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Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 570 Eldrithor
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Chapter 570 Eldrithor

The fall of the Elven King had become a sorrowful and cautionary legend among the elves. He was now remembered as a tragic figure, a living embodiment of the ever-present danger of delving too deeply into forbidden magics and enigmatic powers. His legacy served as a grim reminder that even the most noble and wise among their kind could be seduced by the allure of forbidden knowledge and descend into the abyss of darkness.

Yet, despite all that, here he was, in a form that distinguished him from the rest. With a wave of his hand, the tattered and broken body of the elven queen squirmed and cracked, the audible sound of bones breaking echoing throughout the room. It was nauseating and extremely unpleasant to listen to. 

"We have to stop him… he's about to do something dangerous," I muttered, but as soon as I tried to stand up, a jolt of pain washed through me. It felt as if hundreds of hot iron pokers were being stabbed into my organs with each simple movement that I attempted to make. 

"No shit, asshole… you never told me about another one," Arpious replied, only to see my expression twist and contort, allowing her to join me in my own shock and awe. I didn't even have to verbally tell her what was happening as she somehow instinctively knew. "The king rises from the dead… or he was never dead in the first place." 

Suddenly, the queen breaking and snapping like a doll was sucked into the king's gray hand. Her neck was within his grasp and with a single squeeze, he snapped her neck. It was as simple as that, releasing her soul into the air, only to grab it and pull it back down, forcing it straight into his mouth and swallowing with all his might.

As Queen Seraphina's lifeless body hung limply in the grip of the corrupted Elven King, a sinister transformation took place. It was as if the very fabric of the world recoiled in terror, as he crushed her neck with a chillingly casual squeeze, ending her existence. Her soul, like a shimmering wisp, was released into the air, briefly free from its mortal vessel.

With a malevolent hunger in his eyes, the king extended his hand, his fingers coiling around the ethereal essence of the fallen queen. He yanked her soul back to him, and as her essence struggled to escape, he exerted his dominance over it. With an eerie, echoing sound, he forced her soul into his open mouth, swallowing with a voracious greed.

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The instant her soul was consumed, a profound and terrifying transformation began to overtake him. An unholy radiance enveloped his form, and shadows converged around him, intertwining with his being. His skin, once ashen and sickly, now seemed to radiate with an ominous, ghostly light, casting an eerie pallor across the throne room.

His eyes, formerly abyssal pools of darkness, now gleamed with an unearthly luminescence, as if they held the secrets of both life and death. His hair, which had been a chaotic tangle of shadowy tendrils, now formed a twisting, shadowy crown that seemed to ripple with power.

His demeanor shifted from a twisted and erratic disposition to one of eerie calm and malevolent authority. His laughter, once a maniacal cackle, now resounded with a deep, sinister resonance that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

The very ground beneath him quivered, and the surrounding throne room began to crumble as his newfound power radiated outward. Marble pillars shattered, and the ceiling fractured as if the very foundations of reality were warping under his influence. The atmosphere itself seemed to pulse with an oppressive aura of death and despair.

As the corrupted Elven King devoured the essence of Queen Seraphina, a torrent of dark energy surged through him, further amplifying his newfound, deathly godlike power. The very air crackled with malevolence, and the once-resplendent throne room was now an ethereal battlefield where reality itself was warped and reshaped by his sinister might.

The king's form underwent a nightmarish metamorphosis. His veins, once blackened with shadow, pulsed with an eerie, purplish light, tracing an intricate network of runes across his ashen skin. These runes seemed to breathe and shift, as if they were the conduits of unfathomable power, etching their dark purpose into his very soul.

His eyes, now aglow with an otherworldly luminescence, took on an unsettling, otherworldly quality. They bore into the hearts of those who dared to meet his gaze, laying bare their deepest fears and desires. It was as if he could see into the very fabric of reality, glimpsing the secrets of life, death, and the enigmatic forces that bound them together.

His hair, once a chaotic tangle of shadowy tendrils, now resembled a writhing crown of darkness that seemed to pulse with an insatiable hunger. It undulated with an eerie grace, as if it were a living entity that sought to extend his dominion over the realms of the living and the dead.

The corrupted Elven King's laughter, once a maniacal cackle, had transformed into a sound that resonated through the very core of one's being. It was a deep, echoing resonance that echoed with the cries of countless lost souls, and it sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it, a haunting reminder of his absolute dominion over the forces of darkness.

The surrounding throne room continued to disintegrate under the weight of his power. The once-majestic marble pillars shattered into dust, and the ceiling fractured into a chaotic maelstrom of darkness. Reality itself seemed to bend to his will, as if the laws of the universe were no longer absolute in his presence. It was a terrifying display of power that left all who beheld it in a state of awe and dread.


[Name: Eldrithor, The Corrupted Elven King]

[Race: Elven Monarch of Darkness]

[Status: Deathly God]

[Level: Max]

[HP: 5000/5000 MP: 5000/5000 SP: 5000/5000]

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[Strength: 1000]

[Defense: 1000]

[Magic: 2000]

[Speed: 900]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 0]

[Skills: [Abyssal Dominion] [Soul Devourer] [Shadowmancer Supreme] [Eldritch Command] [Reality Warping] [Dark Enigma's Grasp] [Oblivion's Embrace] [Ethereal Corruption] [Maleficent Aura] [Whispers of Despair] [Necrotic Dominion] [Eldritch Shaper] [Doombringer] [Voidwalker's Might] [Shadows of Annihilation] [Sovereign of Shadows] [Eldritch Monarch] [Eclipse's Authority] [Darklord's Resurgence] [Whispers of Oblivion] [Eldritch Manipulator] [Soul Corruptor] [Sorcerer of Shadows] [Shadeborn Sovereign] [Dark Emperor] [Eldritch Devourer] [Abyssal Overlord] [Dark Monarch of Desolation] [Void Conqueror] [Necromantic Overlord] [Eldritch Necromancer] [Eldritch Warden] [Malevolent Manipulator] [Corruptor of Realms] [Eldritch Tyrant] [Sorcerer Supreme] [Eldritch Enigma] [Voidbringer] [Sovereign of Shadows] [Shadowweaver Supreme] [Archon of Despair] [Eldritch Conduit] [Dark Sovereign] [Necromancer of Eternity] [Eternal Voidwalker] [Soul Eater] [Eldritch Archmage] [Abyssal Conqueror] [Corruptor of Souls] [Harbinger of the End] [Void Monarch] [Eldritch Oblivion] [Lord of Shadows] [Eldritch Dread] [Emissary of Darkness] [Master of the Abyss] [Abyssal Overlord] [Shadowlord Supreme] [Necromancer of the Void] [Voidshaper] [Eldritch Artisan] [Darklord's Dominion] [Sorcerer of the Shadows] [Eldritch Voidlord] [Sovereign of the End] [Shadowlord Supreme] [Abyssal Archmage] [Eldritch Conqueror] [Necrotic Enigma] [Eldritch Dominator] [Lord of Desolation] [Eternal Voidbringer] [Emissary of Despair] [Master of Oblivion] [Abyssal Conduit] [Corruptor of Realities] [Shadowbringer Supreme] [Necromancer of Shadows] [Eldritch Corruptor] [Eldritch Sorcerer] [Sorcerer of the Void] [Eldritch Sovereign] [Abyssal Monarch] [Shadowmaster Supreme] [Darklord of Eternity] [Voidlord Supreme] [Eldritch Shaper] [Necromancer of the Abyss] [Eldritch Overlord] [Sovereign of Souls] [Sorcerer of Oblivion] [Eldritch Voidbringer] [Abyssal Enigma] [Master of Shadows] [Eldritch Archon] [Dark Monarch of the Void] [Emissary of Darkness] [Sorcerer of the End] [Shadowlord of Desolation] [Necromancer of the Abyss] [Eldritch Tyrant] [Eternal Voidbringer] [Abyssal Sorcerer] [Corruptor of Souls] [Master of the Void] [Shadowbringer of Oblivion] [Eldritch Dread] [Emissary of Despair] [Lord of Shadows] [Abyssal Conqueror] [Necrotic Dominator] [Eldritch Dominator] [Eldritch Oblivion] [Sorcerer of Realms] [Shadowlord of Shadows] [Dark Sovereign of Desolation] [Voidbringer Supreme] [Eldritch Monarch of Eternity] 

[Titles: [Master of the End] [Abyssal Artisan] [Sorcerer of Despair] [Eldritch Archmage of Shadows] [Eternal Dread] [Corruptor of Abyss] [Shadowlord of the Void] [Necromancer of Realities] [Emissary of the Abyss] [Lord of Oblivion] [Abyssal Sorcerer of Shadows] [Eldritch Tyrant of Desolation] [Sovereign of the Abyss] [Shadowbringer of Souls] [Necrotic Monarch of Oblivion] [Eldritch Dominator of Shadows] [Emissary of Realms] [Dark Sovereign of the End] [Voidbringer Supreme] [Master of Shadows] [Abyssal Monarch of Despair] [Sorcerer of Eternity] [Eldritch Overlord of the Void] [Shadowlord Supreme of Oblivion] [Necromancer of Desolation] [Eternal Voidshaper] [Corruptor of End] [Abyssal Archon] [Eldritch Sorcerer of Shadows] [Lord of Shadows] [Sovereign of the Void] [Emissary of Shadows] [Eldritch Archon of Eternity] [Master of Despair] [Necromancer of Shadows] [Abyssal Conduit of Oblivion] [Shadowbringer Supreme of Souls] [Eternal Tyrant] [Dark Sovereign of the Abyss] [Voidlord Supreme of Realms] [Corruptor of Shadows] [Eldritch Monarch of Desolation] [Emissary of the Void] [Sorcerer Supreme of Shadows] [Sorcerer Supreme of Shadows]


"What the fuck…" Arpious quaked in place while we were both forced to look upon the significance of this godly being. With a status as powerful as that, I doubt a hundred of me and Arpious would still be unable to beat him. "What do we do now?" 
