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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 237
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Chapter 237


Though I was scared to do so. I decided to ask Kaleb if I could get some medicine for Ms. Benn’s

daughter. I couldn’t let poor Lila suffer through the symptoms of her illness any longer. The herbs Td

given the head housekeeper were enough to dull some of the aches and pains that came with

pneumonia, but to be fully cured. I needed real antibiotics.

So, I summoned my strength and then requested an audience with Kaleb. The king of Yurene met with

me in the same meeting room we’d conversed in the other day, and when I crossed through the

doorway, there was an almost amused glint in his navy blue eyes.

“Cassandra,” he greeted me as I approached the couch and took a seat. “To what do I owe the

pleasure of this meeting?”

I decided to skip straight to my request. “I need some medicine. Antibiotics and others. Is that

something you could assist me with?”

“Medicine,” he repeated back, and then he raised an eyebrow. “Why do you need it? Are you ailing? Or

perhaps it’s for your

son or maid:”

He instinctively leaned back as if I were contagious and I fought the urge to laugh. Instead, I

maintained eye contact and then shrugged.



us are sick,” I replied. “The weather and the environment in Vlokwell are so different than Anemond. I

want to be prepared just in case our immune systerns can’t handle the sudden change,”

but I wasn’t about to tell the Northern king about Lila and her illness. I didn’t want to cause Ms.

It wasn’t exactly the truth, bi Benn any trouble.

“Raven can cure you of any disease or ailment,” he said with a raised eyebrow

I was forced to think fast on my feet.

“I don’t want to rely on sorcery and magic,” I explained. As a healer myself, I’m more comfortable with

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the normal methods. of medicine. I do hope you can understand”

Kaleb stared at me for a moment and then nodded.

“Write a list of medicines you need, and I’ll have someone arrange a kit for you,” he said. I was

surprised he didn’t argue with me, but I was relieved that it wasn’t a fight. I supposed that my

agreement to his proposal had sweetened his disposition and I hoped he would continue to be


“Thank you,” I said, and I began to rise from the couch, but Kaleb stopped me before I could get too

much further.

“Not so fast, Cassandra,” he said, and then he smirked. “Now that that’s handled, I will escort you to

the prison tower “The prison tower?” I repeated back in surprise.

The king of Yurene nodded as if it were an obvious next destination. “Don’t you remember? You have

to receive a tull health Pamination. Raven is awaiting us as we speak

“b” said, and 1 telt my heart plummet in my chest. As a healej, I was no stranger to check-ups and

medical tests. Hell I’d conducted them a million times. But it had taken me months to come around to

feeling relaxed in Anemond’s clume. Yurene was a different story. While I liked Raven a great ded I

didn’t ressanly trust her and I wasn’t sure how medicme was practiced here, nor did I know what sort of

re lewas being celicted with any results

However. I wasn’t in any sort of position in decline agreed chalchs terms, and if I wanted to get the

antibiones for Ms.

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Chapter 237

Benn’s daughter, I needed to comply

So, I nodded my head, and then Kaleb held his hand out to me. I accepted it, though his touch made

me deeply uncomfortable, and without any hesitation, we left the meeting room and headed to the

prison tower.

The prison tower was a very tall building. far taller than I’d expected. Unlike Wegalla, where all of the

prisoners were held captive underground, Yurene seemed to prefer to lock their prisoners in a high

impenetrable place.

The ascent to the highest point in the prison tower left me breathless. I wasn’t out of shape by any

means, there were just so many stairs that my muscles began to ache from the exertion.

Before I could steady my breath. I froze in place, stunned by what I saw ahead of me. An entire hallway

of prisoners, lifeless in their wards. It was nearly impossible to tell if they were alive or dead. The

stench of excrement and decay permeated the air, and as we walked by, I detected black marks on the

prisoners bodies.

Kaleb silently led me down the corridor, and once we reached the end, we stepped into a large room. I

recognized it at once as a laboratory. An empty bed was set up in the center and three researchers

stood around. One of them was Raven, and she was enthusiastic when she caught sight of me

“Cassandral” she greeted me warmly and she pulled me into a tight hug after she rushed over. I

accepted the embrace and when we parted ways, I noticed the other two researchers were smiling at

me. Despite their friendly expressions, I still felt a little chilled. The laboratory was rather different than

Keller’s in Anemond, and I had the sneaking suspicion that this room was used for human subject


Kaleb pulled Raven aside and exchanged a few words with her. I didn’t hear his opening statement, but

I saw the dark-haired beauty frown.

“I haven’t seen Anubis today,” she said quietly.

“He’s not in Vlokwell,” Kaleb remarked, and his lips turned downward into a frown.

“What happened? Raven gasped, and the king rolled his dark blue eyes.

*Anubis didn’t get any updates from Roxy or any information about her, so he went to look for her,” he


Raven shrugged. “Roxy will be just fine.”

“I hope so, Kaleb lamented. He turned to leave, but before he dul, he made one last request to Raven.

“Please escort Cassandra back to her chamber once your examination is complete.”

Raven agreed, and then Kaleb left without another word.

Though I was nervous, I managed to stay calm. I carefully looked around and tried to gather as much

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information as possible. This place seemed scary, but I knew after everything I’d been through. I could

handle this exam

“Don’t be nervous.” Raven assured me. This will be an easy check.”

Horced a sale Thope I don’t have to lie on that bed. It looks a little intimidating

“Of course, you don’t the socess insisted with a wave of her land. That bed is for the guinea pigs

sarkanband at best, and then realized

but the prisoners I had past seen out in the ward and a

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Chapter 237

“We’re running out of guinea pigs.” she noted casually. “Luckily you showed up so I don’t have to work

o research anymore.”

She appeared excited as she said this, and her lips curled into a smile. She acted like an innocent

young girl conducting such horrible atrocities.

Did she not understand how messed up this was?

As I pondered the idea, Raven pulled on a pair of latex gloves and retrieved a syringe.

“I need to take some blood from you,” she said.

“Raven, what’s your research about?” I blurted out as I took a seat. “Why do you need the guinea


“Kaleb wants to control the guinea pigs and turn them into his weapons,” Raven responded quickly, and

the moment the sentence escaped her mouth, her cheeks turned scarlet. It was clear by her reaction

that she hadn’t meant to say that, and when I turned around, I could see that the other researchers

appeared panicked

Raven suddenly uttered a dry laugh that startled me.

“It was just a joke.” she said with a wave of her hand, and then her expression shifted. “I can’t tell you

the real reason why this research is being conducted. It’s top secret.”


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11:49 Fri, Feb 23.