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Chapter 1502: An Eerie Building
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"There's something ahead." Grey informed the duo behind him.

Klaus nodded in agreement, he could also sense the presence of something ahead of them.

Kyle was the only one lost, he didn't sense anything in front of them. He could only give a wry smile.

The trio walked forward and just as both Grey and Klaus said, a large building appeared in front of them.

"That place gives me the creeps." Klaus shook his body.

"I don't think there's anything good there." Kyle said with a strange expression. He could sense a very dark aura coming from that place, he didn't want to step into it.

"In contrast, there are multiple good items in there. It's just very dangerous." Grey smiled. He could sense a few good things inside that place, they were faint, but he didn't doubt his senses.

"You're saying we should go into that place?" Klaus pointed at the building.

"Haha, of course." Grey laughed, "Don't tell me you're afraid. Besides, how are we going to see what treasures it holds without stepping inside?"

Klaus shivered and looked at the place again. The building was giving off an eerie vibe, and the miasma present there is even stronger compared to the places around it.

"That's too much for me. I'm still alright here, but if I go closer, I'll be in danger." Kyle didn't like the idea of walking into that place. He was the one who told them he wanted to come here, but he knew how dangerous miasma is and if he were infected by it, he would be in serious trouble.

"Don't worry about the miasma. It's nothing serious, I can deal with it." Grey reassured him.

"Huh? You have a way to deal with the miasma?" Kyle was stunned by Grey's words.

"Of course, why would I dare to come in here if I don't." Grey said matter-of-factly.

Kyle threw a glance at Klaus and saw his calm expression.

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"For real?" He asked again.

"Just follow him already, you should know he wouldn't joke around with his life." Klaus rolled his eyes when he noticed Kyle's hesitation.

Grey took the first step and Klaus followed closely behind. Kyle hesitated for a second but moved closer to Klaus and Grey. His expression changed when he noticed the relatively smaller amount of miasma he could feel around him.

The miasma was still there, but he wasn't sensing them the way he used to, it was as if they were avoiding the area they were standing. His eyes moved to Grey and genuine shock was in them.

He has always been blown away by Grey's feats, but some of these things were things some people could attempt to a certain extent. Like having five elements or being ridiculously strong. These were things that had been seen before and there would be people that would show even more. However, there was no one who could deal with miasma. This was formed naturally and was one of the most dangerous things created by nature. Yet Grey seemed to have seen a way to sort it out.

'This is amazing.'

The only thing that passed through Kyle's head was how amazing Grey is. Being able to do something like this was beyond imagination.

They soon got to the door and Grey pushed it open. He was the strongest and had to be in front.

The second Grey opened the door, a powerful miasma burst out and covered the trio.

Kyle felt his heart skip when he saw this, but he relaxed when he couldn't feel it in his body. He once again looked at Grey and couldn't help but be grateful he was friends with such a figure.

It took a while before the thing settled. Grey didn't rush into the place, he waited patiently as he tried to inspect the place from the outside.

"I can't pinpoint the exact location of the things I can sense. The miasma here is too much." Grey told the duo behind him.

Kyle didn't even attempt to in the first place, he already knew how dangerous it was.

Klaus nodded, he tried to see if he could sense anything, but he couldn't go far as well.

Their only option was to move around, searching for the place the signal was stronger.

"Klaus, go to the back." Grey instructed.

They were in the building now and it could be dangerous. The most dangerous place was the front and the back.

"I know." Klaus moved behind Kyle who stepped in the middle.

They were currently standing in a hall that had two stairs on either end. Grey went for the one of the left, since it was the closest one. If they couldn't get anything from this side, then they would use the next one.

They climbed the steps, but Klaus who was standing at the back of the trio turned and unleashed an attack.

Grey and Kyle turned around, and they noticed Klaus' attack hit a humanoid figure that dispersed into the miasma in the place. It was as if the figure was part of the miasma.

"Can't you see who is the strongest? Generally you take out the strongest before the others." Klaus yelled into the darkness.

Grey's eyes twitched when he heard Klaus' statement.

"How did you sense it?" He didn't bother with Klaus' statement and asked the important question, even he didn't sense anything. If Klaus hadn't attacked, there was no way he would've known about it.

"Simple, my domain is always active." Klaus shrugged like it was a normal thing.

"Your domain is always active?" Grey was the one taken aback this time.

"Yeah. Remember that technique I told you I learnt from my Faction when we just entered this place?" Klaus asked, and after seeing Grey nod, he added, "It makes use of my ice domain and is always active. I can sense anything fifty meters around me."

"That's amazing." Grey was intrigued by it, he looked at Klaus with a smile.

"Don't even think about it. She will kill me if she finds out I taught you." Klaus could already tell what Grey wanted to ask and outrightly denied him.

"Fine. I can use my earth domain." Grey snorted and spread out his earth domain. Although he couldn't always keep it active like Klaus, he could use it for a long period as long as he wasn't using it for a fight.

When he activated it and spread out his earth domain, the tiny invisible particles that spread across the place sent a chill down his spine when he sensed the number of things around him.

"There are so many of them." Grey was shocked at the figures he sensed. Luckily, they weren't too strong.

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"Yeah, they generally won't attack unless we get too close." Klaus said.

Grey and Kyle couldn't help but look at him.

"I studied them from the first time we entered here. We got too close to that one that wanted to attack." Klaus explained.

Grey gave him a suspicious look but didn't say anything and continued climbing the stairs. They soon arrived at a hallway and they could see cracks on the wall of the place.

It was obvious this place has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

"I wonder who stayed in a place like this." Kyle thought out loud.

"Some bigshot, obviously." Klaus replied, he added, "If you notice. It's in the depths of the forest, and he obviously didn't want any disturbance."

Kyle and Grey didn't see anything wrong with his explanation. This was something that was common with some powerhouses, they don't like it when people disturb them as they cultivate, so they usually come to places like these and hide.

They continued walking and saw a door, Grey opened it, and he was attacked by one of the humanoid entities in the place. It was very weak and Grey was able to kill it with one attack.

"There's nothing here." He said as he closed the door. He didn't sense anything from that place and knew there was nothing there.

He continued forward and before long he had opened over ten doors in this hallway and was attacked in each, but he didn't find anything in any of them.

There were two doors left.

He walked to one of them and when he opened it, he smiled as he sensed something inside.

The humanoid figure that attacked was dispersed with only his aura as he entered the place.

"I don't know how valuable the item here is, but it shouldn't be bad." He said to Kyle.

Kyle was a little excited as he looked forward to whatever they would get.

Klaus followed from behind, happy that Grey could sense the figures now. Since Grey could sense them, he didn't need to worry too much. Anyone that had come close has been destroyed by Grey.

The room was big, and they saw a large bed, as well some things around the place.