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Aspiring to the Immortal Path

Chapter 448: Catch the Wind and Seize the Moon
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Chapter 448: Catch the Wind and Seize the Moon

“Where is Tang Jie?”

This voice, despite speaking at an inconspicuous volume, drew everyone’s attention.

This white-robed man standing on a tree seemed very ordinary, but for some reason, everyone felt an inexplicable chill.

Xu Miaoran suddenly raised her head and said, “Who are you? Why are you looking for him?”

The white-robed man looked at Xu Miaoran and smiled. “My name is Feng Buzhi. You must be Xu Miaoran?”

‘Feng Buzhi’?

Tang Jie was alarmed when he heard this name. He recalled that Lin Baicang had told him about this man.

Before he could react, Feng Buzhi nodded and said, “Since you are here, it doesn’t matter if Tang Jie isn’t. If I capture you, I will essentially have captured him.”

He disappeared and then appeared next to Xu Miaoran, his right hand reaching out to grab her.

Xu Miaoran hadn’t expected him to act so decisively, and she backed away in shock. But while that grab seemed ordinary, no matter how she evaded, she couldn’t throw it off. Just when the hand was about to grab her, another hand shot out and pushed Feng Buzhi’s hand aside. It was the ghost guard.

Feng Buzhi lightly gasped in surprise. Glancing at the ghost guard, he smiled. “I remember you. Since you’ve decided to intervene, I might as well kill you all.”

He lightly thrust a finger of his right hand at the ghost guard’s forehead. As for his left hand, he kept it behind his back, appearing very relaxed.

This finger thrust seemed simple, but the ghost guard felt like he was in immense danger.

He quickly retreated, his body instantly creating countless afterimages as he pushed his speed to the limit. Even so, there was still a squish as a blood hole appeared on the ghost guard’s forehead.

This person had to be absurdly strong to push back the ghost guard with a single finger. Fortunately, the body was just a disguise, so the wound had little effect on the ghost guard.

On the other hand, Feng Buzhi once more gasped in surprise. The sensation of his finger thrust just then hadn’t felt right, and a hint of confusion appeared on his face.

As he was thinking, a sharp beam of sword energy howled toward him.

This attack came from one of the Horizon Ocean Pavilion disciples, furious at seeing his senior sister being attacked.

Without raising his head, Feng Buzhi waved a hand. His sleeve swept over that sword light, turning it around and back at that young man.

The Horizon Ocean disciple flew back while throwing up blood. He crashed into the ground and ceased moving.

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“Li Zheng!” Yun Danqi yelled as he rushed over and held his junior brother, but he was already dead.

He was furious and glared at Feng Buzhi. “Who are you, daring to kill a member of Horizon Ocean Pavilion?”

“A disciple of Horizon Ocean?” Feng Buzhi finally stirred from his stupor. Looking at the deceased man, he frowned and said, “I did not know he was a disciple of Horizon Ocean, but since he dared to raise his sword at me, then even if he was a disciple… he deserved to die.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t actually care, but rather, they were already in the final phase, so the Beast Refining Gate didn’t need to give face to Horizon Ocean Pavilion for everything. Moreover, so long as it wasn’t the daughter of an important person like Xu Miaoran, with his status, he really could kill one or two disciples of Horizon Ocean Pavilion without any problems.

“B-bastard!” Yun Danqi said from between clenched teeth.

Li Zheng and his other junior brothers had helped him defend Joymount Island. They had barely managed to survive those tough battles, but even though they had endured so many perils, he had abruptly died within this hidden realm.

“I’ll kill you!” That red-clothed girl who had come with Yun Danqi angrily shouted as she thrust her sword at Feng Buzhi.

At the same time, two other Horizon Ocean Pavilion disciples leaped into the air, thrusting their palms out.

Feng Buzhi grunted and waved his sleeve to easily defend against these attacks. But a moment later, several more cultivators attacked Feng Buzhi.

Feng Buzhi finally changed his expression, snorting, “I was only planning on capturing Xu Miaoran, but since you lot are so anxious for death, you can all die together.”

He once more disappeared, just as if he had used Tang Jie’s Chaoswind Step. He appeared behind someone and thrust out his palm at his back. The man threw up blood and died on the spot.

“Qing Yun!” Xu Tian cried out in pain.

He hadn’t expected the situation to develop in this way. It had to be understood that none of the Wandering Palace’s people had attacked Feng Buzhi. It had all been the Joymount Island group. Only they would lash out in anger at Li Zheng’s death, and they were also the ones who had motive to protect Xu Miaoran and get the favor of Horizon Ocean Pavilion.

His own group had no connection to Horizon Ocean Pavilion and was only concerned about their young palace lord. Although Tang Jie had used Shen Qingdan’s jade token to order them around, it wasn’t enough to make them put their lives on the line. This man clearly wasn’t someone easy to deal with, having even pushed back True Person Gui, so there was nothing to be gained from fighting with him.

The problem was that Feng Buzhi didn’t know about this, so his first strike was against a member of the Wandering Palace.

This person had extremely sharp eyes. He could tell at a glance that this group was trained in a combination formation, which was why he had killed one first to weaken them. But he hadn’t expected that these people weren’t together.

With Qing Yun dead, a Wandering Palace Ironguard who had been friends with him angrily glared at Feng Buzhi. “I’ll kill you!”

His best friend had just been killed, so let alone a Celestial Heart True Person, he would even dare to attack a Violet Palace True Lord.

Xu Tian was aghast. “Jiang Cai, be careful!”

Raising an eyebrow, Feng Buzhi disappeared again, appearing behind that man called Jiang Cai and thrusting a palm at his back.

If this palm made contact, this person would probably also die on the spot.

Fortunately, the ghost guard promptly appeared and blocked Feng Buzhi. “Be careful of this person’s strange movements. Protect yourselves first!”

His words were spoken swiftly and smoothly. In truth, Tang Jie was controlling him to speak.

Everyone seemed to wake from a dream, remembering that they should first apply defensive barriers to themselves.

Feng Buzhi let out a long sigh. “No rush, no rush. All of you can take your time… Catch the Wind, Seize the Moon!”

He disappeared once again without the slightest warning. Just like that, he instantly appeared behind another person. He saw that this person had applied a defensive barrier and lightly thrust out his palm.

This person was on the weaker side, only at the Spirit Sea Tier. His barrier crumpled like it was made of paper, the palm pressing onto his back. The man didn’t even have time to shout before he was dead.

A storm of spells thundered toward Feng Buzhi.

Feng Buzhi disappeared again, easily dodging the attack and appearing elsewhere.

This man’s “Catch the Wind, Seize the Moon” was like the Chaoswind Step, allowing for instant movement within a certain area. When Feng Buzhi used it, he seemed relaxed, nimble, and carefree, completely ignoring the attacks from all the surrounding cultivators.

Holding his hands behind his back, he casually said, “What does it matter how many of you there are when you are all ants? You are simply lambs in a pen, waiting to be slaughtered.”

He cast his gaze around. “The next one to die…”

He suddenly pointed at a young man. “You!”

“Defend!” the ghost guard shouted. He suddenly accelerated to the back of the young man. If Feng Buzhi appeared there, the ghost guard would run right into him.

But Feng Buzhi didn’t move this time, simply firing a bolt of energy from his finger.

It was swift and powerful, and the young man’s head was thrown back as it made impact, blood gushing out from it.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Buzhi had killed four people, leaving everyone stunned.

And he had killed them so subtly, never using any sort of powerful spell art and restricting himself to a single hand—his left hand had been held behind his back this entire time.

And while he had killed four people, his white robe remained spotless.

He looked around and pointed at a middle-aged cultivator. “Next…”

That cultivator backed away in shock. Everyone immediately began to cast various defensive barriers on him.

But Feng Buzhi simply thrust out a palm, striking a blue-robed cultivator next to him. The first palm shattered the cultivator’s barrier, and then he thrust his palm again, striking him in the head.

Two palm strikes to kill.

The blue-robed cultivator’s head shattered as he looked in disbelief at Feng Buzhi.

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Feng Buzhi smiled and said to the blue-robed cultivator, “You!”

The ghost guard charged out again, but Feng Buzhi had already disappeared.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air at this sight.

“Bastard!” Xu Tian bellowed in rage.

He threw his head back and roared, and nine wicked serpents manifested behind him.

“Nine Serpent Tyrant Strike!” Xu Tian shook his arms, and the nine serpent phantoms lunged at Feng Buzhi.

Feng Buzhi finally became a little serious. Glancing at the ghost guard, he said, “Besides you, it seems that there are a few others who can put up a decent fight.”

He finally took out his left hand. Looking up at the serpents, he suddenly spread out his arms.

Behind him, an enormous white crane appeared.

The moment the crane appeared, a sharp light gleamed in his eyes.

He muttered, “My name… white crane… go!”

He pointed forward, and the white crane phantom let out a bright cry and shot at the nine serpents like an arrow.

There was a brilliant flash of light, and the nine serpents began to explode, the crane piercing through them and soaring into the sky.

And then, even the sky over the hidden realm brightened up for a few moments.

The white-robed Feng Buzhi drew back his arm and simply stood in the air like a crane among chickens.

At that moment, everyone trembled in shock.

Somebody shouted, “Go!”

Everyone then realized that they had no reason to fight to the death with this man.

He clearly wasn’t targeting them.

But as they were about to leave, Feng Buzhi said, “Did I let you leave?”

He extended his right hand and said, “Black White Dimension!”


The slope suddenly transformed into a black and white world!

Feng Buzhi has decided to stop messing around! It seems like this guy is a big fan of duality.