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Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 530: Human Domain Treasure; Dawning Sun! (part 2)
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Chapter 530: Human Domain Treasure; Dawning Sun! (part 2)

The figure that appeared next to Seventh Prince had a face full of wrinkles, along with very kind eyes. He was none other than the lieutenant governor.

“I helped you,” the lieutenant governor said. “You helped me. It was very fair. There’s no need for thanks.” He smiled as he looked out at the scenery along with Seventh Prince.

Seventh Prince didn’t speak for a moment. Then he said, “I wanted to win acclaim. The Holytides wanted a magic to purge the Nightshade blood from their species, as well as a chance to reach the Smoldering God level. Both of us got what we wanted. But what about you? Do you really just want that item from the imperial palace that once belonged to Emperor Mirrorcloud?”

The lieutenant governor smiled kindly. “Of course. I’m not a liar. Also, you forgot something. I want to be the governor of Sea-Sealing County.” Lowering his voice slightly, he continued, “So, the emperor had that domain treasure all along, but didn’t use it. Very devious. Very clever. No wonder you wanted to work with me. The reality is that, normally speaking, you shouldn’t have won any acclaim in this war. The emperor was behind everything. Your mission was simply to save Sea-Sealing County, open Forbidden by the Immortal as bait for Crimson Mother, and give humanity the right opportunity to unleash its domain treasure.”

It was almost as if Seventh Prince hadn’t been listening. Face completely expressionless, he coolly said, “Why is the destiny aura of Sea-Sealing County so important to you?”

“Having been baptized by the lightmost fatehavoc pill, the destiny aura is very important. And the old governor was the perfect person to give his life to purge it of poison. As of now, the destiny aura is fine. Think of it as a fruit that’s only just ripened. It’s a gift from me to you.” The lieutenant governor spoke in a mild and straightforward manner. The truth was that he was worried Seventh Prince might renege on their agreement.

Seventh Prince’s eyes narrowed. “Who are you, really?”

“I’m a nobody,” replied the lieutenant governor, smiling.

Seventh Prince stood there for a moment before nodding. “During the big ceremony in three days, I’ll publicly announce that you’re the new governor. Going forward, Sea-Sealing County belongs to you, so handle things here as you see fit. As for that item that once belonged to Emperor Mirrorcloud, I can simply add it to the list of goods we’re sending to the Holytides as part of the deal governing their return. Even if my father notices it, given the bigger picture, I’m sure he’ll still agree to hand it over to you. Besides, he’s the only person that can open the ancestral land to retrieve it.” Seventh Prince turned to look at the lieutenant governor. “That said, I’m very curious. Why did you hatch this extremely complicated conspiracy just to get a bowl?”

The lieutenant governor smiled. “I can answer that. But there’s also something I’m curious about. What happens later on if I give the people of Sea-Sealing County and its destiny aura to my lord and master to devour? What will you do then?”

“On a personal level,” Seventh Prince replied calmly, “I couldn’t care less. The county belongs to you now, after all. But from the perspective of humankind as a whole, I’d have to stop you.”

Hearing that, the lieutenant governor turned to leave.

“You haven’t answered my question,” Seventh Prince said, his face expressionless.

The lieutenant governor didn’t look back. He just said one thing. “If I told you that bowl is actually the skull of my lord and master, would you believe me?”

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Seventh Prince’s eyes glittered. The imperial palace had been constructed by Emperor Mirrorcloud. In other words, it was very, very old. It contained many secrets, some of which could actually be traced back to the time of Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity.

Emperor Mirrorcloud had been the type of person who liked collecting things. However, there was only one thing that went with him into his grave, and that was a bowl. It was a bone bowl, and it had been interred with him. It was put into a coffin of the exact same measurements as his own, such that it looked as if two emperors had been entombed there. No one knew what that bone bowl did, or whose skull it was made from. And there was no information about it in any records. The truth had been erased in the countless years of time that had passed, so the only thing that remained were conjectures. There were even some people who claimed that the skull was that of Emperor Mirrorcloud’s closest friend, the crown prince of the Sovereign Kingdom of Violet and Cyan.

Seventh Prince didn’t ask any more questions.

The lieutenant governor left.

A moment later, numerous streams of energy appeared around Seventh Prince, which resolved into a host of figures in black cloaks. They looked exactly like the cloaked figures who had been with Zhang Siyun not so long ago. The figure in the forefront looked at Seventh Prince, clasped hands, and bowed, then spoke in a sinister voice.

“Your Majesty, if you give us the order, sir, we’ll kill him on the spot. We’ve already determined his origin. He’s from an organization called Torchlight. As for his identity—”

Seventh Prince shook his head. “Whatever information you uncovered is what he wanted you to uncover. I’m standing by my agreement with him. See to it.” Kneading the bridge of his nose, Seventh Prince continued, “By the way, have you found any traces of my younger brother?”

The black-robed figure bowed his head. “Your Majesty, we’ve already scoured all the counties looking for Twelfth Prince, but haven’t found him. We found some clues indicating he came to Sea-Sealing County. But his trail goes cold here.”

Seventh Prince digested that information briefly, then shook his head and left.


News began to spread about the grand ceremony that was to take place now that Seventh Prince had returned. All human sects and organizations knew about it, as did all the countless species.

Everyone was talking about the event because it was a coronation. Seventh Prince was going to crown the new governor.

Once that happened, the new governor would be the most paramount entity in Sea-Sealing County. His every word and deed could affect the lives of countless people. The three palaces, all the cultivators, and all the swordsages would have to listen to his commands. All it would take would be a single dharmic decree, and any one of Sea-Sealing County’s thirteen provinces or countless sects and organizations could be wiped out of existence.

He would be blessed by the destiny aura of Sea-Sealing County, which would help him break through all the shackles tying down his cultivation base, and enable him to reach the highest of heights. He would exist at the pinnacle of the county.

Of course, along with that great power came corresponding responsibilities. He would be in charge of safeguarding both humankind and Sea-Sealing County. Although no public announcement had been made regarding the identity of the new governor, everyone could already speculate who it was. After all... there was only one person who, after having gone through so many dramatic events, qualified to take the spot. And that was the lieutenant governor!

The lieutenant governor’s virtuous achievement with the pallid bolus had earned him the veneration of the masses. During the war, he had been cautious and conscientious. He had kept the interior of the county safe. And after Seventh Prince arrived, he fought hard for the rights of the county.

Everything he had done ensured that people loved him dearly.

If Palace Lord Kong had been alive, then he would obviously have been the best choice. The other two palace lords would similarly have qualified. But now they were gone, and only the lieutenant governor was left. He represented the heart of the people, and also the old guard of Sea-Sealing County. Obviously, the people would have no qualms about someone like him becoming the governor.

Xu Qing was drinking in his sword pavilion when he heard the news. He’d gone through quite a few jugs, but had plenty more.

In nine days, it’ll have been a month. In nine days I can go back to Seven Blood Eyes. I really need to pay a visit to Arch-Immortal Plumdark.... And Ling’er as well. Before I leave, I should go see her. She’s probably awake by now. As for Master, I wonder if he’s already done creating that treasure.

Eldest Brother must have other big jobs in mind for the future. I wonder what the next one will be. I should really work on my cultivation. I need to get stronger. The two of us haven’t even come close to traveling the world together.

I have to tend to Sergeant Thunder’s grave and pay respects to Grandmaster Bai as well. I should leave some offerings at Master Sixth’s gravestone too. There are so many important things to handle.

Huang Yan! I wonder how he’s doing. And also... who is he? I still don’t know for sure. Sir Bloodsmelter is getting so old. And then there’s Elder Brother Zhang San, and Yanyan, and also Ding Xue! I haven’t seen any of them for such a long time. With so many things to do, I can’t just stick around the county capital. I should just go out and do something.

He took a long drink.

Yeah, that’s totally right. My cultivation base is too weak to accomplish anything important. At least I don’t have any regrets about fighting in the war. Perhaps the swordsages... aren’t a good fit for me. I guess it doesn’t matter. I grew up alone in a brutal world, fighting to survive. There have always been plenty of things beyond my control. From the time I was small, the most important thing was to just stay alive....

Xu Qing kept drinking. Eventually, it was only about seven days before the appointed time to return to Seven Blood Eyes.

That was the day that Sea-Sealing County held its big ceremony.

At first, Xu Qing wasn’t planning to go. But then he thought about how he and the Captain would be leaving in seven days. When the bells started ringing, and his command sword vibrated, he put down his jug of alcohol, walked out of his sword pavilion, and went up into the city. Soon, he found himself standing in the very same square where he had sworn his oath in front of the souls of the county heroes.

There were a lot of people present, but everything was very orderly. Cultivators from all three palaces were there. Hundreds of thousands of people were all congregated. Everyone was dressed in fresh, clean clothes, and they all looked very excited. That included the three deputy palace lords, who didn’t look anxious and worried like before. And all the swordsages who were veterans of the war seemed to be in great moods.

Humankind had won a historical victory. They had a domain treasure, which meant they were no longer prey for other species. Everyone’s spirits were lifted by all of the good news.

More than half of the Holytide Region now belonged to humans, and a golden age was starting. Besides, the fact that the Holytides were returning to humankind essentially meant that humans would soon control an entire region. It was something that hadn’t happened for tens of thousands of years.

It was little wonder everyone was so worked up!

What was more, it would only be a short time before everyone got to see their new governor. Everything was playing out perfectly.

The Captain was in the crowd, as were Kong Xianglong, Qing Qiu, and Ning Yan.

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When the Captain found Xu Qing, he threw his arm around his neck, leaned toward him, and sniffed a few times.

“What’s wrong? Last time I messaged, you said you were in seclusion. Why do you smell like booze? How drunk are you?”

Xu Qing shook his head and chuckled. “I’m fine.”

The Captain looked suspicious, and was about to ask a question when the bells started ringing. The golden dragon in the dome of heaven roared, spewing out colorful clouds. Seventh Prince floated down from above, clad in a yellow robe, a nine-tasseled crown on his head. He moved with power and grace, and his mere presence caused the crowds to erupt into wild cheering.




Seventh Prince smiled and nodded as he proceeded to the altar. He was flanked by dozens of followers, all of whom were clad in the robes of government officials.

Among them were the three commanders-in-chief from the three palaces and the other commanders-in-chief and generalissimos from the imperial army, including the one who had presided over the operation in Forbidden by the Immortal, Generalissimo Bloodhorror.

Also present was the lieutenant governor. Just as in the past, he looked kind, with merciful eyes. There also seemed something wistful about him. From the look of it, he was very grateful that humans had finally achieved this victory.

The group floated down to the altar, until they landed in front of it. The imperial prince strode to the highest position of all, then turned so that his back was to the statue of Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity, and he was looking out at everything below him.

The hundreds of thousands of cultivators below the altar went completely silent. Expressions somber, they looked up at the prince, and behind him, Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity.

Xu Qing did the same. As he did, his heart pounded, and he struggled to remain still and unmoving. Over the past twenty-three days, he had become accustomed to drinking. However, there was no alcohol to drink at the moment. He sighed inwardly.

Once this ceremony is over, I’ll go buy some medicinal plants. I still have some military credits, and a few days to spend them. Who knows how long it will be before I’m back in the county capital? Yeah. I might as well get some magical devices and other things as well.

He tried hard to think about what things he should do before leaving, and thus keep himself under control.

Meanwhile, Seventh Prince looked out at the hundreds of thousands of gathered cultivators. Clasping hands, he bowed.

“Sea-Sealing County is here today, not just because I defended it. It is here because all of you defended it. We defended it. Together!

“As such, the victory belongs, not just to me, but even more so, to all of you. And especially to the fine officers and troops who gave their lives on the front lines! Therefore, on this day of ceremony, I wish to pay my respects to them! Please, join me as I bow to the souls of all the heroes!”

Expression somber, Seventh Prince turned in the direction of the front lines, clasped hands, and bowed deeply. Hearts swelling in response to his words, the gathered cultivators turned in the same direction, clasped hands, and bowed.

“I hope that we humans can live for all eternity in peace and security! And I also hope that we can once again capture the glory of our past!” Seventh Prince’s words resounded in all heaven and earth, causing the clouds to swirl into auspicious formations!The inception of this chapter's publication is linked to N0v3lb11n.