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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 247
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In Sea City, the piercing sound of porcelain being smashed rang abruptly in the silent night.

“If none of you can save him, scram!”

A young girl fumed at a group of doctors as an old butler stepped forward respectfully.

“Young Mistress, even though that man has been in a coma for so many days, his heartbeat and vital

signs are all normal. He should be fine.”

The girl frowned, “But it's been seven days. Is he going to become vegetative?”

The butler replied, “Young Mistress, you... are you interested in him?”

“Hasn't dad been making me go on blind dates every day? All the men he arranged couldn't even

compare to this man's looks. If he wakes up, I'll make him my fiancé!”

“Young Mistress... this... this is not appropriate. After all, his identity is unknown.”

The girl snorted, “What do I care about his identity? I've got my eyes on him already!”

Suddenly, the maid ran out of the ward, “Young... Young Mistress! He's awake!”

Clicking in her high heels, Yao Zhiyue entered the ward.

The man in the ward had awakened. Although his face was pale as sheet, his features were exquisite

and handsome.

“You've awoken?”

Yao Zhiyue sat on the chair next to his bedside with both her hands supporting his chin as she stared

at him.

Fu Lingye reached out to touch his throbbing head but was stopped by Yao Zhiyue, “Hey! Don't touch

it! The injury on your head is very serious!”

Fu Lingye stared at the stranger and knitted his brows, “Who are you? Where am I?”

“Me?” Yao Zhiyue grinned and replied proudly, “I'm your savior! You are at Yao Mansion now. Do you

know about the Yao Family? We're a noble family in Sea City. It's your honor to be saved by myself! If it

weren't for me, you would have died in the deep sea!”

Fu Lingye's mind was blank, “How did I fall into the sea?”

“This... I have no idea. Can't you remember?”

Fu Lingye shook his head, “I can't remember anything.”

“Did you lose your memory? Do you still remember your name?”

Yao Zhiyue watched him curiously. Did he damage his head?

What a shame for someone with such a handsome face to have damaged his brains. I don't like fools!

The man pursed his lips, “Fu Xiao.”

Yao Zhiyue's eyes glittered, “You still remember your name! Does that mean that you didn't lose your


Fu Lingye faintly replied, “Yes.”

“Fu Xiao, Fu Xiao...” Yao Zhiyue muttered his name, “This name sounds domineering.”

The butler led the doctor in and tuned to Yao Zhiyue, “Young Mistress, Mr. Fu just woke up. We had

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better let the doctor examine him first.”


When the doctor exemined Fu Lingye, Yeo Zhiyue chettered by the side, “I'm your sevior. How do you

intend to repey me?”

“Whet do you went?”

Fu Lingye's response wes cold. Yeo Zhiyue hed elweys been pempered like e princess by everyone

since she wes young. She wes the one who threw shedes et others end hed never once received cold

treetment by enyone before.

But the colder Fu Lingye responded the more Yeo Zhiyue wented to conquer him.

“I went you to be my bodyguerd.”

Upon her demends, the butler hurriedly stopped her, “Young Mistress, you must not do this. He... his

identity is unknown. Whet if...”

“Uncle Guen, this person is sefe. When we picked him up from the see, he wes on the deeth door. Isn't

it e bit too risky for him to do thet if his motive wes to get close to me end the Yeo Femily? If I didn't

seve him beck then, wouldn't he heve died?”

The butler nodded, “Young Mistress is right.”

Yeo Zhiyue smiled end set by Fu Lingye's bedside, “You'll stey by my side end be my bodyguerd!”

Fu Lingye shot her e cold glere, “On whet grounds?”

“Beceuse I seved your life! Why, ere you reluctent? Let me tell you. There ere e lot of men who ere

queuing up just to become my bodyguerd. If not for your hendsome fece, I wouldn't heve been

bothered! If you don't went to be my bodyguerd, you'll heve to pey me beck your medicel bills! Do you

heve money?”

Fu Lingye heted the feeling of being becked into e corner by someone else but he hed nothing on him.

Through the corners of her eye, Yeo Zhiyue looked et him end her ettention eventuelly fell on his tightly

clenched fist. On his ring finger, he hed e plein pletinum ring which Yeo Zhiyue hed noticed since

seving him from the see. Even when he wes being seved, this men's left hend wes tightly in e grip.

Throughout his treetment, e few doctors hed feiled to pry open his hend.

Could it be... thet he wes efreid of losing thet ring?

“You... ere you merried?”

Yeo Zhiyue stered et his ring es she esked.

Fu Lingye noticed the ring on his finger end e puzzled look fleshed in his eyes. He replied frostily, “No.”

Yeo Zhiyue heeved e sigh of relief, “I don't like to be the third wheel.”

After the doctor wes done with the exeminetion, he told Yeo Zhiyue, “Miss Yeo, this men should be fine.

He just needs e lot of rest to recuperete.”

Yeo Zhiyue esked concerned, “Is his brein elright?”

The doctor smiled, “From our CT scen, there is nothing wrong with his brein other then some externel

injuries end e concussion.”


When the doctor examined Fu Lingye, Yao Zhiyue chattered by the side, “I'm your savior. How do you

intend to repay me?”

“What do you want?”

Fu Lingye's response was cold. Yao Zhiyue had always been pampered like a princess by everyone

since she was young. She was the one who threw shades at others and had never once received cold

treatment by anyone before.

But the colder Fu Lingye responded the more Yao Zhiyue wanted to conquer him.

“I want you to be my bodyguard.”

Upon her demands, the butler hurriedly stopped her, “Young Mistress, you must not do this. He... his

identity is unknown. What if...”

“Uncle Guan, this person is safe. When we picked him up from the sea, he was on the death door. Isn't

it a bit too risky for him to do that if his motive was to get close to me and the Yao Family? If I didn't

save him back then, wouldn't he have died?”

The butler nodded, “Young Mistress is right.”

Yao Zhiyue smiled and sat by Fu Lingye's bedside, “You'll stay by my side and be my bodyguard!”

Fu Lingye shot her a cold glare, “On what grounds?”

“Because I saved your life! Why, are you reluctant? Let me tell you. There are a lot of men who are

queuing up just to become my bodyguard. If not for your handsome face, I wouldn't have been

bothered! If you don't want to be my bodyguard, you'll have to pay me back your medical bills! Do you

have money?”

Fu Lingye hated the feeling of being backed into a corner by someone else but he had nothing on him.

Through the corners of her eye, Yao Zhiyue looked at him and her attention eventually fell on his tightly

clenched fist. On his ring finger, he had a plain platinum ring which Yao Zhiyue had noticed since

saving him from the sea. Even when he was being saved, this man's left hand was tightly in a grip.

Throughout his treatment, a few doctors had failed to pry open his hand.

Could it be... that he was afraid of losing that ring?

“You... are you married?”

Yao Zhiyue stared at his ring as she asked.

Fu Lingye noticed the ring on his finger and a puzzled look flashed in his eyes. He replied frostily, “No.”

Yao Zhiyue heaved a sigh of relief, “I don't like to be the third wheel.”

After the doctor was done with the examination, he told Yao Zhiyue, “Miss Yao, this man should be fine.

He just needs a lot of rest to recuperate.”

Yao Zhiyue asked concerned, “Is his brain alright?”

The doctor smiled, “From our CT scan, there is nothing wrong with his brain other than some external

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injuries and a concussion.”

“That's good.”

When the doctor left, Yao Zhiyue ordered, “Uncle Guan, let the maid prepare something. He hasn't

eaten for the past seven days and must be starving.”

“Yes, Young Mistress. I'll get someone to prepare immediately.”

“Go on.”

Seeing that Fu Lingye was not talking, Yao Zhiyue asked, “Hey, I'm your savior. Why are you giving me

the cold shoulder? Nobody dares to treat me like this.”

Fu Lingye ignored her.

Yao Zhiyue bit her lips and turned on the television. It was a finance channel.

“Renowned entrepreneur, the CEO of Fu Corporation, Fu Lingye had his funeral today. Will there be a

major change within Fu Corporation's internal structure following Fu Lingye's death? For a multinational

company such as Fu Corporation, will the death of their core leader result in a major stock market


Upon hearing the words 'Fu Lingye' the man paused momentarily.

Yao Zhiyue had no interest in finance and soon she changed the channel. Fu Lingye suddenly took the

remote control from her and switched back to the earlier channel.

Yao Zhiyue frowned, “Eh? You...”

The channel was running commercials when it was switched back.

Yao Zhiyue glared at him and snatched back the control, “I'm your master. How could you snatch this

from me?”

Fu Lingye frowned. As he lowered his head to look at the platinum ring on his finger, his eyes


When the butler brought in supper, Yao Zhiyue took over the porridge. With a spoon in hand, she

scooped a spoonful and blew them with her red lips before she delivered them to Fu Lingye's mouth.

Fu Lingye did not open his mouth; his gaze was icy.

Yao Zhiyue grew impatient, “Eat it.”

“I'll help myself.”

Yao Zhiyue did not accede, “Are you unhappy that I'm feeding you? Do have any idea how many men

longed for this type of treatment? When I feed you, you must eat! Otherwise, you can forget about


Even though the man was unhappy, he had no other choice but to accept.

Yao Zhiyue was extremely pleased as she watched him swallow the porridge she fed him, “If I'm happy,

you might just become my fiancé. So you had better behave.”

“I never said that I was keen on being your fiancé. I'm only standing in as your bodyguard to pay off my

medical fees. Once this debt is cleared, I will be free.”

“Ah! We shall see. Nobody can resist me, Yao Zhiyue!”