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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the landscape as Donald and | stood at the edge of

the pack boundary when he sawoff after a long day.

“Thank you for today, Donald. | had a wonderful time.” | offered him a warm smile.

Donald's eyes sparkled with delight as he returned my smile, a faint blush coloring my cheeks.

“The pleasure is all mine, Amelia. I'm glad we had the chance to spend the day together.” He said honestly.

My expression turned thoughtful as | gazed up at the twin kling stars above, a gentle breeze rustling through my


“You know, Donald, today remindedof when | was just a little girl. The last t| felt so carefree and happy

was when | was around six or seven years old.”

Donald's was surprised as his brows raised slightly as he listened intently to my words.)

“Really? You mean that?”

| nodded, with sincerity as | recalled the memories of my childhood.

“Yes, | do. It’s been a long tsince | felt so alive and carefree. Thank you for bringing back those memories.”

Donald's heart definitely swelled with warmth at my words as a soft smile graced his lips as he reached out to

touch my arm gently.

“Well, then, Amelia, | promise you this. As long as things go well between us, you can expect many more days

like today.”

My breath catches in my throat at my heartfelt promise, my cheeks flushing slightly in response.

“I'd like that, Donald. I'd like that very much.”

Just as | finished speaking, a surge of emotion washed overas Donald leaned in, closing the distance


Emergency calls only

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Chapter 109

between us. Our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, sending a shivers down my spine.

5045% 110:5

Tseemed to stand still as we shared this intimate moment, the world around us fading away into the

background. In that moment, there was only Donald and I, lost in each other's embrace. Any other thoughts that

wanted to cloud my mind, preventingfrom flowing with the moment, | shunned them away immediately. At

least, for that moment,

After a while, | bade him goodbye, heading for where | belonged.

“Welcback, Amelia! How was your day? How was the wedding?” Kyla asked as soon as | got inside.

“It went well. Did anyone ask aboutwhile | was out?”

“No, not a soul. But if they did, | had your back. | knew just what to say.”

“That's good.”

“So, how was the wedding? Tellall about it.” Kyla was really enthusiastic to know every detail of how my day

went. And | began narrating to her.

She listened intently as | recounted the events of the day, from the beautiful ceremony to seeing different

Alpha’s, talking to Alpha Carlyle himself and his beautiful Luna...

“...And then, just as everything was going smoothly,....” | trailed off, remembering that | saw the Queen mother.

“Kyla, by chance, do you know if Canthra Minerva left the pack today?”

“I really can’t say about that. Why did you ask? Did something happen?”

My expression shifted, my brows furrowing in concern.

“Canthra Minerva appeared at the wedding!” | announced.

“Canthra Minerva? What was she doing there? Did she say anything to you? Did she see you?” Kyla became

“No, she didn’t approachor anything. In fact, she didn’t see me. But her presence just madeuneasy. |

can’t shake the feeling that something’s not right.”

“Hmm, that’s strange.” Kyla’s expression changed to a thoughtful one. “But cto think of it, | don’t think she

went anywhere today. Are you sure she was the one you saw?”

“I'm quite sure, Amelia. But I'll keep an eye out to see if | missed something probably.”

Kyla nods in agreement, as she thought if what | said.

“You're right, Amelia. I'll stay vigilant. And I'll try to check things through for you.”

Despite Kyla’s words, | couldn’t shake off the need to get a definite answer real quick. Thinking about it in all

ramifications, there was only one person | could ask. Varef. He would surely know if she left her chambers.

But going to him wasn’t something | wanted. Ever since | received the punishment, we haven't set eyes on each


After so many considerations, | decided to go see him. Worse cto worse, we'll fight it out if things go awry


Getting to his quarters, his attendant toldthat he wasn’t seeing anyone and | heaved a sigh thinking | was

once again at a dead end and without a clue since there was no one | could ask again. | thought of asking the

maid but | didn’t want to arouse anyone’s suspicions.

“What would make a Lion leave its den for a horse’s stable?” That was Varef's voice.

| froze in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest as | turned slowly to face Varef, with a guarded notion.

“I need to speak with you, Varef. It’s important.”

“Ah, | see. You ccrawling back toafter all this time. How amusing.” He smirked.

“Are you going to invitein or not?” | made sure to ignore his taunts.

Gesturing towards the door, he usheredin. “Very well. Cin, then. But make it quick. | have more

important matters to attend to than entertaining unwanted guests.”

Since | wasn’t expecting anything good from him, | tried my best not to bother about his speech towards me.

Following him into his quarters, my senses were on high alert. | knew that dealing with Varef won't be easy, but

was determined to get the answers | needed.

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Inside his room, Varef and | stid face to face without saying anything. Just looking at each other.

“So, what brings you here, Amelia?” He eyedwaringly

| cared less.

“I've cseeking information. Was Canthra Minerva present today? | mean... Did she leave the pack?”

“Why not check her chambers yourself? Why cto me?” Varef raised an eyebrow.

“I'm... not in the best shape to face her directly. The way we ended last meeting... And my mission... it’s not yet


Varef studiedfor a moment, suspicion evident in his gaze.

“And what would I gain from aiding you in this?”

Just like him. He rarely did anything for free. Not even the smallest of tasks.

I... I have nothing to offer you.

Before Varef can reply, my mind raced, searching for leverage.

“Then, perhaps you can make use of this as a means of repayingfor the punishment.” | stated and Varef


“Fair enough.” His experience remained unreadable. “Okay, she was in her chambers all day,” He said.

“Are you sure of that?” | asked with doubt.

“Yes, | left there not quite long and she hasn’t been to anywhere before then or after then.”

How is that possible? Then, if the Queen mother was in her chambers all day. Who was the person at the

wedding? | couldn’t have been mistaken. | sensed the aura first before seeing her. Something's not right..

“Alright, thanks.” | said, leaving.

“How's your wound?” Varef asked, surprisingly.

“Thanks for the ointment.” | replied.

“I'm sorry for that day, Amelia.” He said ad | flashed him an expressionless look for a moment, surprised by his

sudden strange attitude. It was rare for Varef to show such caring side to anyone.