him individually, ranging from warm smiles to affectionate kisses.

However, Halime and Nala watched the scene with jealous looks. Noticing their feelings, he turned to them before walking over to them.

Archer kissed each one on the cheek, prompting smiles to grace the faces of the two. As he swiftly responded to the urgency, the two girls beside him expressed their happiness.

Excitement infused Sera's voice as she interjected, "Sweetheart, I'm taking Llyniel and Halime to see the Beasthaven and visit the sisters."

He nodded before opening a portal to the domain. The three ladies bid their farewells and stepped through.

Turning his attention to Teuila and Talila conversing with Leira, Nala approached him with a beaming smile as she declared enthusiastically. "Archie! Me and the girls will be training before our date. After that, we can train together.''

Archer chuckled upon hearing Nala's excited declaration but greeted the lion girl with a warm smile. She rewarded him with a peck on the cheek before hurrying over to join the other two girls.

Teuila approached him, a smile gracing her blue-haired visage. "So, you're training with us tonight?" she inquired.

He nodded in affirmation, and Teuila responded with a hug before requesting to return to the domain. Archer promptly opened a portal leading to the treehouse.

Talila, approaching with a playful demeanor, shared jokes with him about the upcoming training session, causing Archer to laugh.

That's when he saw Ella, Leira, and Hemera watching the scene before he walked over to them and spoke. ''I will take you two out the day after tomorrow.''

Hemera and Leira smiled when they heard him. The two girls told him they wanted to return to the domain library and study.

He opened a third portal with a warm smile, and the girls stepped through after sharing hugs. Now, only he and Ella remained, both standing there with smiles.

Archer's gaze fell on the girl who had always been beside him. With her short blonde hair and captivating sky-blue eyes, Ella exuded a charming presence.

Petite and slender, she wore a winter dress that reached her knees and a pair of boots that added to her overall charm.

Archer shook his head with a smile and suggested, "I heard there's a river that runs through the city. Let's find it while taking a walk."

Ella nodded, her eyes lighting up, and she stepped closer, grabbing his arm. They left the college grounds behind, ready to explore the city and stroll by the river.

They walked hand in hand down the road that led to Starfall City. The landscape was transformed into a winter wonderland, with pristine snow covering everything.

The crunch of their footsteps echoed in the crisp air as they strolled beneath the wintry branches of trees lining the road.

As they approached the city, the snow-covered landscape gave way to the lively atmosphere of Starfall.

Buildings adorned with icicles and twinkling lights lined the streets, creating a festive ambiance.

The couple continued their journey, the chilly air filled with the buzz of city life and the soft glow of lanterns guiding their way.

When they got close to the city gate, the towering walls greeted them with an imposing yet welcoming presence.

The gate guard, clad in a uniform adorned with the city's emblem, noticed their approach.

With a friendly nod, he raised the gate, allowing the couple entry into the bustling heart of Starfall.

The gate guard exclaimed warmly. "Enjoy your time in our beautiful city."

"Thank you," Archer replied, reciprocating the smile, and he and Ella stepped into the lively streets beyond.

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Starfall City sprawled before them, a tapestry of life and activity. Market stalls lined the cobbled streets.

As they walked, Archer saw merchants and traders selling their wares, ranging from trinkets to warm winter clothing.

The air was rich with street food scents, inviting passersby to sample the local delicacies.

They meandered through the crowded thoroughfares, their surroundings alive with the chatter of residents and visitors alike.

Snowflakes danced down from above, adding a touch of magic to the scene. As they navigated the bustling streets, it gradually gave way to the soothing sounds of the harbor.

The distant cries of birds mingled with the gentle water lapping against the docks. That's when they arrived at Starfall's Harbor.

Archer saw ships with billowing sails bobbed in the water, their masts towering over the waterfront.

That's when he led them along the riverbank as they enjoyed the area's tranquility, the city's lively energy now replaced by the serene embrace of the flowing water.

They walked side by side, exchanging smiles and occasional conversation, the rhythmic footsteps blending with the city's symphony.

The river, a liquid ribbon winding through Starfall, carried ships back and forth, which Archer stopped to watch.

When Ella saw this, she stopped walking and smiled before speaking. ''It's beautiful, ain't it.''

Massive cargo ships, adorned with colorful flags and sails, gracefully glided into the harbor, their hulls laden with goods from distant lands.

Sailors hurriedly scrambled on the decks, securing ropes and preparing for docking. Sleek and swift merchant ships departed, leaving trails of rippling waves in their wake.

The air was alive with the creaking of wooden masts, the flapping of sails, and the distant calls of seagulls.

''Yeah, it is. But I'm glad I'm here with you, El. Sorry, I haven't spent much time with you girls lately. Life seems to get in the way.'' Archer spoke as they found a bench to sit on.

Ella looked at him and smiled before speaking. ''Don't worry about it, Arch. We have years ahead of us and plenty of time. You seem to forget you, and I both live long, thanks to our races not like the normal humans who haven't leveled up.''

Archer nodded when he heard the half-elf and smiled before pulling out the tub of noodles he had bought and two forks.

When Ella saw this, she giggled before commenting. ''Where did you get this from?''

He looked at her with a smile before answering. ''When I found little Stella. I bought loads of it and wanted you girls to try it.''