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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 532 My Love
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Chapter 532 My Love

[Nefertiti & Hecate's POV]

The woman led them toward a house on the outskirts of the town. Nefertiti looked around and noticed that it was isolated from the town.

She wondered why this was and turned to the woman, who smiled as she answered her unspoken question. ''The town thinks I'm cursed.''

''Why?'' Nefertiti asked with a curious voice.

The woman looked at her with a neutral look and answered. ''They believe I brought this upon them when I used to hunt in the forest, and my name is Kelia, by the way.''

Hecate turned her red eyes to the woman named Kelia, who was dressed in worn-out adventurer's armor with a shirt and pants underneath.

She led the two girls into the house and explained. ''We have to hide inside while the lights go out; otherwise, those things swarm and drag us off.''

Nefertiti's eyes narrowed with suspicion before asking. ''What are these things you speak of? And why don't the townspeople fight back?''

Kelia took off her cloak, exposing short white hair and a pair of blue eyes that hinted at her being in her mid-forties because of the wrinkles.

Setting the cloak aside, she responded, "We discovered they were once humans years back and attempted to fight back, but we suffered a loss of a hundred people in just two nights."

She motioned for them to sit down, which they did, and Kelia continued explaining. ''They are Master Mages, and we cannot fight them without being severely injured or dying.''

Nefertiti grinned and proclaimed, "When our husband arrives, he will reduce them to ash for daring to harm us."

Hecate giggled in agreement, prompting Kelia to grow curious and inquire, "Do you believe your husband can stand against them?"

''Of course. He's a dragon, after all, and also trapped down here.'' The pink-haired girl spoke with a smile on her face.

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Kelia's eyes betrayed a lingering concern as she continued the conversation. However, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Without uttering a word, she gracefully rose from her seat. With purposeful steps, she moved towards a hidden corner of the room.

Suddenly, she extended her hands and closed her eyes in concentration. A soft hum of magic resonated in the air as Kelia activated the protective enchantment.

The room was bathed in a faint green glow as an ethereal shield materialized, encircling the entire house. 

When Hecate saw this, she got intrigued and spoke for the first time, shocking Kelia. ''What is this magic? And how can it stop those creatures?''

The white-haired woman sat opposite and answered as she took her boots off. ''You'll see. Give it about ten minutes, and they'll be here whispering.''

The two girls nodded as they settled in and got comfortable. The darkness outside began to swallow the landscape.

Shadows deepened, and the veil of night draped over the town like a cloak. The mana lamps outside flickered to life, casting light that barely pushed back the blackness.

Peering through the windows, Nefertiti and Hecate could only see a few feet out because of how dark it was.

A creepy silence settled over the town as the mana lamps struggled to push back the pervasive darkness.

The only sounds were the hushed whispers of the wind that seemed to carry a foreboding message.

Nefertiti exchanged glances with Hecate, their senses heightened by the encroaching night and the cryptic ambiance outside.

Suddenly, soft voices appeared in the whispering winds. The faint murmurs danced on the edge of their hearing, giving them shivers.

Nefertiti looked around the room, trying to find where the haunting voices were coming from, while Hecate's red eyes squinted with curiosity and caution.

Hecate, driven by her never-ending curiosity, walked towards the nearest window. Kelia looked at the moon elf and warned, "Be careful, child. Not all that lurks in the darkness is friendly."

Despite Kelia's words, Hecate continued walking toward it and wanted to look out. When she reached it, her breath caught in her throat. Just beyond the glass stood a humanoid figure.

Glowing red eyes pierced through the darkness, fixated on her. It looked creepy, with sharp claws that scraped against the window pane, producing an unsettling sound.

Wicked teeth gleamed in the light, and their whispers filled the room, asking to let them in or to come outside.

A shiver ran down her spine as she took in its twisted form. The creature's eyes glowed like burning embers, fixated on her with an unsettling intensity.

Mimicking Archer's tone, it whispered, every word oozing with a deceptive sweetness. "Open the window, my moon witch. Let me in so I can love you.''

Confusion clouded Hecate's expression as the voice echoed, resembling Archer's yet distinctively not his own.

The warning from Ashara lingered in her thoughts, urging caution. Her hesitation was palpable, her gaze fixating on the creature's glowing eyes.

Despite the allure, a surge of willpower coursed through Hecate. Then, with words that cut through her heart, the creature spoke, "Don't you love me, Hecate?"

Caught in an internal struggle, the moon elf teetered on the edge of succumbing to the haunting whispers.

Nefertiti seized her shoulder, her voice dripping with venom. "That creature isn't our husband. It's reading our surface thoughts and using them against us."

Hecate turned to the pink-haired girl and nodded with a small smile. Kelia, sensing the perilous encounter, swiftly approached and closed the curtains.

The room darkened, and the whispers faded. Kalia spoke with a firm voice, her gaze fixed on the now-sealed window. "That was not your husband. They mimic those familiar to deceive. Stay vigilant, child and don't go outside."

As Hecate settled into a chair, Kelia walked to the corner of the room where a rustic kettle simmered over a gentle flame.

The aroma of herbs filled the air as Kelia prepared a teapot. The light from the mana lamps cast shadows that danced along the walls.

After a few minutes, Kelia returned with a tray holding three cups of steaming tea. The cups were adorned with patterns that spoke of a long-forgotten past.

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She placed the tray between Nefertiti, Hecate, and herself on the table as she spoke softly with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Here, my dears. Tea has a way of comforting the soul in times of unease."

Nefertiti and Hecate accepted the cups, the warmth transferring from the porcelain to their hands.

They sipped the tea, the comforting blend soothing their nerves. However, screams of primal fear reached their ears amidst the calming atmosphere.

Hecate's gaze met Kelia's, her eyes reflecting confusion and concern. The older woman sighed, setting her cup down with a heavy heart. "Those screams you hear are from someone succumbing to the whispers. They listened and believed, and now they are lost."

The room fell into a somber silence as the echoes of anguish outside continued. Kelia's gaze lingered on the window, her thoughts carried away by the distant wails.

Still sipping the hot tea, Hecate broke the silence with a question in her exotic accent, "What happened to this town, Kelia?"

The old woman's gaze softened as she looked at Hecate. She took a moment before responding, choosing her words carefully, "During a beast wave, a stranger arrived. He claimed he could help us by casting a powerful spell in the middle of the town to repel the threat."

Her eyes betrayed a mix of sorrow and resentment as she continued, "In the middle of town, amidst the chaos of the beasts, he performed a spell. A spell that was supposed to shield us from the onslaught. However, it did more than that. It transported the entire town to this forsaken place."

Kelia went quiet, which made the two girls think to themselves, but Nefertiti asked. ''What are these creatures? And why don't they break in?''

Upon hearing the question, the older woman let out a heavy sigh, her eyes carrying the weight of haunting memories. "The first week was... fine. There were no problems, but then, one night, they attacked. They came like shadows, cruel and relentless, and dragged ten people away. The next night, fear gripped us, and we huddled in our houses, desperately barricading the doors against the looming darkness."

Hecate noticed the immense sadness in her eyes as she continued speaking. ''A year passed like this until the town mage figured out a way to keep us safe with the enchantments around the house. That's when the creatures started with their whispers, which managed to trick some people, but we've learned.''

As the three continued chatting about the town. However, a sudden change in the atmosphere cut through their conversation.

Whispers filled the air, eerie and unsettling. Among them, Archer's voice emerged, reaching out to the succubus.

"Nefertiti, my love, help me.'' The voice pleaded, its eerie blend of familiarity and distortion mimicking Archer's tone, but something was off with it.

When the pink-haired girl heard this, she got angry but ignored them as she knew they outranked her and could kill her without an issue.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]