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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3283
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Chapter: 3283

“Senior Qiao, it seems that the trapped dragon rope in your hand is of no use.” Lu Chen

said with a half-smile.

The trapped dragon rope was fine for subduing and binding the black panther monster,

but it had no effect on the yellow giant python.

In other words, there is no way to start.

“This evil beast! How dare you hunt my mount? I must destroy it!”

Qiao Yi was a little worried about his face.

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Just when he was about to take action and kill the giant yellow python.

The sudden change.

I saw a huge black shadow in the sky, suddenly passing over everyone’s heads.

The black shadow is a huge giant eagle, completely black, with feathers like steel, and

when its wings are spread out, it is more than ten meters long.

At first glance, it looks like a passenger plane.

The giant eagle was extremely fast. It rushed down from high altitude and covered

hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Wherever it passed, strong winds roared, trees fell, and sand and rocks flew.

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The strong wind stirred up by the giant eagle made everyone stagger, staggering, and

unable to stand firmly.


The black giant eagle roared loudly, and suddenly pounced on the yellow giant python,

and grabbed it with two huge steel-like claws.


Seeing that the giant yellow python was unable to dodge, it could only quickly open its

mouth and spit out a mouthful of black poisonous mist.

However, the black giant eagle seemed to have expected it. The moment the poisonous

mist was sprayed out, its huge wings shook violently.

The powerful hurricane blew away the poisonous fog in an instant.

Taking this opportunity, the black giant eagle’s claws grabbed the yellow giant python


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The half-meter-long sharp nails easily pierced the python’s scales and penetrated deep

into its flesh.

In pain, the giant yellow python twisted and struggled wildly, but it could not escape its



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