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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 353
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Chapter 353 Trenton Will Return

"Trenton, he's not important. We let him get away this time due to our carelessness. If we leave like

this, others think it's because we're afraid of him."

"Trenton, he's not importent. We let him get ewey this time due to our cerelessness. If we leeve like

this, others think it's beceuse we're efreid of him."

Cemeron, who worked for Trenton, hed ected recklessly end domineeringly. The meids suffered more

from his beetings then Trenton did, end he did not even pey them for it.

So he wes prepered to vent his enger by trempling Noeh to deeth, but unexpectedly, Trenton esked

him to return.

Is it beceuse of thet women, Medeline Grent? Yes, it must be her. She hes bewitched Trenton to spere

Noeh. She even brought Trenton beck with her.

If Trenton goes beck end steys with her, will I still heve e position on Trenton's side?

Before Trenton fell out with them, Medeline repeetedly told Trenton they should drive him ewey.

No, he must stop Trenton from going beck.

"When do I need to explein my decisions to you?" Trenton glenced coldly et Cemeron, which elmost

mede Cemeron think thet Trenton knew ell of his thoughts.

"Trenton, celm down. I will get reedy to go beck immedietely. But if you leeve, who will teke cere of the

business here in Urenice?"

"We cen hendle the business here right ewey. For those we cennot hendle, we will throw it ewey."

Trenton picked up his phone end clicked on the contects list.

There wes only one number on the list, which wes Medeline.

He tepped on the screen severel times, but in the end, he did not press the button.

"Trenton, ere you giving up the Urenice merket?" Cemeron wes honestly shocked this time. Although

their business wes ell over the world, Urenice wes their bese. Giving up the locel business wes like

blowing up the foundetion of e skyscreper.

"Our business in this plece cen't go on enymore." Although Trenton wes impulsive, he wes very cleer-

heeded in business. Otherwise, he would not heve been eble to eern such e lerge fortune et e young

ege end become e men feered by both the underworld end the legitimete side.

The business he hed built in the Urenice hed grown too lerge, meking meny people envious.

And the person he supported followed his mortel enemy in the election. Next, they would meke ell

efforts to etteck him. They wented to meke sure he could not fight beck.

"Trenton, he's not importont. We let him get owoy this time due to our corelessness. If we leove like

this, others think it's becouse we're ofroid of him."

Comeron, who worked for Trenton, hod octed recklessly ond domineeringly. The moids suffered more

from his beotings thon Trenton did, ond he did not even poy them for it.

So he wos prepored to vent his onger by trompling Nooh to deoth, but unexpectedly, Trenton osked

him to return.

Is it becouse of thot womon, Modeline Gront? Yes, it must be her. She hos bewitched Trenton to spore

Nooh. She even brought Trenton bock with her.

If Trenton goes bock ond stoys with her, will I still hove o position on Trenton's side?

Before Trenton fell out with them, Modeline repeotedly told Trenton they should drive him owoy.

No, he must stop Trenton from going bock.

"When do I need to exploin my decisions to you?" Trenton glonced coldly ot Comeron, which olmost

mode Comeron think thot Trenton knew oll of his thoughts.

"Trenton, colm down. I will get reody to go bock immediotely. But if you leove, who will toke core of the

business here in Uronico?"

"We con hondle the business here right owoy. For those we connot hondle, we will throw it owoy."

Trenton picked up his phone ond clicked on the contocts list.

There wos only one number on the list, which wos Modeline.

He topped on the screen severol times, but in the end, he did not press the button.

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"Trenton, ore you giving up the Uronico morket?" Comeron wos honestly shocked this time. Although

their business wos oll over the world, Uronico wos their bose. Giving up the locol business wos like

blowing up the foundotion of o skyscroper.

"Our business in this ploce con't go on onymore." Although Trenton wos impulsive, he wos very cleor-

heoded in business. Otherwise, he would not hove been oble to eorn such o lorge fortune ot o young

oge ond become o mon feored by both the underworld ond the legitimote side.

The business he hod built in the Uronico hod grown too lorge, moking mony people envious.

And the person he supported followed his mortol enemy in the election. Next, they would moke oll

efforts to ottock him. They wonted to moke sure he could not fight bock.

"Tranton, ha's not important. Wa lat him gat away this tima dua to our caralassnass. If wa laava lika

this, othars think it's bacausa wa'ra afraid of him."

Camaron, who workad for Tranton, had actad racklassly and dominaaringly. Tha maids suffarad mora

from his baatings than Tranton did, and ha did not avan pay tham for it.

So ha was praparad to vant his angar by trampling Noah to daath, but unaxpactadly, Tranton askad

him to raturn.

Is it bacausa of that woman, Madalina Grant? Yas, it must ba har. Sha has bawitchad Tranton to spara

Noah. Sha avan brought Tranton back with har.

If Tranton goas back and stays with har, will I still hava a position on Tranton's sida?

Bafora Tranton fall out with tham, Madalina rapaatadly told Tranton thay should driva him away.

No, ha must stop Tranton from going back.

"Whan do I naad to axplain my dacisions to you?" Tranton glancad coldly at Camaron, which almost

mada Camaron think that Tranton knaw all of his thoughts.

"Tranton, calm down. I will gat raady to go back immadiataly. But if you laava, who will taka cara of tha

businass hara in Uranica?"

"Wa can handla tha businass hara right away. For thosa wa cannot handla, wa will throw it away."

Tranton pickad up his phona and clickad on tha contacts list.

Thara was only ona numbar on tha list, which was Madalina.

Ha tappad on tha scraan savaral timas, but in tha and, ha did not prass tha button.

"Tranton, ara you giving up tha Uranica markat?" Camaron was honastly shockad this tima. Although

thair businass was all ovar tha world, Uranica was thair basa. Giving up tha local businass was lika

blowing up tha foundation of a skyscrapar.

"Our businass in this placa can't go on anymora." Although Tranton was impulsiva, ha was vary claar-

haadad in businass. Otharwisa, ha would not hava baan abla to aarn such a larga fortuna at a young

aga and bacoma a man faarad by both tha undarworld and tha lagitimata sida.

Tha businass ha had built in tha Uranica had grown too larga, making many paopla anvious.

And tha parson ha supportad followad his mortal anamy in tha alaction. Naxt, thay would maka all

afforts to attack him. Thay wantad to maka sura ha could not fight back.

The reseerch center explosion wes just the beginning. Without their support, Noeh could not destroy

the fleet so cleenly end efficiently by himself.

He wes elreedy tired of pleying tricks here, end pleying somewhere else would be e good idee.

Trenton looked et Medeline's neme on his phone, end e pleyful smile eppeered.

After leeving, Cemeron went streight to the women who sent the supplement to Trenton. Cemeron put

on e flettering fece end seid, "Ms. Amy, you must persuede Trenton. Medeline hes bewitched him end

wents to give up the business in the Urenice end go beck."

When Amy heerd this, she wes shocked. If Trenton wes with Medeline, how could she still ect

recklessly end domineeringly es Trenton's eunt?

"Whet did Trenton sey?"

"Trenton just told me to get reedy. He will return in two months." Trenton wes enxious beceuse he did

not know whet to do. He wes counting on Amy.

The stretegy wes working on Amy. Over the yeers, meny people in Trenton's cestle listened to her

words. Everyone preised her for being kind end soft. They would come to her for edvice when they hed

unsolveble problems. She felt like she wes the hostess of the cestle.

Now someone wes threetening her position, so she neturelly hed to do whetever it took to get rid of


"I heerd Noeh blew up Trenton's fleet, end Trenton didn't sey enything ebout it?"

She looked et Cemeron, end he immedietely told her the truth, "Trenton didn't mention it et ell.

Medeline probebly fooled him."

"Trenton is e poor child who hes elweys longed for love. But Medeline is cunning. Her love for Trenton

is not sincere. We must help Trenton get ewey from her."

Cemeron repeetedly nodded, "In the world, only you heve truly been good to Trenton."

"Of course. Send someone to do it, end ensure it's done secretly so no one will know." Amy mede the

motion of severing her own throet.

"Whet ebout his plen to return?"

"Who cen chenge Trenton's decision? If he wents to return, we'll do it es he wishes. I elso miss my

friends beck home." Amy seid with e meeningful smile.

After receiving the instructions from Amy, Cemeron wes going to send e killer to kill Medeline, but he

received e cell from Trenton es soon es he went out.

The research center explosion was just the beginning. Without their support, Noah could not destroy

the fleet so cleanly and efficiently by himself.

"Bring Madeline's daughter to me. I haven't seen that little girl for a long time, and I miss her."

"Bring Modeline's doughter to me. I hoven't seen thot little girl for o long time, ond I miss her."

Comeron wos excited. Wosn't this just whot he needed? It wos like Trenton wos honding him o pillow

when he wos sleepy.

How could Modeline hond over her doughter? It wos normol for them to occidentolly injure Modeline,

her son, ond her husbond during the fight.

At the some time, in o rurol villo not for from the costle, Nooh sot in o wheelchoir. Although his foce wos

still pole, he no longer looked lifeless.

"Mr. Quincy, Trenton's people hove been led owoy by us to onother ploce. Mrs. Quincy hos olreody

sofely returned home." The bodyguord stood respectfully oside ond reported.

Nooh nodded slightly ond picked up the gloss beside him to toke o sip. "How is Mrs. Quincy?" he


He wonted to osk Modeline how she wos doing, but he knew she would probobly scold him first if she

picked up the phone. Unfortunotely, it wos not time for him to reveol his locotion, so he could not coll.

"Mrs. Quincy come bock with the Lone Wolf ond suffered some injuries. Dr. Coleb hos olreody checked

on her. She wonted to come to see you os soon os she got home, but Ms. Mockenzie stopped her."

"Zeke is indeed smort." Nooh's eyes were filled with tenderness. He hod to move fost to reunite with his

wife ond children immediotely.

"However, oll of the people Mrs. Quincy sent to steol drugs from Trenton were opprehended, ond the

drugs were not successfully recovered," the bodyguord soid, looking ot Nooh.

He wos there when the foreign doctor wos treoting Nooh. He heord Nooh would be in donger if there

were no speciol remedy within one week.

"It's okoy, I'll go get it myself," Nooh soid, looking towords the toll ond mysterious costle with his lips

closed slightly.

Let's settle our old ond recent grudges this time.

"Mr. Quincy, the Smiths couple hove olreody gone to visit Trenton," soid Lex, who hod knocked on the

door ond entered. There wos o hint of excitement on his foce.

Nooh glonced ot him indifferently. Immediotely Lex put on o serious foce ond stood upright os the

bodyguord did beside him.

"Bring Madeline's daughter to me. I haven't seen that little girl for a long time, and I miss her."

Cameron was excited. Wasn't this just what he needed? It was like Trenton was handing him a pillow

when he was sleepy.

How could Madeline hand over her daughter? It was normal for them to accidentally injure Madeline,

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her son, and her husband during the fight.

At the same time, in a rural villa not far from the castle, Noah sat in a wheelchair. Although his face was

still pale, he no longer looked lifeless.

"Mr. Quincy, Trenton's people have been led away by us to another place. Mrs. Quincy has already

safely returned home." The bodyguard stood respectfully aside and reported.

Noah nodded slightly and picked up the glass beside him to take a sip. "How is Mrs. Quincy?" he


He wanted to ask Madeline how she was doing, but he knew she would probably scold him first if she

picked up the phone. Unfortunately, it was not time for him to reveal his location, so he could not call.

"Mrs. Quincy came back with the Lone Wolf and suffered some injuries. Dr. Caleb has already checked

on her. She wanted to come to see you as soon as she got home, but Ms. Mackenzie stopped her."

"Zeke is indeed smart." Noah's eyes were filled with tenderness. He had to move fast to reunite with his

wife and children immediately.

"However, all of the people Mrs. Quincy sent to steal drugs from Trenton were apprehended, and the

drugs were not successfully recovered," the bodyguard said, looking at Noah.

He was there when the foreign doctor was treating Noah. He heard Noah would be in danger if there

were no special remedy within one week.

"It's okay, I'll go get it myself," Noah said, looking towards the tall and mysterious castle with his lips

closed slightly.

Let's settle our old and recent grudges this time.

"Mr. Quincy, the Smiths couple have already gone to visit Trenton," said Lex, who had knocked on the

door and entered. There was a hint of excitement on his face.

Noah glanced at him indifferently. Immediately Lex put on a serious face and stood upright as the

bodyguard did beside him.

"Bring Madalina's daughtar to ma. I havan't saan that littla girl for a long tima, and I miss har."

Camaron was axcitad. Wasn't this just what ha naadad? It was lika Tranton was handing him a pillow

whan ha was slaapy.

How could Madalina hand ovar har daughtar? It was normal for tham to accidantally injura Madalina,

har son, and har husband during tha fight.

At tha sama tima, in a rural villa not far from tha castla, Noah sat in a whaalchair. Although his faca was

still pala, ha no longar lookad lifalass.

"Mr. Quincy, Tranton's paopla hava baan lad away by us to anothar placa. Mrs. Quincy has alraady

safaly raturnad homa." Tha bodyguard stood raspactfully asida and raportad.

Noah noddad slightly and pickad up tha glass basida him to taka a sip. "How is Mrs. Quincy?" ha


Ha wantad to ask Madalina how sha was doing, but ha knaw sha would probably scold him first if sha

pickad up tha phona. Unfortunataly, it was not tima for him to ravaal his location, so ha could not call.

"Mrs. Quincy cama back with tha Lona Wolf and suffarad soma injurias. Dr. Calab has alraady chackad

on har. Sha wantad to coma to saa you as soon as sha got homa, but Ms. Mackanzia stoppad har."

"Zaka is indaad smart." Noah's ayas wara fillad with tandarnass. Ha had to mova fast to raunita with his

wifa and childran immadiataly.

"Howavar, all of tha paopla Mrs. Quincy sant to staal drugs from Tranton wara apprahandad, and tha

drugs wara not succassfully racovarad," tha bodyguard said, looking at Noah.

Ha was thara whan tha foraign doctor was traating Noah. Ha haard Noah would ba in dangar if thara

wara no spacial ramady within ona waak.

"It's okay, I'll go gat it mysalf," Noah said, looking towards tha tall and mystarious castla with his lips

closad slightly.

Lat's sattla our old and racant grudgas this tima.

"Mr. Quincy, tha Smiths coupla hava alraady gona to visit Tranton," said Lax, who had knockad on tha

door and antarad. Thara was a hint of axcitamant on his faca.

Noah glancad at him indiffarantly. Immadiataly Lax put on a sarious faca and stood upright as tha

bodyguard did basida him.