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Chapter 370 Dreams To Reality
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Lee Seng opened his eyes. He noticed he was in a dark room. He sat in pure darkness as he listened to something rustle around him. The pitter patter of something was coming towards him.

A white fox with a fluffy white tail appeared. The fox greeted Lee Seng with a nod. Lee Seng noticed the fox's red and blue eyes. They stared at each other for a while until the fox started to glitch and flicker.

The fox was replaced by Lee Seng with red and blue eyes. His human ears were gone and he had fox ears along the top of his head. Three fluffy white tails swayed behind him. The two stared at each other for a while until the fox humanoid Lee Seng began to say something to Lee Seng.

His mouth moved but no sound came out. Lee Seng was confused.

"I can't hear what you're saying." Lee Seng spoke. "Can you say it again?" The Fox humanoid spoke, again, but no sound came out. A glitch flickered over the fox humanoid. He continued to talk but Lee Seng couldn't hear anything.

"Remember…" The fox humanoid voice managed to speak a single word.

"Remember what?" Lee Seng asked. The fox humanoid glitched and disappeared. The dark room was replaced by the breeze of the Summer air. He watched as a man in the Fox mask slowly made his way down the path.

"Hey, we're in the Outskirts where I used to go to school." Lee Seng commented. The fox mask guy moved towards one of the alleyways and leaned up against it.

"Soon, child." He spoke. He lifted his hand and a glowing light appeared in his hand. "Soon you'll be given a chance at life. Do well, alright?" Lee Seng watched as he ran out of the alleyway. He watched himself turn to look behind him before turning left and going straight into the fox mask guy.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Lee Seng apologized stumbling backwards. The fox mask man grabbed him and pulled him back onto his feet. The Fox mask only covered his eyes and forehead. He let a warm smile out and nodded at Lee Seng.

"It's alright, kid." The fox man said. Lee Seng bowed his head apologetically and started to walk away. The man quickly grabbed his arm and Lee Seng looked back at the man with a curious yet fearful face. He tried to yank his arm away but the man had a strong grip that scared him.

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'Is it this one?' A quiet voice called out. Lee Seng looked around.

'What's happening?' Lee Seng wondered. He watched himself look at the man, uncomfortable.

"What do you want?" Lee Seng stuttered. "I-I got money if you want it. I-I'm just a st-student." The fox man stepped forward lifting Lee Seng's arm up.

"I don't want your money." The fox man said. He didn't stare at Lee Seng but at his hand. He nodded slowly and looked at Lee Seng who was getting even more creeped out. "You're potential... it hasn't shown itself, has it?" The fox man tilted his head.

"What...?" Lee Seng tilted his head in confusion. The fox man stepped forward and pressed Lee Seng's hand onto his chest, holding it there.

"Aren't you tired of getting bullied by other Biohumans?" The fox man asked. Lee Seng's face dropped into disbelief.

"How did you know...?" He stuttered. The man smiled again.

"What if I could unlock your potential for a price?" His smile creeped Lee Seng out. He didn't understand anything this man was saying now. Lee Seng took a step back and the man took a step forward, following Lee Seng. A familiar set of voices were heard to Lee Seng's left.

The scene shifted. Jason and Jae were on the ground, unconscious and the past Lee Seng seemed shocked at the immense power the man in the fox mask had.

"You've accepted the terms, Lee Seng Chang." The fox man said. Lee Seng took a step back.

"H-how do you know my name?" Lee Seng asked. The man smiled and took a step forward.

"The contract has been made. I will unlock your potential and in return... you will become a Fox as well." The tails shot out towards Lee Seng. Lee Seng screamed as the tails wrapped around him, shutting out the daylight.

"Embrace the Fox and take what is yours. Grow, Lee Seng Chang. Grow."

Lee Seng watched nine Fox tails surrounding the other version of him. A glowing light moved from the fox mask man.

"Go, little one. You and him have much to discuss." The Fox mask man whispered. In an instant, the tails disappeared and Lee Seng watched himself drop to the ground. The Fox man sighed and picked him up and led him further down the path.

Lee Seng watched him pass him like he wasn't there. He followed and found the man setting him underneath the tree he remembered waking up under.

'Whats all this?' Lee Seng thought. 'I thought I fell asleep here…' His head pounded. The Fox mask man stood up and smiled at the unconscious Lee Seng

"So you appear in his memories…." The Fox mask man spoke. He turned and looked straight at Lee Seng. "And it seems the corruption has gone further than I guessed it would."

"Whoa!" Lee Seng stumbled backwards. A golden tail flew out and caught Lee Seng.

"Be careful. Even if we're in a memory, it's still very much real." The Fox man spoke. He balanced Lee Seng on his feet and pulled his tail back under his outfit.

"W-who are you? I don't remember a-any of this." Lee Seng motioned.

"That's because it's not yours." The fox mask man spoke. The Fox mask only covered his eyes and nose. He smiled at Lee Seng. "You really don't remember anything. That witch used a strong spell." He reached out and snatched something in the air. Lee Seng jumped back and realized he hadn't done anything to him.

"I am God King Dathro. You and I made a pact. I give you power in return for your services, Lee Seng Chang. It looks like the path you choose when my sons came to you was a complicated path. Destiny is flimsy, changing based on how a raindrop hits a leaf. It's path is always changing."

"Y-you expect me to believe you?" Lee Seng asked. "I don't know who you are. I didn't make a pact with you." He took another step backwards.

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"Doesn't matter if you remember or not." A rainbow threat appeared in his grasp. He held it tightly as Lee Seng's eyes traced where it was coming from. "Memories are easily changeable. They think using a demon's essence could strengthen it. If they thought that was true, humans would be powerful by now. Your father knows not what he's doing. He's creating evil and turning people into creatures of Hell."

"Deimon? Why does that sound–"

"Familiar?" Dathro finished. He looked at the string and sighed. "You think it's a nightmare."


"The realm in-between Life and Death. The passage to Heaven or Hell. It's not so simple like your humans think of it, but it's entirely different. The demon attached to you took you there. He's tormenting you."

"What do you mean? It-it's just a nightmare."

"A nightmare! Ha!" Dathro bellowed a hearty chuckle. "Good one." He pulled in the rainbow thread and Lee Seng felt something in his head began to tilt. His head moved straight for Dathro.

"Remember and fight, Lee Seng Chang. You need your partner just as much as he needs you. Even right now, he trains to grow strong." The Fox mask burns off and a pair of red eyes stare straight at him.

The immense power in Dathro's eyes made Lee Seng's body shake.

'Why do I remember this power? Who is this Dathro?' Lee Seng asked himself. His legs began to buckle. He fell straight for the ground as the rainbow thread tightened. Dathro released it, igniting it. Lee Seng felt the flames move straight into his head. He felt a burning sensation flare up inside of him.

"You need willpower for the next part of your journey. The Darkness is here for you. Destroy it or you'll turn into a monster." Dathro warned. Black flames ignited across Lee Seng's body as Dathro turned. "Be wary, Savior. Your own father is willing to turn you into a monster to achieve his goals. Do not give in. Fight."

Lee Seng erupted in screams. He clutched his head as the memory began to burn black flames everywhere.

"You think you can get rid of me?" Eleven growled. Lee Seng felt a claw grip his neck and pull his head up. "I'll have your body before you have a chance to leave. I'll even hurt those around you to get what I want. It's only a matter of time. Who needs her memory wiping spell anyways? It'll be more fun for me when I take over and your memories are intact of your stupid, precious virus!"