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Ascension Of The Immortal Asura-Novel

Chapter 720 Devil-Yang Body
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The Asuraic creature’s aura exploded after hearing what had happened from Asuros. Asuros had explained everything, from finding the ancient dragon corpse, the war thereafter, the battle with John, and his eventual retreat.

The creature listened in silence as Asuros explained it all, but couldn’t help but erupt with fury after hearing that John’s cultivation was lower than Asuros’. It had expected Asuros’ defeat to come at the hands of someone with a much higher cultivation, but the truth was the exact opposite. Furious rage coursed through the creature as one of its hands suddenly slammed down towards Asuros with unstoppable might, but its hand stopped just before slamming down on Asuros and killing him instantly.

Asuros’ eyes went wide and he felt an involuntary tremble of dread course through his body, but he didn’t dare to move or make a noise, as he didn’t want to further enrage his master.

After a short pause, the creature withdrew its hand from above Asuros.

“I should kill you right now for such an abject failure,” the creature growled menacingly, its sharp teeth bared for a brief moment as if it were truly considering doing so. Its red eyes stared with a piercing malevolence at Asuros for a moment before it scoffed in disgust.

“You should consider yourself lucky that you’re the only human that I was able to find in this miserable world that has the Devil-Yang Body. Otherwise I would could you right now and find a replacement,” the creature growled, his words sending both fear and relief through Asuros. Relief that he would not die right now, but fear that he could at any moment should his master find another replacement.

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Asuros sighed internally, thanking his lucky stars for his innate variant body. While he was in the Bloodfiend Sect, he along with every other new youth was tested for hidden talents such as body types or attribute affinities.

The Bloodfiend Sect had discovered that he had the incredibly rare Devil-Yang Body type. The body type laid dormant unless it was discovered and specifically activated, which is why it had gone unnoticed for so long.

After discovering this body type, the Bloodfiend Sect excitedly escorted him to the Divine Martial Continent, and sold him off to a mysterious buyer for an exorbitant sum of money that was seeking such a person. While furious at first that he had been solved off like cattle, Asuros eventually discovered that the one seeking someone like him was none other than the Asuraic creature before him, who took him on as a disciple and transformed him into an Asura himself, which was possible thanks to his unique body.

The creatures gaze locked back onto Asuros and scoffed once more, almost as if seeing through his thoughts.

“I waited thousands of years for someone with a Devil-Yang Body to appear, but do not mistake my mercy for forgiveness,” the creature growled, washing away the relief Asuros felt and replacing it with dread once more. “I will wait another thousand years if need be to find another Devil-Yang Body, hopefully with someone far more capable,” the creature continued, its eyes seeming to glow like fiery embers within.

“Or perhaps I’ll seek out that John Fenix you mentioned, and have him take the seat at my side,” the creature said. “Based on what you said, his Asura body is even more profound than yours. Such a thing should not be possible, but perhaps I could learn something about his body by taking him to serve by my side instead.”

“Master, I will not disappoint you again,” Asuros said in a groveling manner as he kneeled before the creature. His trembling gaze hardened as he stared at the ground, as he knew displaying fear was the thing his master hated more than anything. His hardened gaze snapped up towards his master, as he did his best to hold the gaze of the menacing creature.

“As for John, I know him far better than most. He would rather die a miserable death one thousand times over than serve at the hands of…anyone else,” Asuros said, catching himself at the last moment, as he had almost indirectly insulted his master.

The creature scoffed once more as its gaze shifted to the side, as if staring through the very fabric of space itself.

“Hmph, we will see. Either he will serve me, or he will be consumed by me. There is no other fate for one such as him who has stolen the power of an Asura,” the creature scoffed as it reached out and grabbed a surprised Asuros, while one of its other hands reached out to the side and grabbed the empty space before it.

Space tore apart like fabric before the creature as it violently ripped its hand downwards, and the creature’s aura wrapped around Asuros as it stepped through the torn hole in space, which closed behind it almost immediately after.

Less than ten seconds later, another void in space was torn open, and a bloodstained and gravely wounded figure that seemed to be on the very edge of collapse stepped out of it, inspecting the area with furious anger for a moment before roaring in a furious rage.

The Jade Dragon Emperor collapsed to the ground, consciousness quickly fading as he found himself on the very edge of death after his battle with the Asura.


A draconic roar boomed through the dimly lit temple as John felt the uncontrollable urge to roar out as the whirlpool of blood continued to infuse with his body. The process had lasted for several hours already, and each passing minute made him feel more powerful than the last. The blood infused with his flesh and muscles, strengthening them and making them more durable, while also changing the very nature of his body as well.

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As the process continued, John was shocked to find that his body now not only produced his original blood naturally, but also started to slowly produce blood very similar in nature to the blood he was absorbing now. Such a thing was beyond shocking to him, but he allowed it to continue as the blood in the pool lowered inch by inch, infusing with his body.

The pool of blood continued to lessen as he greedily absorbed it like desert sand absorbing water, and after six hours, the final drop of blood entered his body, leaving not a single drop remaining. John’s body trembled with nearly uncontrollable power, as if it were just about to burst apart from within. Were it not for his heaven defying Asura body, he would have already burst from within already.

His muscles strained and began to tera, while his flesh began to crack and split from the energy surging out from within. John’s head suddenly snapped upwards as his mouth opened wide.


A draconic roar louder than anything he had unleashed before boomed from out of his mouth, slamming against the temple walls and shaking it violently. The roar reverberated within the hollow temple, amplifying it and making it sound like the roar of a true dragon, which even the shocked youths outside the temple could hear.

After unleashing the long and powerful roar, John felt the pressure within his body lessen. He roared out several more times, unable to control his urge to do so as if instinct guided him, and after several more roars, he had unleashed enough energy from within that his body was no longer on the verge of collapse.


John fell to his knees at the bottom of the now empty pool, and panted heavily as he fought to regain control of his body. After a brief struggle, his trembling body calmed and he stood up. He lifted his hand before his face and clenched it tightly, feeling the new power of his body, after which he inspected every other inch of his now more powerful self.

After a long while of self-inspection, a satisfied smile appeared on John’s face, while his gaze shifted towards the dragon statue overhead that seemed to stare down on him with a gaze of judgment.

“Thank you!” John said with much gratitude as he bowed his head slightly in thanks and respect. As he said his sincere thanks, the eyes of the dragon statue flickered for a brief moment, which went unnoticed by John.