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Chapter 535 Lisa’s Sin
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The woman in front of Lee Seng wasn't Lisa he knew. That woman was long gone from what Lee Seng could gather. Lisa's finger was pointed at him as the question:

"Are you the demon that killed my sisters" escaped her mouth. Lee Seng had been long frozen before Lisa turned her gaze on him. Her voice sounded more childish. She looked wild with her hair everywhere and her eyes. Oh, her blood red eyes seemed to burn through him.

When Lee Seng didn't answer, Lisa asked again, "Are you the demon who killed my sisters?"

'What does she mean by this?' Lee Seng wondered. He gulped, opening his mouth very slowly as if his mouth was trying to keep itself shut.

"No…" Lee Seng answered. Lisa flashed forward in an instant. She appeared right in front of him, their noses touching as blood continued to drip off of her. He could feel her warm breath as her wild eyes stared at him.

"Where is he then? Where is the man that killed my sisters?!?" Lisa screamed. Lee Seng's body snapped out of it. He lost concentration over his flight for a moment and descended twenty feet below before catching himself.

"Where is he?!? Where is he?!?" Lisa screamed.

'She's bloodthirsty.' Lee Seng thought. 'Wh-what do I do?' He looked around for a bit, unsure of how he was gonna get out of hand quickly. Lisa blinked in front of him, grabbing him by the throat. She lifted him up with ease as she pulled him closer.

"L-Lisa i-it's Lee Se-Seng…" Lee Seng croaked as he grabbed her wrist. A burst of energy filled his mind and then everything went black.

A young little girl with pale skin and pristine features happily ran around as she chased other little girls. They all wore similar nightgowns.

"Follow me! We're almost there!" A blonde girl shouted. She was the smallest out of the six girls. Lisa happily followed after as the third tallest out of six. The girls giggled as they ran through the house.

"Okay I think it's time for bed." The tallest sister clapped her hands. "Come on time to sleep before mom and dad come home. Let's go." The other sisters booed and groaned as they shuffled to their rooms. Little Lisa followed her sisters down the hall. The girls shuffled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Little Lisa didn't know what time it was when she woke up to one of her older sisters quietly waking her up. Before she could say anything, she could hear him screaming.

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"You little bastards! Who told you you could fucking make a mess out of the house?!?"

Lisa looked at her sister who quietly instructed her to hide. Lisa protested by trying to pull her sister to go with her.

"I have to get the others…!" The second born whispered. "Go hide with the others now…!" The second oldest sister pulled Lisa's hand away and quietly crept back towards the door. A loud noise came from one of the other doors nearby.

Lisa jumped, letting out a scream. She scrambled over to three of her sisters, who were trying to hold their breath in the closet. Lisa opened it and watched as her younger sisters yelped.

"Shh." Lisa shushed. She squeezed in and closed the door. The door blew open as the girls helped.

"Here you are, you little wench!" The man's voice shouted. Second sister screamed as she slammed into the wall.

"Papa! Stop!" Second sister screamed. The little sisters began to whimper as Lisa covered her mouth. Her little sister began to cry as Lisa turned and lifted their hands to cover their mouths.

"Shh." Lisa tried to hush her sisters.

"Where's the others?" Dad screamed. Second sister screamed as she tried to rip her Dad's hand off of her.

"Stop! Let me go! You've been drinking again!"

"Shut up, girl!" Dad kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to cover her stomach as she yelped in pain. He continued to do so until the axe in his hand started to warm up. "I'll show your mother to not mess with me! I'll show her!"


The sound of something wet splattered across the walls as the girls all whimpered, crying silently. Little Lisa covered her sisters' eyes as she quietly tried to hold her breath. Dad pulled out the axe and scanned the room.

"I know the others are hiding here. Come out and I promise I won't hurt you." Dad told them. The little sisters all looked to Lisa. She shook her head no and looked for something. Instinct was taking over as she tried to grab anything to hurt her the monster outside. She needed to protect her sisters now. Second Sister was probably gone and she didn't know where Eldest was.

"Gotcha!" The monster screamed as an axe flew into the closet. The girls erupted in screams, crying and shaking as the monster came closer.

"Run!" Lisa's voice finally worked. She urged her sisters forward but they wouldn't move. Lisa sprinted forward at her father and revealed the pencil. Something within her was telling her to stab him. The pencil flew forward and embeded itself in calf. The monster let out a scream as he swatted Lisa to the side. The little sisters all screamed as one made a break for it.

"Oh no you don't!" The monster growled. He grabbed the runner and lifted her up, throwing her back in the closet.

"No!!" Lisa screamed. She tried to push herself up, but found no strength as the monster, the demon, pulled the pencil out and tossed it.

"I'll kill your little sisters first for doing that!" The demon screamed. He moved and grabbed the axe from the wall. Little Lisa's sisters pleaded as they cried. Urine began to pour out of them as the demon gave them such a wicked smile. He lifted the axe up and swung it.

One down.

"No!" Lisa screamed. She bolted up and ran at the demonic man in front of her. He swung, hitting Lisa square in the face with the flat part of the axe as he turned to continue his job.

Two down.

Lisa let out a cry as she pushed herself up. The demon hacked over and over as the third one tried to escape.

"No you don't!" The demon pulled her back into the blood and urine of her sisters. "Die!!!"

"NOOO!" Lisa watched as the last sister's light faded from her eyes. "NOOO!"

The next thing Lee Seng saw footprints running down the hall, into the kitchen. The demonic man, her Dad, chased her. The eldest sibling flew at the Dad, stopping him in her weakened and bloodied state.

"RUN!" Eldest sister shouted. Lisa watched as the demon monster overpowered eldest sister and swung the axe straight into her neck. Eldest sister began to gurgle as the light faded from her eyes.

"You bitch! You should've stayed down!" The demonic monster screeched. He hacked away at her, temporarily forgetting Lisa as she made a break for the kitchen.

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Leave or kill?

Were these really the thoughts she had?

The memories began to scatter. Lisa tried fro the door. Panic in her face as she realized the door wasn't opening. She moved back into the kitchen and pulled the fridge open. She grabbed the water and tossed it at the entrance of the kitchen, spilling it onto the floor. She tossed things at the entrance and when the monster came to her, his wild eyes looked bewildered.

The man she called Dad wasn't there anymore. She pulled a knife and pointed it at him. Something in her cracked as she watched the monster try not to fall. He made it about three-quarters of the way over and slipped, falling forward. The axe scattered to the side as Lisa made her decision.


A knife embedded in the head of the monster.


An axe in the back of his chest. Lisa's heavy breathing as she stuck herself in the corner.

Lee Seng let out a gasp as he pulled away from Lisa. She seemed to have the same reaction as him as her watery and red eyes looked at him.

"W-what… Did you do?" Lisa asked. Lee Seng gulped and looked at his hands. "What did you do?!?" Lisa slammed herself into the Fox Spirit, forcing both of them to go down as she plunged her nails into him. Lee Seng screamed in pain as they instantly healed. She continued to ask the same question over and over as Lee Seng tried to fight her immense bloodlust and energy.

"G-get off!" Lee Seng shouted. "I'm not that monster!"

"Die! You shouldn't be here! Die!" Lisa scratched Lee Seng across the chest and arms as he could do nothing but protect his face. "Die!"

"I really don't wanna do this to you, Lisa! Snap out of it!"

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Lee Seng bit his lip and pushed his empathy away.

'This isn't the time to empathize. Get her off!'