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Absolute Resonance-Novel2

Chapter 0293: Green Luan
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Chapter 0293: Green Luan

Rivulets of blood ran down the fur of the three-tailed beast as it turned to the defenders of the purified spot. It was a frightened silence that greeted it.

Li Luo might have dealt with the grinning demon, but the three-tailed beast could very well be an even larger problem!

It was even stronger than the grinning demon. And who among them could stand up against the beast that had taken down the Other?

It was heavily injured, but it was still much stronger than anyone they had.

They had celebrated too early!

The students were dispirited all over again, and their shoulders slumped in resignation of their death.

This rollercoaster of emotions between hope and despair was too much to bear.

Even Jiang Qing'e and the other third years didn't know what to do.

"Let's go. Hold out as long as we can. At least the beast is alone. If we lose here, everyone can scatter and run away. A few of us should leave," Jiang Qing'e said calmly.

The grinning demon had them surrounded with Others previously. Once their barrier broke, they would have died without exception. But now, although their new foe was stronger, it was alone. It was, perhaps, a slight improvement.

Plus, the spirit beast might be savage, but it probably wasn't as keen on human flesh compared to the Others.

The others saw the dark humor in the situation and smiled grimly.

No one blamed Li Luo for his plan. At the very least, he had bought them time, if nothing else.

Perhaps they would have been able to bring the spirit beast down if the grinning demon hadn't been reverse cannibalized by its own kind.

Or if it had bought enough time for reinforcements to arrive.

The three-tailed beast stomped its way over to them steadily, shaking the ground with each step. The students couldn't breathe.

There was some amusement in those crimson eyes. It was toying with its food.

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The most classic play of beasts everywhere: play with the prey until it died.

Jiang Qing'e did not intend to go down that way. The third year veterans all stood strong with her for now, but the Two Star Hall students might break down at any moment.

Li Luo stepped out before she could.

Everyone stared at him, agog.

"Well, since I'm the one who made this mess, I guess I should clean it," Li Luo said, pulling up his sleeve as casually as if he had spilled milk on the table. He was quite satisfied with his performance so far.

This would be a very satisfying end to things. Him, wrapping up the festivities.

The seal on his palm was crying out for satisfaction.

The students looked at him doubtfully. Was he planning to do it alone?

Sure, he had pulled off some pretty epic stuff so far, but surely this was impossible, right?

"Li Luo, we're not blaming you for bringing the beast here," Tian Tian said hesitantly. "There's no need to atone with your death."

All the students nodded agreement.

"I'm not going to die," Li Luo said indignantly.

Qiu Bai sighed. "There rest of us are though."

Li Luo stared at him. “Damn, man, you're still breathing, aren't you? Don't get all nihilistic on me!

“I've been running my ass off the last few days and even I haven't given up yet.”

"You're really going?" Jiang Qing'e suddenly cut in.

Li Luo nodded gravely. "One must bear one's responsibilities."

Some of the female students were in tears, but Jiang Qing'e had a look of happy amusement in her eyes.

"Go on, then."


This wasn't right. Had she always been such a blunt person? Wasn't she going to tearfully beg him to live or something?

He had even prepared a nice, heroic script. Now he couldn't even use it.

"Go on, then." She poked him.

"Sister Qiang, that's very unkind of you. How could you send Li Luo to face that thing alone?" a student called out.

Li Luo saw that Jiang Qing'e was still smiling. Had the plump swan sensed that he had something up his now-rolled-up sleeve?

Was she that astute?

Damn, he had been expecting some comfort or reward. Those were hard to come by.

Why did swans have to be smarter than they were affectionate?

He kicked up a cloud of dust grumpily and started forward, but a cool, slim hand suddenly slipped into his own. His heart skipped a beat.

She gave him a glowing smile, looking down almost shyly as the wind blew a wisp of hair across her face. "I'm counting on you this time. But you've made me see my own failings this time. I'll work hard in the future so you never have to take such risks again."

Li Luo's heart warmed and chilled at the same time. It was very touching, but were those words that the girl should be saying to the guy!?

Still, a little reward was better than no reward. He gave her hand a little squeeze, then he walked on.

"Leader," Xin Fu said, catching up and matching his stride. "Do you still need my gravestone quote?"

"Off with you," Li Luo said irritably. This guy must have caught on too... Why was he so damn readable nowadays?

He hopped down off the high wall, walking on towards the three-tailed beast.

It stared at him, and its killing intent filled the air.

It was the cunning human that had played it.

If not for this kid luring it here, it would not have spent so much resources and energy fighting that grinning demon.

But now that was behind it. First it would eat this kid and then the rest of the scraps behind it.

"Why, hello there," Li Luo said affably to its rumbling growl.

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Like an engine roaring to life, the three-tailed beast leaped forth with a deafening cry, ready to shred Li Luo to bits. Its shadow eclipsed him, and he looked especially small under it.

No more delays.

It was time to eat the human.

Li Luo raised his palm, and the seal in his hand glowed.


WHISH! A rumble of wind and thunder suddenly swept in.

A bolt of green light appeared, swifter than anyone could register. It arced across the entire sky, in the shape of a green luan on the wing.

The students gasped.

"Hold it right there, foul beast!"


The howling wind formed a green wall around Li Luo, and the three-tailed beast ran headlong into it. The wall shattered, and the beast was thrown back, winded.

While Li Luo was still reeling, a column of green light suddenly landed before him.

Li Luo saw a tall, willowy figure with a staff of white jade.

That arresting figure, that strength, Li Luo recognized her in an instant.

The First Princess!

Reinforcements were here!

But Li Luo felt a strong surge of resentment come forth.

“I've hunted this thing for days. Are you going to steal my thunder just like that in the end?!”

1. TN: A luan is a mythical creature, pretty close to a pheasant (or phoenix if you're romantic). Usually symbolizes peace.
