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Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Chapter 384
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Chapter 384: Sowing Beans into Soldiers

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Once a battle began, stopping it was not easy.

Kill them and take their wealth for himself!

The moment this idea took root in Shi Jingzhai’s mind, it began to rapidly grow.

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As his murderous intent swelled, the surge of spiritual energy wtihin his body grew stronger and stronger. With a shake of his hand, he summoned an earth dragon that attacked Liang Xingbang’s wind dragon. The earth dragon obliterated the wind dragon and swung its claws at the other two, creating powerful gales with its movements.

“Senior Brother, you…” Yu Wanniang was the first to realize that something was wrong with Shi Jingzhai.

While they had just been acting on emotion at the start, only using ordinary spell arts, Shi Jingzhai was no longer acting on emotion. He was really trying to kill them.

“All of you must die!” Shi Jingzhai laughed. He suddenly tossed out some beans, shouting, “Sow the beans!”

The beans flashed with a special light. When they hit the ground, they immediately drilled into the earth.

“Become soldiers!” Shi Jingzhai roared.

A moment later, countless tiny people emerged, each one the size of a palm. They wore green armor and wielded steel sabers, and they had rather cute appearances. The moment they appeared, they charged at Liang and Yu with a cry, and one of them even lunged at Tang Jie. It was clear that Shi Jingzhai had no plans of letting him go.

Tang Jie was unconcerned, falling back and thrusting out a palm to push back the bean soldier. Most transformed objects like this small soldier had limited strength.

But a moment later, the bean soldier jumped, swiftly dodging Tang Jie’s palm blast. Spinning in the air, it shot toward Tang Jie.

Caught off guard, Tang Jie hastily stepped back and chopped at the bean soldier with the Heartbreak Saber.

This attack had mustered up ninety percent of his strength, and while he hadn’t used Energy-Blood Simulflow, the strength of the Jewel Body was not something an ordinary person could take. Logically, this attack should have destroyed the bean soldier.

It looked at Tang Jie, clear rage on its face. Pointing at Tang Jie, it babbled as if it had intelligence, leaving Tang Jie dumbfounded.

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The bean soldier once more charged at Tang Jie from the air, moving so fast that it left behind a wake. Tang Jie hastily raised his saber to block.

There was a thunderous bang, and in this clash…

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Hm, where did all the loot go? Who could have switched all the stuff out?