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A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 1284
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Chapter 1284

Everyone was dressed formally and elegantly, none of them doing anything out of line since Jesse was present.

Even Paul Cranston—who was usually dissatisfied with the favoritism Jesse showed to Sean-was afraid to say more.

Naturally, he could not help throwing some barbs at Sean's way from time to time, but Jesse's glare would be

enough to silence him.

Surprisingly, Patrick was allowed in the family photo as well.

Even the man himself was surprised-while Jesse had grown to accept him, it was not difficult to tell that the man

was exasperated whenever he looked at Patrick.

He was probably wondering how his legacy ended up ruined because of Patrick, but it was quite simply a mystery...

Under the directions of the staff, everyone stood in position. Then, with a few brisk snaps of the camera shutter, the

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digital copy of their photo was soon displayed on a huge screen.

Everyone was smiling happily, even if some were reluctant. It was a picture of one big happy family.

They all certainly felt something then and would suddenly agree that nothing was more important than family...

Still, the Cranstons started to leave after the photo session, leaving just Cordy and John.

Cordy stopped Sean. "Hey, Sean?"

Sean looked at her, since he was going to send Jesse home.

"You should stay with us," Cordy said.


"Take some photos with Patrick," Cordy suggested quietly.

Sean was a little hesitant-it did cross his mind, but they were still two grown men...

Still, he became eager with Cordy's offer, and Cordy kept goading him. "You have Grandfather’s approval, so let's

take some photos in commemoration of you and Patrick and then with us as well."

Sean glanced at Patrick, who was poring over his phone and shrugging nonchalantly, "Your call."

"I'll send Grandfather home first," Sean said.

"Okay. We're waiting."

Sean did not reply, but his silence could well be a yes.

Still, he returned before long.

Cordy asked, "You sent Grandfather home already?"

"Nope. He's heading home with Uncle Paul," Sean replied.

Cordy smiled enigmatically then-their grandfather was certainly sharp.

"I had the staff pick your clothes," Cordy said. "Try them on."

Sean nodded and headed to the dressing room with Patrick.

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Since Cordy and John's photo session was prearranged, their session was quickly over with no issues.

The cameraman and his assistant were in awe even as they worked. "You have to be the most beautiful couple I've

ever seen. There's no need for touch-ups-your photo is already perfect!

"I'll ask the boss to give you some rebate since we're spared such taxing post-processing work.

"If you don't mind, we could even waive any charges if we're allowed to use your photos for promotional


It was the first time Cordy had ever met such a talkative cameraman, who was constantly praising their good looks

instead of asking forthem to pose.

Meanwhile, Sean and Patrick's photo session started halfway through theirs.

In reality, they kept their distance in public so others did not see them together often. It was perhaps to be tactful

toward those around them as well, since not everyone was that accepting.

Naturally, the cameraman asked them to stand close to each other, even intimately for the photo.

Cordy was left spacing out, since they were a good match for each other!