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All Too Late

Chapter 342
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Chapter 342

Gizem Means Mystery Caleb was furious. “Samuel!” However, Samuel did not even look back. Caleb

snorted coldly and turned to say to Philip, “Get a boat ready, now!” “Yes!” Philip leaped into action. After

Samuel boarded the cruise ship, Charles emerged from the cabin. “What are you going to do?” “Go and

save Desi.” Standing on the deck, Samuel looked with a sad expression at the sea that was dyed red by

the sunset. Whenever he saw such scenery, he would think of Kathleen, making the void in his heart

even more prominent. He felt the best when his heart stayed where it belonged, which was not the case

these days.

Charles took out several photos. “Look at this.” He did not want to show him at first, but on second

thought, he knew that he could not find Kathleen on his own. Samuel took the photos from him and

immediately froze when he saw them. “This woman looks like Kate, doesn’t she?” Charles asked.

Samuel nodded slowly and asked in a hoarse voice, “Where did you meet her?” “At the airport. I looked it

up and found that she was heading to the same destination as I was, but she took a different flight from

mine.” They had both come to Zedfield. Is this a coincidence? Charles did not believe such a

coincidence was possible. “What are you looking at?” Charles noticed the serious look on Samuel’s face

and the anger in his eyes. Samuel held up the photo. “Do you know whose clothes she is wearing?” “No.

Whose?” Charles frowned. “Gizem’s. Her clothes are the same as Gizem’s.” Samuel’s voice was hoarse.

“Are you sure?”

Charles knitted his brows. “Did you remember it wrongly?” “No. Gizem’s clothes are almost all limited

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editions,” Samuel said coldly. Charles was shocked. “But her face…” “A disguise,” replied Samuel.

What? Charles was astonished. “A disguise? But how could she have a face that’s very similar to

Kate’s?” Samuel fell silent. He remembered that he had torn the hyper-realistic face mask off Gizem’s

face. The face under the mask was disfigured. Thinking about it now, he realized that Gizem could have

plastic surgery if her face was disfigured, considering that she was rich and had the resources.

In other words, the disfigured face he saw at the time had to be fake. It was a fail-safe. The face of the

woman in the photo was very similar to Kathleen’s, but not exactly the same. Samuel thought of what

Gizem said. She said that she encountered a fire when she was unconscious. Maybe that fire had really

burned her face. She also had plastic surgery to look the way she does now. Her name, Gizem, means

“mystery,” too. She deliberately doesn’t want us to discover the truth about her. And I almost killed her by

mistake because of Desi’s expression. The person who came up with this plan is so wicked! As Samuel

did not say anything for a long time, Charles frowned. “What’s wrong with you?” Samuel replied in a

hoarse voice, “Gizem is Kathleen.” “What did you say?” Charles was astounded. “She’s Kate.” Samuel

gripped the railing, his knuckles turning white. “A-Are you sure?” Charles furrowed his brows. Samuel

nodded. “What are we waiting for, then? Let’s depart now! Let’s save Kate and Desi!” Charles urged.

Samuel turned to look at Tyson.

“Set sail now.” “Yes, Mr. Macari!” Tyson immediately gave the order to set sail. Caleb, who was on

another ship, also instructed his men to do the same upon seeing Samuel’s ship leave the port. The

storm has just passed on the island. The clouds in the sky were dyed fiery red. Gizem pretended that

she was going out for a walk. Shadow went up to her. “I’ll go with you.” To keep an eye on me? Gizem

flashed him a cold smile. “Okay.” Shadow said nothing. Gizem then turned to head outside with Shadow

following behind. The island was not very big, but it was rather well-equipped. Gizem guessed that the

place was probably disguised as a holiday island, so it would not be easily discovered by the others.

However, there were no tourists on the island. It was full of people from Axeworth Corporation instead.

Those people looked familiar to her. Shadow followed her around the island. Gizem saw several

speedboats moored to the pier.

These speedboats should be the means of transportation they use to get out of the island. As they were

approaching the mansion, Gizem suddenly turned around. “Shadow, I’m not done with you yet for hitting

me.” Shadow gave her an indifferent look. “Do you want to fight?” “Why? Are you afraid?” Gizem asked

defiantly. She massaged her hands with a look of disdain. Shadow replied coldly, “I’d love to!” “Let me

get it straight—if something goes wrong, don’t go back and complain to Master!” Gizem gave him a cold

smile. Shadow agreed in a chilly tone, “Okay.” Gizem pulled out a dagger from her boot. They did not

perform a body search on her when she came to the island. They probably think that I can’t beat them

since they outnumber me, but I’ll make them regret it! Shadow knew that Gizem was a good fighter.

Instead of fighting blindly, she had always fought smart, which included a lot of methods such as using


Looking as if he had seen through her, Shadow beckoned to her. “I shall warm up with you, then.” Gizem

snorted coldly. “Warm up? Be careful not to burn yourself!” With that, she charged at Shadow. Shadow

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thought that her dagger would pierce his heart, but the blade slid across his arm before she turned

around to stab him with the dagger in her other hand. This time, Shadow was still covering his chest,

secretly surprised that Gizem could use both hands. It’s no wonder why Master thinks so highly of her.

Gizem smiled coldly. She switched the dagger to her other hand and continued to attack him. As before,

Gizem did not attack the lethal places of his body. Her purpose was only to cut through his flesh. She

kept attacking Shadow in such a way several times with a frosty look on her face. Shadow could not

figure out what she was thinking. Moreover, he found that he could not catch her at all, as she was as

slippery as an eel. They fought for five minutes. Gizem took a few steps back and sighed. “I’m tired. I’ll

play with you again tomorrow.”

With that, she turned to leave. Inspecting the wounds on his body, Shadow decided to go back to tend to

them. And Gizem watched him leave with a cold smile on her face. That night, Gizem came out of the

room quietly after everyone in the mansion had gone to bed. She then went downstairs, heading toward

Shadow’s room. The latter was sleeping soundly on the bed. He was feeling unwell, dizzy, and nauseous

after dinner, so Theodore had asked him to take a rest. Gizem had come to Shadow’s room to steal a

key from him. She heard from the housekeeper of the mansion that Shadow was the one who purchased

all the necessities in the mansion, so she was certain that he had the key of the speedboat.

She went straight to where Shadow hung his clothes. As she had expected, she found a key in one of his

coats. When she turned around, however, she realized that Shadow was standing behind her, staring at
