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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 Fooling Theresa

*Although I look physically strong, I’m weak on the inside,” Broderick said. He then gestured for his

guards to carry Theresa to the car. Nell was angry that Broderick didn’t carry Martha. Even though

Broderick had an excuse, she felt like the excuse was not reasonable anymore. But she can’t afford to

act suspicious by being overly concerned about Theresa so she watched as the

guards carried her away.

“Are you weak because of the death of Amy?” Nell turned to Broderick and asked. “Yes, mother. Her

death was sudden. She’s the mother of my children. Up until now, I have not known how to tell the news

to my children. Amy was with them for six years, the feeling that they will never get to see Amy again will

hurt them so much,” Broderick said with a broken heart.

Nell pretended to be sad and shook her head pathetically, “I don’t know when I’ll be able to eat. Amy’s

death really hit me hard. But please Broderick, you need to stay strong for the sake of your children. If

you are weak, how Will you be able to comfort the children?”


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Broderick heaved a painful heavy sigh. She placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner and

said,” do you think I should follow you home, perhaps, I can speak to the kids about it in a better way and

quickly comfort them in a motherly manner?”

Broderick looked at Nell and said,” Don’t worry, mother. I’ll know how to tell them.” Broderick felt like

Nell’s presence in his house will make him feel burdened. Nell didn’t disturb him any further but rather

leaned her head on his shoulder. A few minutes later, Broderick arrived at his living room and then began

to walk towards the kid’s room. He knew that the kids must have been very curious about what could

have happened to their mother. It was better he just tell them. No matter how hard it is, they have to

accept the sad reality. When he was almost getting to the kid’s room, he saw the maid walking out. “What

are you doing in my children’s room?” His hard voice sounded, sending shiver down the spine of the

maid. She shook in fear and said with a shivering mouth,” I …..” Broderick walked to the door and

opened it, only to see the kids laughing about God knows what. Seeing that the kids were not hurt, he

turned back to the maid and asked,” respond.”

“I came to comfort them that you will soon be back cause they have been sad since yesterday,” she said.

Broderick looked at her suspiciously and said,” you are still the only suspect in the death of Amy.”

Broderick wondered what the maid said to the kids that made them even start laughing. “Scram!” He said

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and the maid left. He had gave an order for a close eye to be kept on the maid. Until he finds out who

truly killed Amy, he would not punish anyone. It wasn’t in his principle to punish innocent people.

Broderick then walked inside, once the kids saw him, their happy face turned sour immediately and Elijah

stepped down from the bed and went to meet him,” where is mum?” “How is mum?” Debby added and

also stepped down from the bed. Broderick looked at the kids with a shattering heart and declared with a

sorrowful spirit,” she’s dead.” He shut his eyes immediately after saying this and the kids immediately

began to cry.

Their cries intensified and some sat on the floor and began to cry while others were on the bed crying.

Broderick opened his eyes

and his heart broke as he watched as his six cuties cry.

“Please, stop crying! Please! I know it hurts that you will never get to see her again,” Broderick said but

the kids just kept crying hard, He was scared that they will fall sick if they keep on crying, he didn’t know

whom to call to help comfort them as he didn’t trust neither of the maid nor Theresa.

He walked to the girls and petted them, letting them soak his shirt with their tears,

In the sad atmosphere, Broderick’s phone rang and on picking up the call, he saw that the caller ID was

Brett,” not in a good mood.” He said as soon as he answered his call,

Chapter 00 i oving Thereas “We can’t find Amy’s body on the hospital bed, only her ashes could be

found,” Brett said. “The fuck!” He stood from the bed at once and said,” I’ll be there.”

“Please i’m coming, I’ll tell the maid to come over,” he said to the crying kids and walked out. He quickly

ordered the maid to

attend to the kids. Afterall, she once made them laugh in their sad state. Once the maid walked in, the

children stopped crying at once and laughter erupted the atmosphere. “Oh smart! Ya’ll really cry like it’s

genuine,” the maid laughed again. “We have to play the game perfectly,” Moses said and quickly went to

the laptop that the maid came prior to deliver to them. He opened it and dialed a number, once the

person on the other end answered, her face got revealed. “Mum!” Moses screamed joyfully and said,”

guess what? Dad just came here and told us you were dead, come and see how we were all faking


This time, the remaining five childrean swarmed around Moses so they can both watch the person on the

screen. They all had

smiles on their face. Amy smiled from the other end,” Just act along, I’ll come back home precisely one

month later. But before then, we will be meeting every Friday by the beach, Joan will always you take

you there to meet me.” “Okay mummy, we can’t wait to meet with you this Friday,” Queen said. “Yes,

mum! I’m missing you already.” Elisha said. “I just wish we can fast-forward the time so one month can

come already,” Elijah said. “We can talk time to time from here, okay?” Amy said and the children nodded

gleefully. A knock suddenly landed on the door and

Moses quickly closed the laptop and hide it under the pillow.

“Who is that?” Moses screamed.

The door opened and Theresa appeared, the children immediately carry on a sad look. The smiles on

their face immediately

vanished and they now looked sober. “Miss Theresa, you should have let the kids give you permission

before you step in, I think you should respect their privacy,” Joan, the maid said. Joan has started hating

Theresa after she caught her adding poison to Amy’s food. That day that Theresa appeared at the

kitchen and told her to go ahead and serve the children’s food while she serves that of Broderick. She

knew that Theresa was up to something as she had never really trusted her. Joan just never liked her

demeanor. When Joan pretended to walk out with the children’s food, she didn’t evacuate totally. She did

left the kitchen but she was by the door, peeping. Once she saw Theresa brought out something like

drug from her purse, she immediately dropped the tray of the children’s food in her hand and began to

record how she poisoned the food.

Once Theresa was done, she looked back to be sure no one was looking at her but Joan had hidden well

so Theresa didn’t suspect anything. She saved the video and then went to serve the children’s food.

After watching Theresa serve Broderick’s food, she also walked inside the kitchen to pour the poisoned

food away then got a new food for Amy then came to serve it. Once all the foods were set, Joan ran

immediately to Amy’s room and told her she had something urgent to discuss, Amy welcomed her

politely and Joan revealed the video she recorded. She also told Amy she had poured the poisoned food

away. Amy knew Theresa was desperate to have Broderick all to herself, what she didn’t know was that

Theresa even wanted her dead. Anny thought that if she remains in this mansion, if at all she escaped

the poisoned food today, she may not escape Theresa’s death trap next time. So it was better to leave

this mansion for a while. A month should be enough. She would use that period to effect a lot of plans

she has in her head as regarding Theresa, her stepmother and her Stepsister.

But Amy laised with the maid to tell the kids that she’s not dead because she doesn’t want the kids to be

sad. She always wants

her children to be happy always.

She trusted the maid and beleived that the maid can protect her children during her absense plus she

created a means at which she can communicate with her kids with a live video call. Moreso, she planned

on secretly meeting with the kids every Friday

until she finally revealed herself by the end of the month. By that time, she should have been able to find

out and reveal as many secretes as she can


Infact. Theresa’s day of pretending to be a good woman will soon be over because she has the video

evidence of Theresa

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poisoning her food. But she will reveal it and many more at the right time.

“Did you forget you are just a maid? How can you talk to me that way?” Theresa asked Joan, shooting

her a disgusting and a

demeaning look. “I know I’m a maid, I’m only teaching you what is right.” She said fearlessly.

Theresa was angry and approached her, she raised her hands in an attempt to slap her but Moses

spoke,” hold it.”

Theresa paused and looked down at Moses with an angry look.

“She has said nothing wrong, how can you slap her?” Moses asked.

“She only said you should respect our privacy and not just barge in on us,” Elisha added. The kids knew

that it was important to lecture Theresa on this so that she wouldn’t barge in on them at a time they may

be having a live video call with their mum. Amy had warned them that they had to keep the fact that she

was alive a secrete from everyone.

Theresa lowered her hand and smiled at Elisha,” I’m not mean or uncultured. It’s just that I don’t like the

way this maid speaks to me.” Theresa wanted to curry favour from the children now that she know that

their mother is dead. She want to work hard to make the children love her and regard her as their

mother. That alone can make her find more of Broderick’s favour.

“Please don’t make an attempt to lay hands again on her just because she’s a maid. We are all human

beings and we should treat one another with respect,” Elijah said.

“Alright, I’ll do as you have said,” Theresa still had a smile on her face and then said to the maid, “get

out.” She was still angry at the maid and infact, planned on punishing her greatly in the absense of the


The maid walked out without saying a word but she actually didn’t leave, she was by the door, peeping.

She can’t trust Theresa alone with the kids. It’s her responsibility now to ensure that the kids are


Theresa sat slowly on the bed and sighed, she forced tears out of her face and said,” I’m so sorry about

the death of your mother.

When I heard about it, it hurts me so bad that I felt like killing myself. I love your mum so much,” she

cried even more while the children just watched her with a pretentious sad look.

She placed her hand on that of Elijah and said,” Elijah, I know how much pain you feel right now,” she

was looking straight into the little boy’s face. Elijah let tears stream out of his face and began to cry, she

quickly drawled him closer to herself and made him

hug her. “I miss my mum,” Elijah said pitifully. His brothers and sisters also began to cry.

Oh my! Come dearies,” Theresa gestured to them all and they all swarmed around her and continued

crying while she was Detting them.

The maid who was peeping and watching was just chuckling on the inside.

“Theresa, you will soon realize how much of an ignorant fool you are,” Joan mumbled.