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Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 347Please Show Me This One
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Chapter 347Please Show Me This One

Li Yong is excited and can’t resist. He grabs them again, but he is also very hesitant.

“Brother Yong, I like you when you do this.” Han Fei murmurs beside Li Yong’s ear.

“I like it too.” Li Yong becomes very excited. He lays Han Fei flat on the bed, lies beside her and begins to play with her boobs.

He doesn’t apply the Ecstasy Finger Technique. Han Fei is a perfect piece of jade in his eyes, so he doesn’t want to do it to her.

They stay together for a long time. When Han Fei lifts her slender legs and is going to put them on Li Yong’s body, Li Yong pokes her at the chest. Han Fei faints immediately like falling asleep.

Li Yong also wants to sleep with Han Fei, but he feels that it is not the right time now, so he poked at Han Fei’s acupoint.

Then Li Yong gently takes off Han Fei’ slippers, lays her down, and covers her with a blanket.

Looking at his private part that has erected, Li Yong smiles bitterly, “Don’t regret for it. I’ll have another chance in the future.”

He now finds that spiritual power is as important as beautiful women to him.

If he can’t get them both now, he will make a choice later.

He thinks that he will choose beautiful women and stay with them every day. He also thinks that he might choose spiritual power to make him stronger.

He says good-night to Han Fei in the heart and goes back to his and Han Lu’s bedroom.

He walks quietly without waking Han Lu up. Then he lies beside Han Lu and falls asleep in a good mood.

The next morning, when Han Lu wakes up, Li Yong also immediately wakes up. Seeing Han Lu get out of bed, he hurriedly runs over, picks up the clothes that Han Lu prepared last night, and hands them to her with a smile.

“Darling, here you are.”

Han Lu sneers and grabs the clothes. Then she shakes them and puts on.

“Darling, here you are.” Li Yong hands her another piece.

Han Lu glares at Li Yong and reaches out to pick it with less strength.

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“Darling, here you are.” Li Yong hands the socks to Han Lu again.

“Put it on my feet.” Han Lu sits on the bed and orders coldly.

“Yes, my wife.” Li Yong puts on the stockings for Han Lu smilingly. But just when he puts the stockings to her knees, Han Lu pushes him away and begins to puts them on by herself.

It’s not because Li Yong can’t do it well. She just hates Li Yong’s lustful expression.

“Darling, here you are.” Li Yong puts the high heels in front of Han Lu again.

This time, Han Lu says nothing. She just lifts her foot and almost kicks Li Yong’s face.

Li Yong immediately understands. He picks up the high heels and puts them on Han Lu’s feet one after another. He does this for Han Lu more carefully and attentively than does this for himself. When both shoes have been put on, Han Lu is satisfied. She stands up, twists her waist and looks in the mirror. Then she walks outside.

However, when she opens the door, she turns her head and says coldly, “Forget what happened yesterday.”

“I have already forgotten.” Li Yong immediately says smilingly.

“Just say that you didn’t see anything.” Han Lu orders.

“I didn’t see anything at all.” Li Yong says seriously.


Han Lu sneers because she doesn’t believe him, but she can do nothing. She just shakes her hair angrily and walks to Han Fei’s room. She feels it necessary to comfort Han Fei.

Li Yong opens his clairvoyant vision and sees that Han Lu is sitting next to Han Fei. She is selecting clothes for Han Fei while persuading, “Fei, I have taught Li Yong a lesson severely. I scolded him last night. He has recognized his fault and said that he saw nothing. I know you won’t believe it, but don’t be angry. If you are still angry, I’ll teach him another lesson later.”

“No, I...I’m fine...” Han Fei doesn’t want Han Lu to scold Li Yong, which makes Li Yong moved.

Half an hour later, when Han Lu and Han Fei come out of the room together, they chat and laugh and are on good terms as before. They look just as usual, as if nothing has happened.

Han Fei is shy only when she sees Li Yong. She doesn’t know when she fell asleep last night and whether Li Yong did anything to her. In the morning, she deliberately checks her breasts and finds nothing left on them. There is not even a fingerprint of Li Yong. She thought about it and thought it was a dream.

After breakfast, Tian Hailu and Tian Baiqing send Han Lu and Han Fei to the company. Seeing Han Lu and Han Fei leave, Li Yong immediately orders Wei Fangxia, “Madam Wei, take me to Wanda Plaza.”

There are all kinds of luxury goods in Wanda Plaza, so there will certainly be jewelry exhibition stands. Li Yong’s aim is the spiritual power in the jewelries. He is like a hungry beast that is moving towards the female. He is excited all the way.

“You’re weird today.” Wei Fangxia says when she hears Li Yong singing a popular love song.

“How am I weird?” Li Yong asks happily.

“You are like a lion in love. Are you going to mate with a female lion?” Wei Fangxia laughs and says.

“Go to hell! If I were a lion, you would be a female lion.” Li Yong says and learns the lion to roar.

“I’m not.” Wei Fangxia blushes and says. Even if she was a lion, she would not be a female lion.

“Neither am I.” Li Yong says complacently.

“You are.” Wei Fangxia says fiercely.

“You too.” Li Yong still looks happy.

Wei Fangxia feels tired when talking to Li Yong. She dares not to think about the picture if she becomes a female lion. When thinking about it, she blushes and her heart beats quickly. It takes a while for her to calm down.

It doesn’t take long for them to get to Wanda Plaza of Zhonghai City. When passing by the gold booth, Li Yong immediately opens his clairvoyant vision and looks into the gold. There is no spiritual power in the gold.

So gold isn’t different from dung in his eyes.

When passing by the diamond booth, he opens his clairvoyant vision again to look into the diamond. There is no spiritual power either.

Li Yong doesn’t waste time any longer. He takes Wei Fangxia directly to the jewelry booth and sees all kinds of jade jewelries on the counter. He hurriedly opens his clairvoyant vision and looks at all kinds of jewelries.

But what happened? Why is there no spiritual power? Li Yong is startled and is very disappointed.

Why is there no spiritual power in the jewelries here? God! Why on earth does this happen?

Li Yong opens his eyes widely and makes full use of the strength of the clairvoyant vision, but he still doesn’t see any spiritual power.

He becomes stiff and can’t move, just like an oestrous lion that is castrated suddenly.

“Li Yong, what are you doing?” Seeing Li Yong who was happy all the way suddenly stand still there, Wei Fangxia who is following him gently pushes him and asks in confusion, “What happened to you?”

Li Yong wakes up from sadness and says bitterly, “I’m fine. Let’s just wander around.”

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“Do you want to buy a gift for your wife? I saw that your wife seemed to be angry with you. Do you want to make her happy?” Wei Fangxia looks at the various jewelries and asks with a smile, “You are a big boss. These are too cheap for you.”

Li Yong looks at the prices, and these are really cheap. Each of them is worth only a few hundred yuan. Even the most expensive one is only worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Li Yong subconsciously walks towards the expensive area. He opens his clairvoyant vision at the same time and constantly looks at the jewelries of various prices. Suddenly, his eyes are brightened and he finally sees a piece of jade with spiritual power in it.

Although there is only a very small wisp, he still discovers it clearly, which gives him hope again. He sees a bright way of practicing slowly unfolding in front of him.

He walks over quickly and sees that this is a topaz pendant. The price is 380,000 yuan.

He takes another look at the prices of those jade stones without spiritual power, and the prices are all under 100,000 yuan.

Li Yong instantly understands that it is not that jade doesn’t contain spiritual power, but only good and precious jade contains spiritual power.

After understanding this, Li Yong regains his confidence. He calls a waiter with a smile, points at the topaz pendant and says, “Please take this one out and let me see it.”

Seeing that Li Yong is dressed decently and Wei Fangxia who is following him is also graceful and elegant with a charming temperament, the beautiful salesgirl thinks that she encounters a rich man. She takes it out with great joy and hands it to Li Yong carefully.

Li Yong holds the topaz in his hand and pretends to appreciate it. In fact, he secretly absorbs the small wisp of spiritual power into his body. The spiritual power is immediately integrated into his internal strength, making him feel comfortable all over the body. It is like a shot of a stimulant. His pores are opened and his body is full of strength. He is so comfortable that he even wants to shout.

“This piece of topaz comes from the Longshan Mountains in the southwestern of Yunnan. The texture is very...”

When the salesgirl is about to introduce the origin and quality of the topaz to Li Yong, Li Yong has put the topaz down and stares at a piece of emerald with a price of 1.8 million yuan.

He doesn’t hear the enthusiastic introduction of the salesgirl at all. He can only see the spiritual power.

The salesgirl sees that Li Yong doesn’t listen to her introduction at all, so she begins to introduce it to Wei Fangxia. Wei Fangxia pretends to understand her and keeps nodding. In fact, she knows nothing about jade.

While the salesgirl is taking to Wei Fangxia who can barely understand her, Li Yong suddenly points at the piece of emerald of 1.8 million yuan and says happily, “This one, please show me this one.”

The salesgirl sees that Li Yong selects a more expensive piece, so she places the topaz back and walks over. She manages to smile and says, “Sir, this emerald is from the US and is carved and inlaid by Mister Karen, a master from the US. It’s unique in the whole world and it’s the best collection and gift...”

This time, the salesgirl gives a detailed introduction first, and then she takes the emerald out carefully, puts it in Li Yong’s hands, and instructs, “Sir, please be careful.”

Li Yong takes it in his hand and immediately absorbs a small wisp of spiritual power into his body. He pretends to look at it for a while and asks Wei Fangxia whether she likes it or not. Before Wei Fangxia answers, he immediately returns it to the salesgirl.

Then he looks at a piece of sapphire that is worth 1.2 million yuan.

“Please show me this one.” He says cheekily again.