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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 576 Starforge Discussions
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Further into the depths of the Jade Dragon Empire lands, an ancient city rested at the base of a massive sheer face cliff that was several miles tall. The cliffs carved their way from both sides of the trial lands all the way to the ancient city, which rested in the very middle of the lands. Those progressing through the lands would eventually run into these cliffs, and be funneled towards the ancient city.

Within the city was the only way through the cliffs, a tunnel that led to the lands beyond. Due to this, all the disciples that ventured through these lands eventually made their way to the city, which was now buzzing with activity.

The ancient city sprawled for several miles in each direction, and contained thousands of buildings, from residential buildings, to trial pagoda’s, to ancient castles. The buildings were colored vibrant gold, with jade green accents and roofs. If placed in the Divine Marital Continent, this city would no doubt be considered one of the more luxurious cities, despite the fact that it was a mere resting place for the Jade Dragon Empire youths that used to participate in these trials.

Thanks to the map provided by the Heaven Scrying Sect, many disciples had already found their way to this city. Before long, it began to thrive with activity, until it looked no different than a regular city. The youths from the various powers ventured through the streets, exploring every nook and cranny within. Others made their way to the many trials located within the city, doing their best to get as many Jade Marks as possible, while others decided to make this city their home for the time being, at least until they improved their strength further.

While hopeful in the beginning, many youths had discovered their strengths were miniscule in the faces of the real geniuses of these lands, and thus decided to focus on cultivation, hoping to raise their cultivation realms and increase in power before venturing forward again.

Over twenty thousand disciples had already made their way to the city, with more arriving by the second, further adding to the atmosphere of excitement, anxiousness, and hopefulness that flowed within the streets.

Within this city, many of the ancient taverns had been taken over by some disciples, mainly those who specialized in alchemy and cooking. Many saw this as an opportunity to make some extra money while living within the city, and so the ancient taverns which had been in slumber for tens of thousands of years once again came to life.

Within one of these taverns, a group of five youths sat around a table, eating a hearty meal while discussing the things they had witnessed within the realm thus far. If John was here, he would recognize one of the youths; Kadin from the Star Forge Clan..

“What do you plan on doing next?” one of the Starforge youths asked Kadin, who sat there in contemplative silence. “Do you plan on heading through the Warrior Tunnel? Or the Formations Tunnel?”

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Kadin glanced over towards the youth, his face calm. “The Warrior Tunnel,” Kadin replied without hesitation, providing no further elaboration. It was as if his mind was preoccupied with something.

“Have we heard back from Rydan yet?” one of the youths asked.

“No,” Kadin replied succinctly.

“What’s going on?” another youth chimed in. “He was supposed to take care of Adam and the others, and regroup with us. Do you think he got lost, or decided to participate in the trials within the desert?”

“No, Rydan is loyal to me,” Kadin replied. “I gave him the command to return immediately after, so he would have found us after taking care of Adam. The only explanation is that he’s dead, or too injured to move.”

“Dead? How is that possible?” one of the youths asked, surprised by Kadin’s words. “No one in Adam’s group was strong enough to fight against Rydan and the others.”

“It may not have been Adam and his friends,” another Starforge youth. “Maybe he ran into someone else who was strong, someone who decided to take care of him.”

“Impossible,” Kadin said, his voice slightly cold as he stared icily at the other Starforge youth, as if the mere suggestion was an insult to the clan. “Do you really think someone has the gall to pick a fight with our Starforge Clan? Everyone knows our strength, and the consequences of doing such a thing. The youths of the Honorable Alliance are weak and timid. Almost none of them would do such a thing.”

“Hey, take a look at this!” one of the youths exclaimed as he handed something to Kadin.

Kadin grabbed the item and inspected it for a moment, before glancing back at the youth.

“The Jade Dragon List? What of it?” Kadin asked.

“Look closely, there’s a new name,” the youth replied.

“A new name?” Kadin mused as he sent his divine sense into the jade piece. He scanned over the list, and his attention immediately locked onto a name that had not been there before.

John Fenix

-From the Heavenly Lightning Sect

-Late Meridian Forging Realm

-Rank: Two Hundred and Forty Two

-Fighting Style: Specializes in Lightning Battle Arts


-Rumored (Unconfirmed): Beat Vildren Valyren: Ranked Two Hundred Forty Three

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-Rumored (Unconfirmed): Beat Taran Zeral: Ranked Two Hundred Sixty Eight

His eyes narrowed as he read over the information, as he clearly recognized the name. A cold smile appeared on his face as his hand clenched tightly, shattering the jade piece.

“Ah, the Jade Dragon List!” the youth exclaimed, but quickly fell into silence as Kadin’s cold stare shifted to him.

“It appears that Rydan is dead,” Kadin spoke after a moment, his voice slightly icy.

“Dead? How!”

“It appears that John Fenix, the friend of Adam, has strength far beyond what I had been expecting,” Kadin replied. “If the information on the list is true, and it most likely is, Rydan would have been no match for Adam’s friend.”

“No match? But aren’t all his friends in the Meridian Forging Realm?” one of the Starforge youths asked, a tinge of shock in their voice.

Kadin ignored the youths’ question as he fell into a silent contemplation. The other youths fell silent as well, as they knew Rydan was a good friend of Kadin’s.

“What are you going to do? Are we going to look for Adam and his friend? Or proceed forward?” one youth asked after a while, breaking the silence.

“No,” Kadin replied as a cold smile once again crept up on his face. “Searching for Adam and his friend could take weeks. The trials and rewards within these lands come first, after which we’ll deal with Adam. Besides, I’m sure we’ll run into them sooner or later, at which point I’ll take care of both of them myself.”

The group discussed the matter for a short while longer, before they finished up their food and left the tavern. Sitting at a table nearby them, a lone youth, hooded and shrouded in a heavy white robe sat. The youths’ features were completely obscured, making it impossible to identify who it was.

A cup of tea sat on the table before the youth, which remained full as the youth completely ignored it. Their gaze shifted to the leaving Starforge group, before a jade piece appeared in their hands. Their divine sense flooded into the jade piece, taking note of the new information inside.

A small smile appeared on the youths’ slightly surprised face, although no one could see it.

“I figured you would arrive in these lands sooner or later,” the youth whispered, the voice gentle and soft. “I wonder, just how strong have you become?”