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Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 706 - If Nick Fury Knows Something, That Is What We Wanted Him to Know!
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Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 706 If Nick Fury Knows Something, That Is What We Wanted Him to Know!

He really wants to hit someone!

If not for the fact that he wasn’t wearing his steel suit at this tand knew that he was no match for Uehara Naraku. He really wanted to beat up Uehara Naraku directly…

Tony Stark was really about to go crazy from Uehara Naraku’s behavior. Why did Uehara Naraku want to record a video of him losing his temper?

What kind of confusing behavior was this?

There must be something wrong with this person!

Tony Stark punched the wall beside him and turned to look at Uehara Naraku’s direct superior “Director Fury, let your subordinates leave my sight first. I don’t want to see this guy…”

“Agent Uehara.”

Nick Fury waved his hand at Uehara Naraku, indicating for this man with low EQ to leave first, “You go out and wait for a while. I will talk to Mr. Stark for a while.”


Uehara Naraku nodded calmly. He recorded Tony Stark’s ‘evidence’ and left the place under his furious gaze.

After Uehara Naraku left.

Tony Stark slowly calmed down. They sat on the sofa quietly and frowned as they looked at Nick Fury. He then said, “Tell me, why did you place two spies beside me?”

“Because of your father.”

Nick Fury’s words caught Tony Stark’s attention.

After saying that, Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark, who was in a daze, and continued to add softly, “Let’s start from the beginning… Let’s start from when you encountered the attack of that guy Ivan Vanko in Monaco.”

“You know him?”

Tony Stark suddenly looked unhappy. He slowly shook his head and said, “Ivan Vanko toldthat the arc reactor was made by his father…”

“He told you that your father stole the research results?”

Nick Fury shook his head and continued, “There is one correct thing. That thing called arc reactor on your chest is something your father, Howard Stark, and Ivan Vanko’s father, Anton Vanko, jointly developed.”


Tony Stark’s expression suddenly becnervous.

Nick Fury slowly told a story.

“After they developed the arc reactor, your father originally wanted to use the arc reactor to eliminate the world’s nuclear reactors, turning the Cold War’s arms race into an energy race to maintain world peace…”

“But Anton Vanko only wants to use the arc reactor to earn money. Your father thinks that the arc reactor technology is not yet mature enough for application.”

“After Anton Vanko showed a little evil, your father drove him away… Anton Vanko returned to the Soviet Union and wanted to use the arc reactor to exchange for a high position.”

“However, when the Soviet Union found out that Anton Vanko could not make a finished product, they sent him to Siberia. That place did not seem to be suitable for children to grow up… So his son, Ivan Vanko, cto you for revenge.”

“So, do not worry about your father, Howard Stark’s character. His character is not inferior to Agent Uehara you askedto drive out.”

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Tony Stark, who had been listening well, could not help but show a hint of anger when he heard Uehara Naraku’s name!

“Uehara is a liar!”

“Among all of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s agents, Agent Uehara is actually the one who is not good at lying. If he has hidden a lot of things from you, it must be because it is necessary.”

After Nick Fury finished talking about Uehara Naraku, he raised Howard Stark’s topic again, “Your father also hid a lot of things from you, right? He once said that the arc reactor technology has not been mature enough. Only you can perfect this technology…”


At the mention of his father, Tony Stark quickly shook their heads.

“He never said that he liked me. Since I was a child, he hoped that I could stay away from him and not delay his work.

It was what he wanted to see the most, and the happiest moment was the day he droppedoff at boarding school. “

“How much do you know about your father?”

“Deep-minded, indifferent, and good at calculating.”

After Tony Stark finished speaking, his eyes fell on Nick Fury, who had a face full of disbelief. He continued, “Looks like you might know him better than I do…”

“It seems to be true…”

Nick Fury nodded and continued, “Howard Stark is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s founders. He spent most of his life in research and work. Maybe I do know more than you…”

Nick Fury waved at Natasha, “Natasha, ask Uehara to help you bring the box that Howard Stark left behind…”

After saying that, Nick Fury stared at Tony Stark with one eye and whispered, “God only saves those who save themselves. If you want to save yourself, you can only rely on yourself to solve the palladium poisoning problem brought by the arc reactor, instead of relying on Hydra.

Your father left a lot of things in S.H.I.E.L.D., it should be tto give them to you. I hope you can find what you want from them.

Finally, I can remind you by the way.

Howard Stark was once one of the top three on Hydra’s assassination list. The guy who tempted you to cooperate with Hydra probably also had the intention for you to pay your father’s debt.”


Tony Stark fell into deep thought.

Uehara Naraku cin with a box and placed it in front of him. There was a note on it, representing the former owner of this box.

Owned by Howard Stark.

Nick Fury looked down at his watch and then looked at Tony Stark, “That’s about it. I have other things to do.”

“Agent Romanoff will help you deal with Pepper Potts and Stark Industries’ troubles. Agent Uehara will continue to protect and monitor you until you completely solve the problem of palladium poisoning in your body. Before that, don’t leave this house. “

“I’ll be leaving first.”


“I’ll keep an eye on you.”

“Don’t dream of having someone else to help you solve the problem.”

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he turned to look at Uehara Naraku and Natasha. He continued softly, “I’ll leave this place to you. If Tony really can’t hold on any longer, use the lithium dioxide I will leave behind, which can help temporarily relieve his symptoms.”

“I don’t want to be a nanny anymore.”

Uehara Naraku frowned.

“I don’t want to see this guy either!”

Tony Stark’s face turned ugly again.

Originally, after Nick Fury finished talking, Tony Stark had intended to forgive Uehara Naraku, but why did this guy say that he did not want to be a nanny anymore?

“Do what you should do.”

Nick Fury refused their request. He patted Tony Stark on the shoulder and then also patted Uehara Naraku on the shoulder, “Well, it seems that you guys are getting along well…”


How could he tell that they were getting along well?

If they could beccompanions in the future, they had to get along with each other as equals. At least, in Nick Fury’s eyes, Uehara Naraku had done well.

And the most important thing was…

No one knew what method Hydra would use to contact Tony Stark next time. Uehara Naraku should be the strongest combat agent in S.H.I.E.L.D., only he could protect Tony Stark.

“Report toimmediately if there is any emergency.”

Nick Fury left this place in a hurry.

After dealing with Tony Stark’s matter, Nick Fury had to return to Washington to report the trouble of Hydra’s resurgence to the World Security Council. At the very least, he had to use this incident to expand S.H.I.E.L.D.’s influence.

If the future Avengers were the top force, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s countless agents and their intelligence channels were the foundation to support the Avengers’ actions.

If the Hydra revived, it would indeed be a big problem.

For S.H.I.E.L.D., if the old rival of Hydra really revived, it would be a real opportunity for S.H.I.E.L.D. to prepare urgently so that it could deal with a bigger crisis than Hydra.

For example, in the southwest area of Mexico, there seems to be an incident of suspected alien visitors. This was something that made Nick Fury even more troubled.

This world…

Or rather, this universe had never been so calm.

Compared to Hydra that reappeared on Earth, the aliens that might have descended on Earth were the most troublesexistences. Especially when Nick Fury was young, he had personally experienced the crisis of aliens trying to destroy Earth.

After Nick Fury left.

Tony Stark looked at Uehara Naraku and hesitated for a while. Then, he said, “Uehara, you have to apologize for deceivingbefore. Otherwise, I will not…”

“I will stay outside this house.”

Uehara Naraku suddenly threw the syringe containing lithium dioxide at Natasha and calmly stepped out of the room, “As long as Mr. Stark doesn’t go out, I won’t interfere with whatever you do.”

At this moment, his back looked particularly pitiful.

This man only likes to do things in silence, as if he never likes to explain everything, and occasionally doing spetty actions may be the only tfor him to vent his emotions.

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Tony Stark suddenly understood what Nick Fury had said. Uehara Naraku was not good at lying and was even worse at speaking than him.

“This is an incomprehensible person.”

Natasha walked to Tony Stark’s side, looked down at Tony Stark’s neck, and suddenly took out the syringe and stuck it on Tony Stark’s neck!


“Don’t worry.”

Natasha’s voice was unprecedentedly gentle and full of motherly love. It made Tony Stark feel a little relieved. She explained, “This is lithium dioxide, which temporarily relieves your symptoms and allows you to work with peace of mind.”

Natasha watched the purple blood vessels on Tony Stark’s neck disappear and continued softly, “Agent Uehara has always been a very careful person. He saw your condition, so he askedto give you a dose of lithium dioxide.”

“That guy…”

Tony Stark frowned again.

Uehara Naraku, who looked indifferent on the surface but was actually warm on the inside, made him feel that he was somewhat sympathetic…

The world was bizarre.

If there was someone in this world who pitied Uehara Naraku, then it could only prove one thing: his life experience was not rich enough.

In this world, there was not only Tony Stark who had not been through society’s poison, but also Alexander Pierce, the secretary of the World Security Council far away in Washington, was the same.

Just when Tony Stark had ssympathy for Uehara Naraku, Uehara Naraku also contacted Hydra’s Alexander Pierce outside the mansion to report to him the news of Nick Fury’s contact with Tony Stark.

“I got it. Well done.”

Alexander Pierce praised Uehara Naraku’s efficiency and gave his new order, “Continue to stay by Tony Stark’s side. Find out the fake who wanted to secretly collude with Tony Stark!”


“That’s right.”

There was a hint of anger in Alexander Pierce’s voice, “There are speople who secretly pretend to be us or sreckless small organizations…”

Because of Alexander Pierce urgently contacted all the higher-ups of Hydra that could be contacted. After confirming that no one had acted on their own, he made up his mind to get rid of this group of people pretending to be Hydra!

Even if it is really the remnants of a certain branch of Hydra, Alexander Pierce intends to clean them up. In order to obtain greater benefits, he had to break his hands!

“Find them out.”

Alexander Pierce’s calm voice had a murderous intent, “Before that plan is completed, any Hydra that Nick Fury found out will be a fake one…”


Uehara Naraku accepted the order and said hesitantly, “Director Fury hasn’t suspected us yet, and I’m a little worried that this incident may cause Director Fury to speculate randomly whether there will be our Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D….”

“Don’t worry.”

Alexander Pierce couldn’t help but chuckle, “If it was just one or two Hydra members, it would indeed be very dangerous… But who knows how many people are hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Speaking of Hydra hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. to borrow chickens to lay eggs, Alexander Pierce couldn’t hide his pride, “Hehehehe, if Nick Fury knows something, that is what we wanted him to know…”

“… Hehe, true…”

Uehara Naraku could not help but chuckle.

The last sentence sounded a little familiar!