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A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 1164
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Chapter 1164

Cordy took a deep breath and told Quinn, "I’m counting on you now. Patrick and I will arrange for the

wedding to resume."


"Wait, where's Dicky?" Cordy suddenly remembered.

"I just saw him follow Sean outside. He must be with John-do you want me to check?"

“Yeah, thanks,"

Cordy and Patrick left, while Quinn called to check if Richard was with John.

She went looking for Cordy after she was done, and Cordy had already confirmed the new program

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with the emcee, and the wedding soon resumed.

Some of the guests had left, but not that many-both Cordy and Patrick were people of influence, just as

many would need to consider their positions.

Moreover, if the bride and bridegroom feel that they could continue, there probably was no danger.

As such, Cordy and Patrick stood together one stage once more, looking like a match made in heaven.

The emcee livened things up, clearing the gloom before proceeding to the new schedule.

"Patrick Stuart, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife; love her, comfort her, honor and keep

her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall


Patrtick turned toward Cordy with a smile but paused when he saw Cordy.

She was obviously distracted, her eyes staring aimlessly ahead while her fingers clenched on her

bouquet of flowers.

"Mr. Stuart?" The priest prompted Patrick when he did not respond.

At that instant, Cordy seemed to finally realize that Patrick had been staring at her for a while now.

She turned toward Patrick and smiled faintly at him, looking just like usual- except for the tears welling

in her eyes, which her smile squeezed out of her eyes.

One drop trickled down her cheek, but she subtly wiped it away.

"Oh, our bridegroom is mesmerized by her bride!" the emcee joked then." There's no rush-you have a

whole night waiting for you to get going, so why don't we finish the wedding for now?"

The guests laughed, and the atmosphere in the banquet hall returned to normal.

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Patrick's Adam's apple bobbed as he said, "I do."

"Cordy Sachs, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband; love him, comfort him, honor and keep

him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both

shall live?"

"I do," Cordy answered simply and without hesitation.

"You may exchange your rings."

Quinn brought forward the rings, and Patrick was supposed to put it on Cordy's finger first.

Cordy was second, but her fingers kept shaking uncontrollably, so much so that she missed several


"Cordy?" Patrick whispered to her.

Cordy took a deep breath and smiled. "It's my first time. I'm a little nervous.

And with that, she calmly slid the ring on Patrick's finger.