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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 147
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Shi Lang and Amelia returned to their room. The guard lady told the two of them that they have different rooms, but since the two people needed to talk, they moved to the same room. Shi Lang was thankful that their communicators were not taken away.

He quickly used his communicator to manipulate the nanobot scattered around to come over. After a few minutes, the whole team was able connected with each other mentally, Rosa said, “How was the tea?”

Amelia replied, “The Queen is fishy, and she said that she would like the males in our team to act as breeding pigs.” her emotions could not be detected.

Quinn asked, “What did you say to the proposal?”

Shi Lang replied, “Preached my way out of it. However, the queen got agitated afterward. She did not even care for her image.”

Amelia explained to them what happened, and Rosa said, “What do you think Lang?”

“I think the queen is not the queen.” replied Shi Lang while he sat leaning against the headboard.

Jenkins said, “Oh, I had that thought from the first moment, she is not a queen but a goddess.”

Before the people could laugh at the joke, Shi Lang dumped them into an ocean of ice, “Jenkins Edward, this is an official team meeting and you have the guts to crack jokes during a serious conversation. Do you really wish to be pulverized so much?”

He did not like people making a mess during work. Jenkins on the other hand and shivered. He said, “I apologize, Sir. However, do you have any idea who might this fake queen be?”

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Shi Lang replied, “Someone close to the queen. Could be her trusted hand-maiden, or could be someone else, we don’t know if they really wish to form an alliance with us yet or not. We need more details to make the final call.”

Rosa nodded and said, “Find a way to monitor the queen and confirm if she is the real one or not.”

The team then began to come up with ways to track the queen. However, Shi Lang was cautious and found that all of the plans had some loopholes that could compromise the whole situation. As he was lost in thoughts Amelia said, “We all should get ready for the banquet.”

The people nodded and began to get ready. Shi Lang took off his clothes in front of Amelia who said with a shocked expression, “What are you doing?”

The young man replied, “Going to take a bath, I smell like nutrition liquid.”

Amelia bit her lower lip and said, “I mean to say why are you taking off your clothes in front of me? Have you no shame?”

Shi Lang was undoing his shirt buttons when he heard this and stopped. Then a smirk appeared on the corner of his lips and the young man said, “No, I have no shame.”

With that said, he undid his shirt even faster and took off his pants. Then donning a pair of underpants, the young man walked up to the girl who was checking out his sculpted figure in a daze. When he was close enough he whispered, “Do you like what you see?”

Amelia nodded slightly and woke up from her stupor, then she shook her head like a rattle with a face that was almost bleeding from shame. Shi Lang took hold of her shoulders and asked gently, “Do you trust me?”

Amelia raised her head to gaze into his black eyes and when she was faced with sincerity and anticipation in those eyes, she said, “Yes. I trust you.” in a low voice.

Shi Lang nodded and then said, “Let us take a bath together, just a bath, nothing more. Okay?”

Amelia lowered her head to gaze at the floor, she has never been that close to him. She was shy, and hesitant, while at the same time a flame of excitement was also burning in her heart. She blinked and Shi Lang thought she did not want to go along with his plan, so he mumbled, “All in good time.”

He leaned in a bit and pecked her forehead gently and then turned around to go to the bathroom, when Amelia said in a small voice, “I did not say no.”

Shi Lang froze in his place once again and then he turned around, carried the girl in his arms like a princess, and marched toward the bathroom. After the door was closed, Zysha could not hear anything. She has been watching everything very curiously. Watching the closed door of the bathroom, she could only use her tongue to lick her lips.

After twenty minutes when the couple came out, Amelia was wrapped in a towel, while Shi Lang carried her. It was not as if she could not walk, but yes she could not walk. What happened inside the bathroom, was so exciting for her that her body caved in. Shi Lang sat her in front of the dressing table and gently helped her dry her hair.

Amelia said with some vexation, “Do you also want to dress me?”

The young man put down the wet towel in his hands and came to crouch down in front of her. Then he said with a doting expression on his face, “I will do whatever you want me to.”

Amelia snorted but did not say anything, and turned her head to the side. To be honest, she liked this soft and madly in love side of him. He would be so uptight with everyone except for her. She was aware of how he had this fear of losing her. She said in a low voice, “Only if you allow me to help you as well.”

Shi Lang chuckled and grabbed her face as he planted a kiss on her lips gently. Amelia had also decided to give up her shyness for him, after all, the charms cast by the queen today gave her some threat. Her mother had also told her to be more proactive in such things.

The two people then indulged in another round of intense romance that was an expression of their love and had nothing to do with lust. Shi Lang put on a black tuxedo with a white shirt, while Amelia dressed in a black ball gown with golden trims. They did not have many clothes fit for such occasions, but they had Nanobots. The wonder of technology was such that with a few gestures on the communicator, Shi Lang could program them to act like their clothes.

In the end, after Shi Lang was done putting on his shoes, he bent down in front of Amelia and gestured for her to place her foot on his thigh. Then he delicately put on an ankle strap heel on her feet but not without teasing them a bit.

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When they were done, Amelia helped him with his bow tie one last time before they left the room. In the corridor, they met the rest of the team and the people were all dressed up. Just when they were about to look for some guard or maid, they saw Ameris walking up to them, she was dressed in attire that looked like soft armor.

Quinn asked her, “Captain Ameris, may I be a little blunt and ask you about your attire. It is very unique.”

Ameris smiled faintly and nodded, “This is what we call, Mai ne du barta. Meaning celebration battle dress.”

One of her shoulders had a silver pauldron on them, while the rest of the body was covered with a short skirt with metallic trimmings all over it. She wore knee-length boots with metal plates over them, the metal plates were engraved with patterns.

Shi Lang gazed at her once and then asked, “When will the banquet start?”

Ameris nodded and said, “The guests have begun to arrive, they are now waiting for you and her majesty to grace the halls. Please follow me.”

The people nodded and they followed the lady. As they neared the halls mentioned by Ameris, they could hear musical tunes floating around them. Shi Lang said, “It would be good if they had waltz music.”

Ameris asked, “What is Waltz music?”

Amelia replied with a faint smile, “Waltz music is a mellow but fast-paced set of notes. I have some of the pieces with me, I can play them for us all later.”

Ameris nodded and said, “Everyone would like to hear the sound from your world.”

Soon the people reached the halls, and the announcer said, “The guests of honor, the Terran exchange team is now entering the banquet halls.”

Jenkins made a gesture for Rosa Blues, and the lady raised her hand for him to take as they entered the place, followed by Dracx and Quinn, and lastly, Amelia and Shi Lang. However, Shi Lang was not holding hands with Amelia, it was the lady holding his hand from his elbow joint.