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Chapter 345.7: "Old Friend", Unexpected Change - Part 7
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"Oh, have these new recruits got their class and talent?" Tang Shaoyang asked Origin. He was thinking of what he should do with the new recruits while Ding Hao and Jin Fan's punishment was final. Death was their punishment for betraying him and trying to kill him.

But those people still had a chance, he wanted to give them a chance to redeem their wrongdoings since they were following these two rats. The reason was that Jin Fan managed to gather hundreds of followers, it would be a pity to kick them all.

He wanted these people to sign the slave contract to redeem their wrongdoings unless they had killed the innocent, they should be punished, death penalty or expulsion, depending on what they had done.

However, the six Tarriors' punishment was fixed. They had read and signed the contract, they should know the consequence of betraying him, death.


The elevator opened and he stepped into the lobby. There was a crowd in the lobby, everyone was looking outside. But the moment his elevator door opened, everyone in the lobby was looking in his direction.

He ignored the gazes as he walked out of the lobby. A bigger crowd was outside, he heard screams from many people outside. Wei Xi and the others noticed the Boss's arrival. They gave him a path and he found the source of the scream.

It was Zhang Mengyao who beat people up. He saw twenty people were lying down on the ground, groaning in pain as their face was beaten black and blue. There was even a man with a bloody mouth and cracked lips that he even almost lost all his teeth. She did not plan to stop from the look of it.

He did not stop her either, instead, he asked Kang Xue who was standing next to him, "What happened?" Zhang Mengyao lost it. She seemed furious at whatever these people did.

Kang Xue told him what pissed her off. How these people looked down on women and called her whore. She thought it was what pissed Zhang Mengyao off.

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It was not until the twenty people lost their voice to scream that Tang Shaoyang called her out, "That's enough, General!"

Everyone looked toward the voice, not because he stopped her but because of the roleplaying. Yes, they thought they were roleplaying, a general of a small base like this? Everyone had heard that this was not a military-based base.

Zhang Mengyao stopped her beating and looked toward Tang Shaoyang. She nodded and went back, these twenty people were groaning in pain, no more damned words came out of their mouth. She stood behind him as the crowd's attention was on Tang Shaoyang.

From how they were standing, people could tell that Tang Shaoyang was the Leader. Of course, everyone had heard the leader's name, Tang Shaoyang. However, they never saw what the base leader looked like.

"Has Zhao Zhong come back?" He looked around to see whether Zhao Zhong had gathered all the Tarriors.

"I don't see him," Zhang Mengyao shook his head.

"Alright then, I guess I have to say something to clear the confusion within these people," Tang Shaoyang muttered under his breath as he scanned the crowd. Clearly, the crowd was mistreated, but they did not dare to leave because there was a wall that protected the base from the zombies. In this place, they were safe even though they starved. It was much better than living outside under constant fear of zombies.

"First of all, I will introduce my name!" He said that with a loud voice, "My name is Tang Shaoyang and I am the Boss of this base."

People expected this, there was a little surprise from the crowd. However, he could see that most of them had resentful gazes when they looked at him. He could understand where that came from.

"Second, I am sorry for what subordinates did to you guys," he bowed his head slightly, around 15 - 20 degrees bow maybe before he continued, "These people have done something disgusting on my back while I am away," He pulled the crippled Jin Fan, throwing him to the front like trash.

Zhang Mengyao asked Selena to heal the young man so he did not die from blood loss, but he had lost his legs. He grabbed Ding Hao, this guy was still intact with no injuries. So while grabbing the man, he "accidentally" broke Ding Hao's finger. The man screamed just like a pig about to get slaughtered.

He was not bothered by the scream as he threw the man next to Jin Fan. At this point, the people who just heard the tale of the demonic Boss became even more scared.

"These two are the scums that have scammed all of you. First of all, you don't need to pay any food to enter our territory or become part of our Empire. Second, we will instead provide you shelter, protection, and food. Third, we promise to build a better environment for everyone to live in, and I need your contributions too to realize that!" As soon as he said that, the crowd broke into a commotion. They began cursing and pointing their fingers at the guards, Ding Hao, and Jin Fan.

"Silence!" The commotion almost broke out of control until he shouted at the crowd. His shout was enough to silence the crowd. The buzzing talking voice disappeared.

"I don't like getting interrupted while speaking, understand!?" He raised his voice at the end of his voice. The crowd did not respond to him in words, but their action did. No more voices could be heard.

"They have been doing this scummy action behind my back which is unacceptable. We will proceed with them by our means and rules based on what they have been doing! So you don't have to worry about these bullies!" The crowd was about to cheer in excitement, but they immediately shut their mouth at the sight of Tang Shaoyang's gaze.

"Of course, there's nothing free in this world. While we provide you shelter, protection, and food, we want you to contribute to building the base too. If you don't work then there's no food, simple. As for what work it is, we will publish the available work on our counter in the lobby. For more information, you can ask the receptionists!"

Indeed, everything was not as good as it looked, but it was much better than their current situation. At least, they could have a decent living quarter, clean clothes, and enough food to not starve.

Tang Shaoyang was about to continue, but there was a male voice that interrupted him, "What is this? Why are you doing in the main territory, beggars? Does the rule is not clear enough for you to not step into the main territory?"

The crowd moved sideways, creating a path for a group of armored people to go through. A fierce-looking man was leading the group. The fierce-looking man stopped at the sight of over twenty guards that lied down on the ground. He scanned the surroundings and soon he found Ding Hao and Jin Fan.

The fierce-looking man's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Jin Fan would be crippled while Ding Hai was wailing in pain with no voice while looking at his crooked finger. Yes, Ding Hao did not dare to make any noises since Tang Shaoyang said "Silence". The man was afraid that the Devil would break more of his fingers.

"Who dares to do this to them!?" The fierce-looking man yelled furiously. Soon his gaze fell on Tang Shaoyang's group, "Is that baldy who did this to our people!?" The fierce-looking man glanced toward the crowd to find the answer.

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However, the crowd avoided his gaze. Tang Shaoyang claimed that he was the leader of the base. It actually did not matter who was the leader, but who was stronger. Until that point was proved, the crowd did not dare to take any side.

"Yes, it's me! What about that?" Tang Shaoyang responded to the man flatly. He found the man's face was so familiar. He felt that he had met this man before but he forgot.

The fierce-looking man looked toward Tang Shaoyang, they exchanged gazes for a moment. The opposite party also found that Tang Shaoyang's face was familiar to him but he could not remember as well.

It was a momentary silence until the fierce-looking man snapped out in realization, "Ah, you are the bastard of Youyouliucun! I can't recognize you because you don't have your hair any longer! Hahaha… What's wrong with your hair, getting stressed because of the zombies?" The fierce-looking man grinned at Tang Shaoyang.

Tang Shaoyang realized that they seemed to be acquaintances, but if he did not recognize the man, it meant they were not that close. Berserk of Youyouliucun, it was his old title he gained for fighting for Dragon Wing, his old gang, 'Then this man must be someone from the gang.'

"You don't recognize me anymore? It has just been months, and you have forgotten about me?" The fierce-looking man flabbergasted as he noticed the confusion in Tang Shaoyang's face.

"It's not because of you, those Dragon Wing's bastards would perish under our hands! If not for you, my brothers would be still with me right now, and you dare to forget about me!" The man became furious, at this point, he had forgotten about the Ding Hao and Jin Fan. It was more personal right now, between him and Tang Shaoyang.

Since the man called his gang rudely like that, the man should be from his gang's enemy. However, he still did not remember who the man was.

"What in the past is in the past, I don't care who you are. But since you are in my territory, you have to follow my rules!" As soon as Tang Shaoyang finished his words, the man basically lost it. The man raised his spear and rushed toward Tang Shaoyang.

"Unfortunate, but I am no longer Berserk of Youyouliucun," as Tang Shaoyang finished his words, three shadows flushed to the front of him. Lu An, Wen, and Kairu were standing between him and the fierce-looking man.

As the three stood before the fierce-looking man, the people who followed the fierce-looking also charged forward. The fight was about to break out for sure.

"Take those fools down behind this man, and leave him to me!" The three followed his order as they went through the fierce-looking man. The man could not see clearly their movement, but he could feel a gush of wind pass through him.

"I don't know who you are, but you are being a disturbance in my base!" Tang Shaoyang walked his way toward the man. When the distance between the two of them was only two meters, the fierce-looking man tried to pierce the spear to his chest.

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