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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 125
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Adam remained quiet, but the other kidnapper was so scared that he was petrified. He never would’ve

guessed that Casper actually had over forty thousand with him.

Shoot! If I had bought his words, would I be rewarded with the money like Jeremy was?

The kidnapper couldn’t help regretting his decision.

Unfortunately, there was no longer anything he could do about it. All that was left was for him to endure

his terrible fate.

“Buddy, we lost this time, and we admit defeat. How about we transfer all our money to you? Will you

let me go just this once?” asked Adam.

His tone made it sound like he was buttering Casper up.

He had been a thug for years, and his missions hadn’t always been successful. However, he knew to

bow down and admit defeat whenever he failed.

He was quick to make his decision and was willing to make sacrifices for his future well-being. That

was why Adam was able to survive all those years.

He was a natural trickster.

Casper knew what Adam was doing, and why the latter was doing all that. That being said, Casper was

not an idiot. He would not let his enemy survive long enough to retaliate.

In a way, Casper was naturally vicious, so there was no way he would agree to Adam’s terms.

Nonetheless, it didn’t mean that he would mind having some extra money on him.

Casper grinned and said, “Okay. Let’s see if you can afford to save your own life.”

Adam stiffened and grinned before asking, “How much do you think will suffice?” As he spoke, he

gritted his teeth.

“How about five million? Do you think that your life is worth that much?” asked Casper as he grinned at

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If at all possible, Adam truly wished that he could stand up and strangle Casper immediately.

Five million? Why don’t you just rob a freaking bank while you’re at it? That is almost equivalent to my

life’s savings. My gosh, why don’t you just kill me directly?

“Here’s the thing, buddy. Five million is a little out of my league. I don’t have that much on me. How

about I pay a little less?” asked Adam in a troubled tone.

“Oh, okay. So you don’t think you’re worth five million. Huh, And here I thought that your life is precious.

Who would’ve thought that you’d see yourself as such a lowlife?” replied Casper in a taunting tone.

“Haha, well, these old bones are brittle, so they are not worth much. How about I give you three

million?” offered Adam.

“Okay. There’s nothing I can do since you don’t value yourself. Transfer the fund over to me and leave

on your own accord,” said Casper.

Seeing how Casper was acting like an assh*le even after getting a bargain made Adam feel like

punching Casper right across the face.

Unfortunately, Adam couldn’t do so. He wasn’t as skilled a fighter.

Hence, the former had no choice but to transfer over half of his life’s savings over to Casper. At that

moment, Adam’s heart felt like it was bleeding.

Still, he couldn’t deny that despite being a total j*rk, Casper’s method was pretty effective. He got all of

my men to leave or abandon post and easily changed the tide.

Aside from his combat skills, his strategic thinking was also on point.

Just as Adam was about to walk out of the exit, Casper called out, “Wait”

Adam had no choice but to bite down and to withstand the pain from his broken knee. He turned

around and with a smile, he asked, “Is there anything else, buddy?”

Casper spoke in an infuriating tone when he added, “That was just my compensation. You haven’t paid

my girlfriend to compensate for wasting her time.”

When Lilian heard Casper referring to her as his girlfriend, she became so happy that her spirit soared.

She blushed as her eyes shone with love.

“T-This is a little too much, isn’t it? How much more do you want? I’ve already exhausted my savings,”

said Adam with a grouchy expression on.

“You’re overthinking it. I’m not after your money,” replied Casper.

“Then what do you want?” asked Adam as he sighed a breath of relief.

“I want to cripple you,” answered Casper in the most nonchalant tone ever.

As soon as he finished speaking, Casper attacked. He was so fast that he was standing beside Adam

almost instantly. Crack!

That was the sound of bones breaking. Adam’s agonized shriek followed soon after.

The remaining kidnapper was so shocked that he couldn’t even manage to speak. Casper was quick to

break all of his limbs and cripple him, too.

Thus, the mess that the kidnappers had caused finally came to an end.

After the ordeal, Casper took Lilian back to the university before he hurried back to his dorm.

He felt like he would die of frustration if he kept staying silent in the matter.

At the dorm.

Casper barged into the room and demanded, “Is Remy Harfield here?”

His tone was so harsh that he sounded nothing like his usual self.

Felix noticed how Casper looked a bit off, so the former quickly replied, “No. He said he had some

errands to run. What’s wrong? What happened?”

Casper shook his head and replied, “Lilian was kidnapped today. I interrogated the kidnappers, and

their description suggested that the mastermind is most likely Jessica.”

“What the f*ck? No way! You don’t think Remy would…?” said Felix hesitantly.

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“You guys are the only ones who know about Lilian and me. Besides, the kidnappers specifically said

that they kidnapped her because she is my girlfriend!” said Casper.

“What the f*ck? That Jessica is such a b*tch!” growled Felix angrily. “Come on, let’s go talk to that

woman and ask her what this is all about. While we’re at it, let’s get Remy back! We can’t let that

woman keep conning him like that. He’ll just sink deeper and deeper into the hellhole she made for


“My thoughts exactly! That’s why I came to ask if he was involved in the matter. This is not a minor

issue and must be dealt with. Lilian was scared out of her mind.”

Just then, Remy returned to the dorm.

He ignored the two of them as usual. In fact, he walked right past Casper and Felix as if he couldn’t see

either of them.

Casper didn’t keep quiet this time.

“Remy, did you tell Jessica that Lilian is my girlfriend or something along those lines?” demanded


Remy scoffed and dissed, “So what if I did? Am I supposed to let you continue badgering my


Felix growled furiously, “Lilian was kidnapped today. They were after Casper! We had been keeping

this a secret from you because we didn’t want you to get hurt, but that Jessica Taylor only got close to

you because she wanted to seek vengeance against Casper. Do not be fooled by her act!”

“That’s enough, guys!” growled Remy loudly and angrily. “You were into my goddess earlier and tried to

get funny with her. I didn’t say anything because you’re my pal, Casper, but you insist on making things

worse. I can’t believe that you guys gang up together like this. How can you come up with lies like

these just to tarnish her good name? Don’t you find your behavior utterly shameful? I honestly

misjudged you, Casper. You’re not the honorable man I think you are.”