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A Life Debt Repaid

Chapter 261
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Chapter 261

Perhaps some people were destined for misfortune.

When Cordy was young, she lost her mother, and her father remarried. The stepdaughter he gained

from the new marriage was always working against her, and everyone in the house also helped with

said stepdaughter's schemes. When Cordy grew up, she had excellent grades and outstanding

capabilities. But the stepdaughter framed her, making Cordy give birth out of wedlock which caused a

lot of trouble and led her into gaining a notorious reputation in the city. Due to that, Cordy was dropped

out of a prestigious university and kicked out of her home by her father. She was forced to wander the

streets of a foreign country and struggled to survive with the skin of her teeth.

Cordy once thought she had met a man who truly loved her, and she gave him everything she had;

only for him to cheat on her behind her back with her stepsister.

Later, she thought she had finally found true love and mustered up the courage to give life another

chance... Only to find that everything was just a scam once more.

Despite everything that had happened, she still tried her best to live on. It hadn't been an easy journey

to be born in this cruel world, so she wanted to live well. She didn't want to disappoint her late mother's

wish, who had told her, "Even if I leave, you'll have to carry my love for you and live. Be happy."

Every time she felt overwhelmed by life, Cordy would always remember her late mother's words. She

would then grit her teeth and pull through whatever situation she was in.

Cordy's tears slid down her eyes continuously, without stopping.

She would get through this too. It was just another experience, the same tragedy back when she had

been eighteen.

This was just...another time that fate would trample on her.

Perhaps it had happened so many times, so she was numb to it.


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The door suddenly burst open.

Kyle, who had been eagerly exploring Cordy's body, was startled. Before he could react, someone

pulled him off Cordy and shoved him to the ground before kicking him hard. The blow was so harsh

that Kyle almost couldn't breathe from the pain, but countless blows landed on him before he could do

anything else. He couldn't even beg for mercy with how ruthless the blows rained down on him. He was

going to die!

He could feel his blood seeping out of the wounds and drenching him in the red liquid, and his vision

blurred after a few moments.

He couldn't even tell if it was tears or blood, but he felt like an inch away from death.

"Mr. Levine," Randy called out, pulling John back a little. "Stop beating him. He'll die at this rate."

John's face was filled with rage, and it looked as if he wouldn't calm down until someone was dead by

his hands.

"He’s not worth staining your hands with blood," Randy said insistently as he tried to move his frenzied

boss with all his might. He understood the man's anger. He really did.

John had mobilized all the forces he had in his hand to find Cordy. After discovering that the last call to

Cordy's phone had been from the police, he immediately retrieved the surveillance videos in that area.

He found that Cordy had passed out shortly after exiting the station and that Kyle had whisked her

away right after. Following the surveillance videos on Kyle's journey, they finally found this villa in the


Without hesitation, John sped to the villa as fast as possible. As Randy sat in the vehicle's passenger

seat, he was already drafting his will in his mind.

After going through the thrilling danger of the roads and arriving at the villa, John brutally kicked down

the door and rushed into the bedroom, only to find Kyle on top of Cordy...

Randy had never seen his boss in such a terrible state. His eyes had an indescribable fury that was

impossible to suppress at that moment.

Randy truly, genuinely felt that someone would really die.

Sure enough, John went crazy and started beating Kyle until the latter couldn't move and lay in the

puddle of his own blood on the ground.

If John continued, Kyle really would die.

Despite understanding John's anger, their country was still a society with rules and laws. If John killed

someone, he would pay with his own life.

Randy couldn't allow his boss to accompany that sad excuse of a man down the gallows. Kyle wasn't

worth it. Besides, Kyle was now in their hands. Randy was sure he would have a miserable life after

this. There was no need to rush.

However, John refused to listen to Randy's advice and shoved him away roughly. The former was

unable to hold back his rage, and would only calm down once he murdered Kyle.

Randy was shocked. John had always been a sensible man who had never lost control, not in such a

frightening manner.

"Mr. Levine, Mrs. Levine seems like she won't hold out any longer!" Randy tried, the idea coming to him

almost instantly.

He needed the right solution to the right problem.

At this moment, only Cordy could bring John back to his senses; only she could be his salvation.

As expected, John's frenzied revenge on Kyle was put on hold instantly at the mention of Cordy. He

turned around to look at her.

Cordy was nestled inside the blanket, her face flushed red and looking extremely uncomfortable as her

body writhed wildly.

She looked exactly how she did when she was eighteen.

The anger swirling through John's veins increased. He knew all too well the damage he had left in

Cordy back then. This woman, who he had treated so carefully that he hadn't even touched her finger

till now, had been tortured to this extent by Kyle!

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"Take that man to the police station," John instructed, snarling. ’Collect all the evidence and bring up

charges against him for attempted rape and intentional assault.’

If Kyle wasn't sentenced to death, he should at least serve a long prison time.

"Rest assured, Mr. Levine, I'll handle this properly. Please take Mrs. Levine away. I know what to do."

Randy had served John for many years, and John didn't need to question the man's capabilities to

carry out tasks. He strode on long legs to the bedside and bent to take Cordy into his arms.

Cordy was in a mess. Several of her buttons were torn, and her shirt hung in tatters on her body. If

John had been a little later...

John forced back his inner rage, but could do nothing about the fierce expression. However, his actions

were extremely gentle and careful when he got close to Cordy. Taking off the jacket he was wearing, he

wrapped it around her tightly before picking her up and leaving quickly.

He placed her in the car's back seat before getting into the driver's seat and driving. As he drove, he

called his personal doctor and said, 'Drugged and fed aphrodisiac. Is there any other way to get rid of


"Mr. Levine, the best solution is to satisfy her," the man said bluntly. "This kind of drug goes straight to

the nerves, and any drug or medicine with such effects has to be handled carefully. If we’re careless, it

could cause an unwanted long-term side effect, and also-’

John suddenly let out a muffled grunt because Cordy suddenly leaned over in the back seat.

Heat crashed through her in waves, and she felt extremely restless as she squirmed.

"Mr. Levine?" the man on the other end of the line called out cautiously.

John swallowed harshly and took a deep breath before replying, "Continue. I'm listening.’

"Alright," the doctor said. "If you really want to use medicine to counter the effects, we'll need to do a

comprehensive examination of her body to find a suitable counter for her. We'll need to do that so it

won't affect her internal organs, but this process would take several hours. Basically, the drug would

have run its course by then, so we wouldn't recommend going to the hospital after doing that. The

fastest and most effective way without giving rise to any side effects is to simply satisfy her.’