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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 395 - Cleaning Up The Battlefield
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Barden, Cade, and the rest of the nearby members of the Fenix Clan looked at John with stunned expressions as he revealed the truth. John's wry smile lingered on his face for a short moment before a serious look replaced it.

His gaze locked onto the distant members of the Crimson Valley Sect, who were beginning to retreat in absolute panic. Their greatest assurance had been defeated, and they no longer had any hope of victory.

The rest of the Fenix Clan looked at the retreating Crimson Valley Sect with heated hate filled gazes. Those members had nearly destroyed their sect, and had slain their friends, their brothers, their sisters. They could never forgive such actions.

However, all of them were injured and weary from the battle, and knew they were no match for the retreating members. John glanced at his father, and his large wound on his chest. A pill suddenly appeared in his hand which emanated a vibrant vitality, which John immediately popped in his mouth.

With the pill digesting in his stomach, he felt his drained Qi reserves slowly returning to him.

"Leave them to me. I'll be back in a few hours," John said to his father.

Barden remained silent for a moment before he nodded his head at John's words.

"Stay safe," Barden instructed.

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John smiled at his father and nodded his head before he pressed off the ground. The ground shattered slightly beneath his feet as his body raced into the sky and towards the enemy at incredible speeds.

Despite his drained Qi reserves and pained body, he knew his strength was still more than enough to eliminate the rest of the Crimson Valley Sect and finally rid these lands of their scourge.

The still stunned Fenix Clan watched as their Young Master sped off into the distance towards the enemy. As he arrived in their midst, dozens of lightning nodes suddenly sprung up in the air around his body, as he began dashing from enemy to enemy.

The Fenix Clan watched in stunned silence as the enemy force of nearly a thousand members was cut down in quick succession. Each bolt of lightning from his lightning domain shattered a body, while each swing of his weapon cleaved someone in half.

Although they were dozens of miles away from the fight, the Fenix Clan could feel the ground tremble beneath their feet from the force of the distant attacks their Young Master was unleashing. It was as if the apocalypse had arrived for the enemy force.

The enemy force, which had been beyond powerful and menacing in their assault of the Fenix Clan, looked absolutely pathetic and miserable in the face of their Young Masters power.

Cries of anguish, pain, and horror continued to echo out over the land for several minutes, before silence once again descended on the land. In less than five minutes, the enemy force of thousands, including three Meridian Forging experts, had been cut down completely.



John's axe cleaved through the last remaining Crimson Valley Sect Elder, who cried out in anguish for a brief moment before his body was completely shattered. His eyes surveyed the area to make sure that no one had escaped, as he wanted to leave absolutely no loose ends regarding the Crimson Valley Sect.

After confirming that the entire enemy force, which had contained Elder's and disciples alike, were dead, John's gaze shifted to the nearby person who he had left alive. The person was trembling in fear as he looked at John.

"John, please don't kill me," Orenn said to John with a quivering voice.

John looked at Orenn with cold eyes, before he sped towards him and knocked him unconscious before Orenn could react. After doing so, his eyes shifted to the nearby Skycleave Mountainrange, which separated the Fenix Clan from the Crimson Valley Sect.

"I still have one thing left to do before I can rest."

John turned and sped off towards the mountains, disappearing from the sight of the Fenix Clan.

"Where is the Young Master going!" a concerned Fenix Clan member asked.

They had watched John decimate the Crimson Valley Sect force, and had expected him to return back to them.

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A stoic expression remained on Barden's face as he watched his son fly over the Skycleave Mountainrange and out of sight. The last hour of events had seemed like an absolute dream to him, but he knew it was more than real.

"He's going to the Crimson Valley Sect," Barden replied calmly. "To erase their villany from these lands once and for all."

Without missing a beat, Barden turned around and stared at the injured and battle worn warriors of the Fenix Clan. His eyes shifted to his father Cade for a moment, who was transporting the Patriarch to the medical center of the Clan, before it shifted back towards the warriors.

"John will return before long. You do not have to concern yourself with that," he said to them before pausing for a moment. He took a deep breath and held it for a moment before slowly exhaling. "The War is over. Our Fenix Clan has weathered this tribulation, despite all the odds against us. We will celebrate this victory soon, but we must first gather our fallen brethren."

The Fenix Clan members shifted their gaze to the battle field, which still contained hundreds of corpses. They all nodded their heads in unison as they set out to gather their fallen warriors, and clean up the battlefield.

While the clan started gathering the fallen, Barden's cold eyes looked into the distance, and he quickly flew towards the place of John's recent battle.

After flying for quite some time over the picturesque Skycleave Mountainrange, John finally arrived on the other side. His gaze swept over the land below, and he spotted his target far in the distance.

His body sped forward once more, and he arrived above the Crimson Valley Sect. Like the Fenix Clan, the Crimson Valley Sect was nestled into the mountainside. Waterfalls cascaded down the mountain, leading to streams that meandered through the Sect. The sect members below, both disciples and Elder's alike, scuttled through the sect, going about their daily lives.

If he did not know the true nature of this Sect, John would have found it quite the welcoming place. His gaze hardened as his battle axe once again appeared in his hands.. His axe began to glow with a powerful light as his cold eyes stared at the sect below him.