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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 652 Discussion of Feelings
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Before long, word spread throughout the entire final trial area that foreign enemies had invaded the lands. The details were sparse as most who encountered an enemy perished, but though Ainsels sacrifice, their invasion had been revealed.

The warnings kept some youths who had yet to reach the final trial area from entering, as the enemy could not move backwards through the realm. Sadly, the youths entering the final trial area this late were the weakest of the bunch, and most did not have a Jade Dragon List on them to warn them of the dangers to come.

For those already in the final area, the information was only a warning before their inevitable deaths. Even with the knowledge of the enemies arrival, most were unable to do anything if they were discovered. The enemy consisted of the strongest youths under twenty years of age that the enemy powers could muster, and were simply too strong for most from the Honorable Alliance to handle.

Only those on the Jade Dragon List had any chance of fighting back, but even then they were still weaker than the enemy, save for those at the very top of the list. However, even those at the top of the list were no match for the true geniuses of the enemy powers, who were slaughtering their way through the realm unmatched.

War between the two sides quickly broke out, staining the realm with the blood of battle and slaughter.


The roar of a Middle Heaven Tribulation beast bellowed out, shaking the nearby land and forest it stood within. Before the best were two youths, one male and one female.

The male youth instantly turned in fear at the sight of the beast, as if it were the most frightening thing in the world..

“Adam!” Iris called out as she watched Adam flee, and could only sigh deeply as she sped forward forwards the beasts. After a long battle, the beast collapsed to the ground, dead from being poisoned. Although the beast was a minor realm higher than Iris, her profound eyes, immense speed, and poison arts allowed her to battle it.

It was the seventh Middle Heaven tribulation beast she had killed in the Heaven Tribulation trial. With her eye talents, she was able to avoid any powerful beasts before they noticed her, allowing for her and Adam to progress through the trial steadily and unharmed. Each beast killed gave her Jade Marks based on its cultivation, and so Iris decided to kill some along the way and harvest their bodies for sale as well.

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Iris had already proven herself capable of handling such beasts, but each time conflict arose, Adam would run in fear, as if he knew nothing else but that fear. This had been happening for several weeks now, and Iris didn’t know how to help him.

“It seems as though his physical wounds have healed, but his mental scars are still fresh,” Iris sighed again.

Adam was never brave, but he wasn’t a true coward either. That had changed though, as he was unable to muster any amount of courage anymore.

Iris sped through the forest and quickly found Adam cowering beneath a fallen tree.

“Are you okay?” Iris asked gently as she arrived next to him.

“I’m…I’m fine,” Adam sighed in relief as he realized the danger was gone.

“We just have a bit more to go, then we’ll arrive in the next area and join back up with John,” Iris said, her mentioning of John cashing Adam to gain a bit of confidence again.

Although she had a Jade Dragon List, Iris had not checked it since Adam was given to her. She did not have the heart to check the list and see if John was removed from it, confirming his death. She knew that would show on her face and break Adam for good, and so she avoided it altogether.

“We’ll set up camp and set out tomorrow again,” Iris said as the light began to fade.

“Okay,” Adam replied as he stood up and breathed out deeply.

The two quickly found a cave and set up camp, and sat around a warm fire between them.


The light crackling of their campfire filled the silence as Iris and Adam stared into it.

“Sorry about today…again,” Adam said to Iris, slight shame on his normally prideful face.

“It’s fine, your still in the Meridian Forging Realm, so your fear was natural,” Iris replied.

The two fell silent for some time before Adam spoke up once more.

“You know, I’ve always wanted to ask you this,” Adam said to Iris as she gazed at him.

“Ask me what?”

“…why haven’t you told John how you feel about him?” Adam replied after a brief hesitation, as if he didn’t know if he should ask the question or not.

Surprise appeared on Iris’s face as it turned slightly red, but that surprise faded as a more sullen look appeared on her face.

“Was it that obvious?” Iris asked.

“If someone as clueless in such things as me could notice, then yes it was quite obvious,” Adam replied.

Whenever the four of them had been together, he could tell Iris’s gaze towards John was different than how she looked at him or Chase.

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“That’s…” Iris said and paused, shifting her gaze to the fire and then back to Adam. “You know my talents. I can see many things others can’t, including the most minute facial expressions. I can tell quite clearly how someone feels about me just by looking at them, and John…”

“He doesn’t look at you the same way,” Adam finished her sentence, his voice heavy as of feeling her sullen mood.

“I can tell he cares for me deeply, but like a sister,” Iris eventually replied. The two felt silent once more for some time as the fire continued to crackle.

After a while, Adam’s expression suddenly changed as he recalled her previous words, and he cast a sideways glance at Iris, as if too scared to look her in the eyes. His eyes widened slightly as he noticed Iris’s narrowed and judgmental gaze staring directly at him, as if knowing what he was currently thinking.

“And yes, that does include your gazes,” she chastised him, “and what you are thinking.”

“Ahhhh….sorry,” Adam replied, completely embarrassed. Iris was truly a beauty, and one of the most beautiful girls  Adam had ever seen. During their interactions, especially their early ones that had been quite antagonistic, he couldn’t help but throw some lecherous gazes her way as he inspected her and her body. He thought he had covered it up well, but knew he had been seen through from the start.

“Don’t worry about it,” Iris replied, “but I better not catch you doing it again.”

“I won’t…I promise,” Adam hastily replied with erratic hand movements.

“Good,” Iris replied as a small smile appeared on her face. It seemed that Adam was slowly but surely recovering from his mental scars, and changing back into his mischievous and prideful self…the Adam that she had once hated, but had now come to prefer.

The next day, the two of them made their way through the trial once more, avoiding the beasts as they made their way towards the end of the trial. After another half day of traveling, Iris and Adam arrived before another massive cliff that surrounded the trial.

At the base of the trial was a green portal, leading to the next realm area. The two exchanged glances for a moment before walking forward and stepping through. They felt their bodies travel a short distance through space before arriving at the next location.

A vast, sprawling landscape came into view. The horizon was lined with towering mountains and refreshing waterfalls, while lush forests, crystal blue rivers, peaceful valleys and flowery prairies covered everything in between.

The two would have normally stopped for a while to take in the beautiful view, except for the fact that many places had become fractured and destroyed, and blood and corpses could be seen all about, some no more than a few dozen yards in front of them.

“Watch out,” Iris cried out at Adam as she shoved him to the side.

A sharp sword light slashed by, cleaving apart the ground where he had been standing, one that had been intent on claiming his life.