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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 498 History Class
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Chapter 498 History Class

Archer and Sia took some time to return to Eldora. Upon their arrival, he waited outside while she escorted the people inside.

While they were waiting, he started stroking Scar, which pleased the big tiger who wanted to see Shiva.

Leaping from the tiger's back, he grinned and addressed the majestic creature, "Go check on your mate. Return once matters have settled."

Amusement danced in his eyes as Scar dashed into the town, causing a stir among the guards.

Albert laughed before teasing, "You're aware that your tiger's sudden appearance is bound to create a bit of chaos in the town, right?"

''I don't care to be honest. It's not like he's attacking anyone he's chasing after his woman.'' Archer replied with a smile.

The old man laughed as he turned to the landscape and admired it. The vast expanse of snow-covered terrain unfolded around Archer and Albert as they lingered outside the town.

He saw dozens of farms in the distance, with windmills turned due to the cold wind that was blowing.

A chill ran down Archer's spine as the cold air crept up his shirt. Swiftly, he retrieved a cloak and draped it around his shoulders.

After waiting a little while, Sia and the soldiers returned with smiles. Looking at them, he saw Scar and Shiva running around in the snow.

The pair of large, ebony tigers frolicked behind the soldiers, playfully leaping and intertwining with each other, prompting him to think to himself, 'They're like big house cats.'

Sia and Valeria walked up to him. When they got closer, Sia kissed him, and the female knight said hello.

After the greetings, Archer asked with a smile, "What are you doing now?"

She turned to the brown-haired woman, who answered with a smile. "We have to head to Laketown and clear out some outlaws."

Archer nodded. ''Okay, well, I have to head back to the college. I got Spellcraft, which Jade teaches, and I may learn something new from it.''

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Sia's smile widened as she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Archer warmly. "Come see me again. I enjoyed seeing you, even just for a few minutes. It's better than nothing."

Archer grinned, the twinkle in his eyes matching the playful tone in his voice as he cast Gate. "Well, I'll be taking you on a date in four days, so I'll get you then."

Excitement lit up Sia's face as she responded eagerly. "Make sure you keep your word, Arch! I can't wait."

As he was about to speak, Archer felt a hearty hand land on his shoulder, causing him to jump.

Albert chuckled once more, a warmth in his eyes as he stood there with a smile. "Make sure to visit your grandmother. She likes seeing you, boy."

With a nod, Archer smiled back and reassured the old man, "I will," before turning to Sia. "I promise I'll keep it and see you both later."

Stepping through the portal, he found himself in the bustling college garden. Students hurried to and from classes, their chatter creating a lively atmosphere.

The portal closed behind him with a soft hum, prompting a sigh from Archer. Though he didn't mind attending class, he yearned for more time with Sia.

Heading towards the nearest entrance, he navigated through the bustling crowd of students.

In an unexpected encounter, he bumped into one of the girls Nefertiti had confronted earlier.

Seeing Archer, she turned and walked the other way, causing him to chuckle. Undeterred, he continued, eventually arriving at the corridor leading to his history class.

Walking for ten minutes, he found himself in a quieter space. Archer scanned the surroundings and soon located his class.

He pushed open the heavy door of the Legends and Mysteries classroom, greeted by an array of historical artifacts, maps, and scrolls scattered throughout the room.

The air held a faint scent of aged parchment, a testament to the wealth of knowledge embedded in the very walls.

Only three students occupied the room, their attention momentarily diverted from their textbooks as he entered.

Archer picked a seat in the middle of the classroom. The wooden chair made a soft creaking sound as he sat down.

Looking around, Archer absorbed the historical tapestries on the walls. He couldn't help but like the immersive atmosphere the professor had created.

The silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the rustling of pages and the occasional murmur of the students engaged in their studies.

Archer sat in the classroom as more students arrived. Suddenly, Nefertiti and Sera walked in, their faces lighting up at the sight of him.

Nefertiti kissed him so passionately that he felt her love for him radiating from her, followed by one from Sera.

The dragon girl gave him excited pecks as she was pleased to see him. The two girls then took their seats just as a young man with grey hair and thick glasses entered the classroom.

"Sit down and quieten down; we have a lot to go through today." He declared, his tone authoritative yet not unkind.

Archer and the rest of the students exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected appearance of the new instructor.

The young man seemed poised and confident, capturing the room's attention with his presence.

That's when the Professor turned to Archer with a curious glint in his eyes before speaking. ''So you're the white dragon who attends classes?''

He nodded but didn't say anything, causing the man to continue. ''Well, why don't we start with introductions? I'm Professor Zale Jackson.''

Standing with confidence, he introduced himself with a charming smile. "I'm Archer Wyldheart, and these two lovely ladies are my fiancée, Nefertiti, and Sera Wyldheart."

The girls smiled at the class as he spoke before sitting back down with Archer. Professor Jackson stood at the front of the class, looking at the students.

Their faces were eager and lit up by the soft glow of the lanterns. He began, "Today, let's delve into the legends of the Avalon Empire forged through conquest, diplomacy, and the unwavering ambitions of its first King, Darius Avalon, the ancestor of the current emperor."

He paced as he spoke, his words painting a vivid picture of the Avalonians, a once-small nation with ambitions far exceeding their borders.

"In the beginning, the Avalonians were modest, facing the challenges of a limited army and resources. However, the vision and leadership of King Darius set them on a path to greatness."

The Professor gestured to a map projected onto the wall, illustrating the sixteen kingdoms that comprised the vast Avalon Empire.

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"These territories weren't always under the empire's rule. Each kingdom had its unique history, culture, and rulers. The Avalonians, facing adversity, looked beyond their borders, seeking expansion and prosperity."

His voice took on a cadence that attracted the class's attention. "Despite their limitations, Darius devised cunning strategies, formed alliances, and employed military might and diplomacy. Through a series of calculated conquests and political marriages, Darius gradually brought these sixteen kingdoms under the banner of the Avalonians."

He paused, letting the information sink in before he spoke. "What's remarkable is that this empire, now a vast and influential force, was born from the ambition of a people who, at the time, were just a fraction of what they would become."

The professor continued, detailing the key figures, battles, and treaties that shaped the rise of the Avalon Empire. "It's the brilliance of the first king and the indomitable spirit of a people determined to leave an enduring mark on the world."

The students scribbled notes, their pens dancing across parchment as they captured the essence of Avalon's ascent.

Professor Jackson's storytelling wove a tapestry of history, and within the classroom walls, the echoes of battles, alliances, and triumphs resonated.

When the lecture concluded, Professor Jackson looked at his students with pride. "Remember, understanding our past is crucial to grasping the present."

Archer wasn't particularly interested in the empire's history; what intrigued him were the tales of secret or guarded treasures.

He craved stories of lands overflowing with riches. Just as fortune would have it, the history teacher paused, capturing his attention as the professor locked eyes with him.

"Is something boring, Archer?" The professor asked in a frustrated voice, eliciting giggles from the two girls.

He responded to the man, "Well, yeah, it's boring, but that's just me. I prefer the legends of treasures and lost cities."

Upon hearing Archer's question, the Professor sighed and then strolled to a bookshelf, selecting a book.

The professor approached him and handed over the book, saying, "Read this while I finish the class."

Archer smiled before delving into the book's pages as he began reading the book handed to him by the Professor.

He found himself engrossed in the tale of the fall of Placidia. The words painted a vivid picture of a once-thriving continent that had succumbed to the ominous shadow of the Swarm.

The narrative unfolded, describing how otherworldly darkness enveloped the land, extinguishing all light and plunging the continent into an eternal night.

The Swarm, a malevolent force, had taken hold, spreading like a relentless tide, and anyone who dared approach its blackened borders met a grim fate.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]