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Chapter 517 An Enraged Lisa And A Dumb David
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Blood trickled down Lisa's neck as she dashed to the nearest creature and plunged her hand into their chest. She ripped their heart out and squeezed it. Blood trickled down her hand as she moved onto the next creature.

"Fuck, this is gonna be bad." David muttered. Bandits flew past David, pulling his attention towards Lee Seng. Lee Seng made quick work of the bandits, plunging his sword into one and repelling another. Lisa and Lee Seng made quick work of the bandits, forcing them to retreat.

Lee Seng slashed at the remaining caravans, crushing them to bits as Lisa turned her attention onto Lee Seng. Lisa flew at Lee Seng, swinging at him.

"W-what the hell?!?" Lee Seng blocked the attack with his scabbard. "What's wrong with you?!?" Lisa growled at Lee Seng as she tried to attack him.

'Ah fuck. What do I do?' David wondered. 'She could just kill him and get it over with.' David slashed the bandit's head off without looking as he focused on Lisa and Lee Seng.

"Argh, when she figures out what she's done, she'll just beat herself up over it…" David muttered. Instilling himself with his answer to stop her, David ran straight for the struggling Lee Seng and Lisa.

"He-hey! Lisa, w-w-what're you doing?" Lee Seng asked.

"Don't harm her!" David shouted. Lisa jumped backwards and bared her claws. She flashed forward, swiping at Lee Seng as he blocked the attacks.

"Don't harm her?!? What's wrong with her?" Lee Seng asked.

"She triggered something she can't control yet! She can't distinguish friend from foe, yet! Don't hurt her!" David shouted. Lee Seng shoved Lisa backwards and was immediately tackled by one of the Bandit stragglers.

"Argh! Get off!" Lee Seng shot the guy off of him as Lisa flew straight for Lee Seng, again.

"H-hey!" David's feet moved faster than he could think. He blocked Lisa's attack as Lisa's immense strength pushed against his. Lee Seng spun around and tossed the sword straight through the bandit's head. Lee Seng re-summoned the sword and assessed the situation.

'Lisa went berserk. David's barely able to keep up with her. The bandits are running… What do I do in this case? Take care of Lisa or handle the bandits?' Lee Seng wondered.

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"Kill the… Kill the bandits!" David shouted.

"Huh?" Lee Seng looked at David. He managed to shove Lisa away from him as she turned and attacked one of the poor prisoners.

"Just do it! I'll handle Lisa!" David shouted. He dashed straight for her.

"Okay, then." Lee Seng whispered. He spun his sword and noticed the bandits. They were trying to separate as much as possible. "I'll just rush you then." Lee Seng dashed forward, pulling the gravity around him as he flew straight through the first bandit. He quickly moved onto the next, bouncing across the field as he instantly killed all of the bandits with ease.

[68 Bandits have been killed. 272 Souls have been collected. 952/1000 Souls collected.]

"Please! Don't kill me!" A prisoner pleaded. Lee Seng flicked the blood off of his katana and sheathed it. He held it in his right hand as he looked at the scared prisoner.

"I'm not gonna kill you." Lee Seng told them. The chains on the prisoner shattered, forcing them to squeeze their eyes shut. "Flee. I don't think you wanna be around when my enraged teammate finds you." The prisoner scrambled on their feet and darted away from him.

"Lisa! S-stop!" David grunted. He blocked an attack as a scared prisoner tried to move further away from them.

"Argh!" Lisa shrieked. She blinked in front of David and slashed him with her claws with ease. She quickly lashed out and made David go flying past the prisoner. The prisoner began to scream as Lisa stared with blood lust.

"No!" David shouted. In an instant, gravity pressed the enraged Lisa onto her knees. Lee Seng appeared besides the prisoner, shattering their binds.

"Leave." Lee Seng ordered. The prisoner didn't have to be told this. They scrambled onto their feet and made a run for it. The rest of the prisoners' bindings all shattered as Lee Seng watched Lisa. "All of you leave."

"Thank you!" Prisoners shouted as they scrambled onto their feet. They all began to flee as Lisa struggled to move.

"What're you doing?!?" David grabbed Lee Seng. Lee Seng turned to look at the angry David.

"I'm making sure she doesn't hurt anyone. What else did you want me to do? Continue exhausting energy while she tries to kill me and those prisoners?" Lee Seng replied.

"Not like that! She'll snap out of it soon! You don't have to be so cruel!"

"Cruel?" Lee Seng scoffed as David pushed him aside and knelt beside Lisa. "There are worst things I could do and I chose not to."

"Whatever." David brushed him off. "Are you okay, Lisa? Can you hear me? Snap out of it. You're fine. It's over!" Lisa's eyes seemed to say something else as her body tried to fight off the force of the gravity. She looked sad and it was killing David to watch her struggle like this. "Take it off!"

"I'm not going to—"

"Take it the fuck off before I force you to!" David's arm ripped away as a bony sword grew in its place. He pointed the sword at Lee Seng. His eyes were filled with determination as Lee Seng stared with a blank face. "Do it!"

"You can barely fight her off. You want me to risk you dying?" Lee Seng asked.

"Why the fuck would you care?!?" David asked. "Do it!" Lee Seng looked at Lisa. Her eyes were telling him she would be okay. Lee Seng sighed and released it. Lisa grabbed David and tackled him onto the ground. She raised a fist and punched David across the face.

"You dipshit!" Lisa shouted. "Why would you tell him to let me go?!? He was only doing what you asked!" She swung more punches across David's face. "You're never satisifed with anything! You're such a greedy bastard you know that!?!"

"Well at least I'm not some weird blood sucking vampire!" David retorted. It was at that point that Lisa pulled David up real close.

"Says the guy who won't ever get to move on from Limbo because he lost a bet and decided to cheat to save whatever face he had." Lisa growled. She released him and stood up. "I swear to god. Why do I even stick around you?"

"Because you'd have no one then." David responded. Lisa muttered under her breath about David being completely useless as she tried to flick the blood off herself. Lee Seng flicked the blood off, drawing her attention as David sat up.

"Are we done here?" Lee Seng asked. "Still got a job to do."

"Why are you so impatient?" David asked.

"Says the guy who wants to back stab me."

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"How did you—" David began to say when Lee Seng cut him off.

"It's like you forgot that I told you I have really, really, really, really sharp hearing and sight."

"Then you probably heard everything that old man was telling us!" David shouted.

"Let's just get this job over with." Lee Seng turned.

"Hey! Don't turn away from me!" David stood up and started at Lee Seng when Lisa blocked him.

"Enough, rat." Lisa hissed. "You've caused enough trouble. You forgot he could hear well. That's on you. But to continue trying to bully him?" Lisa shoved David away. "Get a life, kid. There's a reason why your greed keeps you here."

"Says the bloodsuck—"


Lisa's fist flew straight at David, who went tumbling onto the ground.

"Fuck you." Lisa turned and followed after Lee Seng.

"HEY!" David shouted. "Fuck you then! Last time I save your sorry ass!" Lisa stuck her middle finger up as she wandered further away. David scrambled onto his feet and watched his arm piece itself back together. He wiped the blood off his face as he jogged to catch up, swearing under his breath.

"Lee Seng." Lisa called out. She jogged to catch up to him and came to a walking speed. "I just want to thank you for helping me back there. Also I just want to apologize for the way things have been. I'm not going to back stab you like David wants. He's just a stupid kid who doesn't know how to admit he's wrong. Don't take it to heart."

"Why're you apologizing for him?" Lee Seng asked.

"I'm not. I'm just giving you a heads up." Lisa replied.

"He's a dick. Anyone with enough brain cells can see that. I've dealt with people like him all the time. He's just lucky I haven't lost my patience or else he'd be six feet under by now." Lee Seng told her. "You don't have to worry about it. Whatever that was, you clearly can't handle it yet so I'll make sure you don't kill your allies while we're together."

"T-thanks for u-u-understanding."