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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 165
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Chapter 165

“What? Are you happy now? You won.” Christopher muttered coldly, but Margaret did not understand

why he said those things.

“What are you talking about?” She was puzzled and felt that he was trying to start an argument again.

Yet, Christopher remained silent. He put on his coat and headed to the door. “Elizabeth will be here

shortly. Stay put in the hospital. I’ll be back after work.”

Margaret frowned and replied hoarsely, “There’s no need. Go ahead and do your thing. I don’t need too

many people here with me.” I don’t need you here.

When Christopher heard her hoarse voice, he turned back and poured a glass of water for her. He

seemed as arrogant as ever, but he did not say anything.

Margaret did not want his help, but she was so thirsty that it felt like her throat was burning

Her hand reached out shakily from the blanket to hold the glass. However, Christopher stepped forward

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and placed it near her lips instead. Margaret could not be bothered to argue with him at that point.

Hence, she took two sips to alleviate her thirst but was too embarrassed to drink more.

After that, Christopher left without looking back.

Fatigue overwhelmed Margaret. She felt so weak, hungry, and thirsty that even moving a muscle was


When Elizabeth finally arrived, Margaret immediately exclaimed, “Water! Get me some water!”

Elizabeth put away the thermal flask she brought and carefully fed Margaret a glass of water. Seeing

how fast the latter was gulping, she reminded, “Meg, don’t drink too much. I brought some oatmeal

porridge, which can hydrate you too. If you drink too much, you’ll need to go to the restroom often. I’m

not worried that it’ll be

troublesome, but I’m afraid that you’ll be in too much pain to move.”

Margaret refused to listen. She only stopped drinking after her thirst got quenched.

Then, Margaret ate a bowl of oatmeal porridge before feeling energized, Feeling curious about what had

happened last night, she asked, “Elizabeth, why was Christopher here at the hospital? Did he stay the

whole night?”

Elizabeth nodded. “When Mr. Lewis got the call, he rushed over without changing his clothes. Mr. Lewis

didn’t even bring his phone or wallet. All he had were his car keys. I heard he also ran some red lights

and crashed into some guy’s Audi. Noah had to bring some money over to resolve the conflict. He even

told me that Mr. Lewis probably stayed overnight to look after you. It seems like Mr. Lewis cherishes you

quite a lot.”

She added, “How strange. Mr. Lewis seems to get along with everyone except for you. It’s like you guys

are enemies. You can’t get along but can’t leave each other either. I hear Mr. Lewis always had a good

temper, even as a child. Hmm. I wonder why he’s always so mean to you…”

Margaret did not say anything, but there was a strange feeling in her heart. Why does everyone make it

sound like Christopher cares about me? It seems so different from how he’s acting toward me, though.

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Her mind pictured Christopher as a polite gentleman who only behaved like the devil toward her. He was

a scary, strict, and unpredictable being in her eyes.

Elizabeth smiled at Margaret’s silence. She then said, “You’re still young. Plus, you’ve always been by

Mr. Lewis’ side since you were a child, so you haven’t experienced much yet. Once you meet more men,

you will understand that Mr. Lewis a quite the gem. He may not be an outstanding gentleman, but he’s

undoubtedly decent and knows how to treat women well. I can tell that he has a special relationship with

Megan. However, if Megan got hospitalized, he wouldn’t have rushed to the hospital recklessly nor

stayed the entire night to look after her.”

Margaret did not want to talk about this anymore, so she changed the topic. “Elizabeth, did you get

someone to help me look after Tabby? It was raining heavily and windy last night. It must have been


Elizabeth slapped her thigh. “Oh, no! I forgot! When you got hospitalized last night, I was worried about

you and didn’t sleep well. I felt like I’d forgotten something. I wouldn’t have remembered if you didn’t tell

me now. I’m getting more forgetful with age. I can’t believe I completely forgot about Tabby! I’ll call

Fredrick and ask him to look after Tabby right now!”