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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 596 Shocking Change To The Jade Dragon List
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The bald youth led John and the group to a corner of the room, in which many comfortable looking sofas had been placed in a circle, with a table placed in the middle.

“Tea?” the youth asked as he sat down, which John and the rest politely declined.

“Then how may I help you?” the youth asked.

“I’d like to get some information first,” John replied as he too sat down, followed by the others.

“What information would you like to know?” the youth asked.

“I’d like to know everything you know about this realm,” John replied, getting straight to the point. “I see the map has revealed the land quite far into this realm. I’d like to know about that, what’s required to move forward, and anything else of importance.”

“That’s quite valuable information you’re asking for,” the youth replied, the warm smile remaining on his face. “What are you prepared to give in exchange?”

“Since you didn’t name a price, I’m sure that you’re not requesting money?” John asked, reading between the lines..

“You would be correct in that assumption,” a voice to John’s side sounded out. He glanced over to the source of the voice, although he already knew who it was.

“Ainsel, we meet again,” John said, not fully surprised to see him here.

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Ainsel sat down on one of the available sofas, while his gaze shifted from John to Iris. He inspected Iris for a moment, and a very slight yet knowing smile appeared on his face for an instant before vanishing.

“So what information do you want from me?” John asked Ainsel.

“Oh, we don’t want information from you,” Ainsel replied, “because you’ve already provided it.”

“I’ve provided it?” John asked, not sure what Ainsel was talking about.

Ainsel’s gaze once again shifted towards Iris, which lingered for a brief moment before glancing back at John. John instantly saw through Ainsel’s meaning, as Iris was now in the Heaven Tribulation Realm.

“I have to ask though, who was it that fought at the end?” Ainsel asked, getting straight to the point. “Logic would say that the tribulator would be the only one fighting against the tribulation, as no one is crazy enough to interfere with a tribulation and draw the wrath of the heavens…but,”

Ainsel’s gaze shifted back to Iris as he closely inspected her once again, while John’s gaze narrowed slightly. Iris’s cultivation would have been discovered before long anyways, so there was no way he could hide it other than having her use a shrouding artifact he had on him. However, that would draw just as much suspicion, making hiding her recent ascension impossible. The Heaven Scrying Sect knowledge network was beyond expansive, and it was almost impossible to hide such a thing from them.

Clearly Ainsel had put two and two together, and figured out that Iris had been the one to invoke that recent tribulation. Iris stared back with a displeased frown on her face, not appreciative of Ainsel’s gaze.

“If you keep staring at me like that, I’ll cut out your eyes,” Iris said, her voice tinged with cold displeasure. She could tell Ainsel was using his unique eye talents to inspect her closely, something that was quite rude if not agreed to by the one being inspected.

“Apologies,” Ainsel replied quickly, his gaze shifting from Iris’s body to her eyes. “I just couldn’t help but inspect the changes to someone who survived such a tribulation. Tell me, what happened? I’m dying to know.”

Ainsel’s words caused the group to know that he had witnessed the tribulation, although he was not sure exactly what had happened. However, he was more than sure that it was Iris who had ascended, as there were no other likely candidates.

“It was just a normal tribulation, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Iris replied calmly, her voice steady.

“Is that so,” Ainsel mused out loud, a slight smile appearing on his face. He could tell that none of them would admit to what had happened, although upon seeing Iris, he knew his suspicions were correct. It was no doubt her tribulation.

“I must say, you are beyond impressive, and your eye talents far exceed mine,” Ainsel said to Iris, his voice tinged with respect, “and while your combat prowess is equally impressive, it’s not enough to explain that apocalyptic battle that had appeared in the sky.”

Ainsel’s gaze shifted back to John, who sat there calmly.

“As for you, you’ve become even more impressive since we last spoke,” Ainsel said to John. “Not only have you grown stronger, but your body seems to have become more profound as well. Congratulations to the both of you.”

Ainsel’s words seemed friendly, but it was a way of him telling the group that he knew for certain, and that there was no point in hiding anything.

“So what do you want for information?” John asked, not wanting to play Ainsel’s game. Who cares if they knew Iris had such a heaven defying tribulation. It was not something that would make her a target by the other enemy powers, as the details behind her tribulation were still murky and unclear. All it revealed was that her talent was incredible, and that something strange had happened with the tribulation.

“Like I said, you won’t need to provide anything,” Ainsel said with a cheery warmth in his voice. “Think of this as a gift from me and my sect, as a gesture of good faith and friendship. Our sect likes to establish friendships with figures who we think will be important in the future, and this is the first step in forming such a relationship.”

John stared at Ainsel carefully, but didn’t see any signs of falsehood in his expressions.

“As for the information about the realm you requested, it’s her,” Ainsel said as he tossed over a jade piece to John. John caught it, and inspected the contents within. A large quantity of information was presented to him, from the types of trials within the land, to requirements for progressing forward. A frown appeared on his face as he read over certain parts, and after reading through it all, he handed the jade piece over to the others to read. They all read through it, at which point John gazed back at Ainsel.

“We don’t have the details on everything in this realm, as even we have been unable to explore every area, but that information should be what you are seeking, correct?” Ainsel asked.

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John nodded his head, as it did contain what he wanted. Six jade pieces suddenly appeared in the air before Ainsel, which he moved to float before John with his Qi. John raised an eyebrow at Ainsel’s actions, as he could tell that the jade pieces were three maps and three Jade Dragon Lists. With these six pieces, it was enough for everyone in the group to have a map and a list to themselves.

“As I said, I’m looking to establish a friendly relationship between you and myself. This is just another gesture of my sincerity in such matters,” Ainsel noticed John’s questioning expression and said to assuage his suspicions.

John grabbed the jade pieces after a moment of careful inspection, as he did not find anything suspicious or awry with the jade pieces. He handed it over to the rest of the group accordingly, resulting in each member having a map and a list.

With this, everything he had come to get from the Heaven Scrying Sect had been achieved, and so John stood up to leave. He nodded towards Ainsel in a friendly manner, as regardless of his intentions, Ainsel had helped him and his group out quite a bit for no charge at all.

John turned to leave, and was followed by the others, but Ainsel’s words sounded out once more, halting John’s footsteps.

“I have received some intel that there is a particular person targeting you and your friends, and plans to do so before this realm closes,” Ainsel said to John.

“Kadin?” John asked without looking back.

Ainsel remained silent, but his silence was all the confirmation John needed.

“Thanks,” John said, his footsteps continuing nicely as he and his group left the building, while Ainsel and the other youth watched them leave.

“You really place him in such high regard?” the bald youth asked Ainsel. Ainsel’s actions had been beyond generous, showing his great interest in establishing a friendly accord with John.

“If you had seen the tribulation, you would have the same opinion as myself right now,” Ainsel replied. “He was no doubt the one fighting at the end, and the fact that he survived shows that his strength is far greater than anything he has revealed thus far. Such a person is someone who is worthy of establishing a friendship with.”

A jade piece suddenly appeared in his hands, and Ainsel sent his divine sense into it for a moment before retracting it.

Shortly after this, a frenzied commotion broke out throughout the ancient city and beyond, as a shocking and unbelievable change happened to the Jade Dragon List.

Rank 20: John Fenix