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Chapter 536 Thorne's Team
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As Erik stepped out of the mercenary guild, the golden rays of the rising sun cast a warm glow over Testrovsc's Rest. The city was beginning to stir; merchants were putting out their wares, and the sound of bargaining could be heard throughout the streets.

Erik called for another cab, and not much longer after that, he arrived at the enormous entry hub of Testrovsc's Rest.

From afar, it appeared to be an ordinary city gate; nevertheless, once Erik and the other people who approached it got closer, the enormous magnitude of the structure became apparent.

On the inside of the building, there was a constant hum of activity. The hall was lighted by bright artificial lights, which projected a bluish-white radiance reflected off its marble flooring when it was polished.

The corridor was lined on all sides with shops selling anything from modern clothing to traditional tools.

Erik's attention was particularly drawn to the weapon shops since the exhibits in those stores demonstrated the superb craftsmanship for which Etrium was renowned.

Only a couple of the weapons even gave out a faint light, giving away the fact that they contained extremely rare Thaid brain crystals.

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The buzz of innumerable conversations, the odd yell of a vendor, and friends' laughs made for an energetic environment permeating the marketplace.

Erik couldn't help but be overcome with wonder as he made his way through the crowd. The juxtaposition of old and modern, the enormous size of the location, and the wide variety of people that worked there were all very overpowering.

Erik searched the crowded room for the members of the Porter firm he had recruited. It took him only a short time to figure out where they were.

A mishmash of people, all decked out in various combinations of rugged work attire and safety equipment, had assembled in the area next to the exit.

They had been deeply involved in the discussion up until the moment that Erik came into view. As soon as they realized he was alone, they stopped talking.

Erik could pick up on the brief expressions of apprehension on their faces. As he approached them with self-assurance, he quickly nodded his head in acknowledgment before continuing.

The man who appeared to be the head of the group, who had a scruffy beard and a cut that ran down the side of his jaw, cleared his throat. He inquired, "Where's the rest of your team?" while attempting, but failing, to conceal the worry in his voice.

Erik's response, tinged with humor, was, "I'm hunting solo, at least for this mission."

The shock was evident on the man's face as his eyebrows sprang upward. He said with a hint of anxiety, "Are you sure about that?"

"We are capable of handling ourselves, but we are here to retrieve something; we are not here to provide backup. You are responsible for anything that occurs while you are out there."

Erik and the man exchanged looks. "There is no reason to be worried," he reassured him. "I am aware of the difficulties. Just focus on the task at hand while you're here."

The atmosphere lightened a bit as Erik spoke. Thorne took a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Alright, then," he said, extending his hand toward Erik. "I'm Thorne, and these are the folks you'll be working with." He gestured to each member of his crew as he introduced them.

Standing beside him was a tall woman with a lean physique and piercing, hawk-like eyes. Her auburn hair was neatly pulled back into a bun. "Meet Elara," Thorne said. She acknowledged Erik with a brief nod, her face giving nothing away.

Beside her was a younger guy, probably in his mid-twenties, with sandy blonde hair and a wiry build. His eyes met Erik's with open curiosity. "This is Faelan," Thorne added.

A bit removed from the group stood a broad-shouldered man with dark skin and a shaved head. He assessed Erik cautiously but with a hint of interest. "And that's Bram," Thorne noted.

Finally, Thorne pointed to a petite woman with jet-black hair and striking blue eyes. She looked at Erik discerningly, her lips curling into a subtle half-smile. "And last but not least, Sylvi," he concluded.

Erik nodded at each of them in turn. "Nice to meet you all," he said, his tone steady. "Let's make sure this collaboration benefits everyone involved."

Turning back to the crew, Erik asked, "You've been briefed on the quest I've picked, right?"

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Thorne nodded. "Yes, we're aware. Hunting a Mistlynx is a solid choice for a pupil rank. But doing it solo?" His voice trailed off, leaving a cloud of skepticism.

Unfazed, Erik locked eyes with Thorne. "I get the concern. But I've done my homework, and I have a plan. Let's focus on doing our respective jobs."

Elara, her eyes still sharp, added her two cents. "We've seen mercenaries use unconventional tactics before, but taking on a Mistlynx alone is gutsy. I respect that, but I hope you know the risks."

Bram grunted in agreement while Sylvi and Faelan exchanged looks. The air was thick with unspoken questions, but no one pressed further.

The appearance of a rough-looking vehicle that was parked nearby brought an end to their talk. Heavy-duty tires and more robust shielding were used in the construction of this vehicle so that it could handle off-road terrain.

The distant cries of the flying Thaids provided a terrifying reminder of the perils that lurked above.

After following Erik to the van, the rest of the group got in. When the door on the back opened with a hissing sound, it exposed a large interior equipped with seating and storage spaces.

Bram, the most physically imposing, climbed into the driver's seat and made the necessary adjustments so that it could handle his size.

While the rest of the crew settled into their seats with the familiar ease of veterans, Erik chose a spot that offered a clear view of the wilderness they were about to enter.

The hustling activity of the entry hub gradually receded into the background as the van's engine started roaring to life.

They made their way through the gates, leaving the recognizable boundaries of civilized society behind them. A wild world awaited them ahead, full of twisted trees, treacherous vistas, and the inherent dangers of chasing a creature like the Mistlynx.

The ride was punctuated by the van's steady hum, sporadic conversations among the crew, and the ever-changing scenery outside. Everyone, Erik included, was acutely aware of the adventure that awaited them.

They were stepping into a dance with danger, and the music had just started playing.