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Chapter 551 Turn Of Events
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The air sizzled in front of Lee Seng as he backed up. Connors chuckled as he stood straight up. He lifted a claw up and smiled. Lee Seng's eyes watched as Lisa stood up. Blood spilled onto the ground as she held her stomach.

"You're much weaker than what I was told." Natalie frowned. "Not fun at all. I'll end this and mess with Connors as he fights." She pulled her right two fingers in and a ball of green energy began to build. Lisa huffed as blood spilled. She gritted her teeth as her hair wildly covered her face. The burn scars on her face started to move as her face covering pulled away. Half of the scars started to vanish as her body glowed red.

"Die!" Natalie shouted. Her fingers flew forward, releasing a beam of energy as Lee Seng watched.

"No!" Lee Seng shouted dashing forward. His katana appeared in his hand as he swung at Connors. A large blast of cosmic energy flew out of the sword, forcing Connors to dodge right. Lee Seng stretched his hand out for Lisa. The cosmic energy began to swirl, forming a barrier when Connors slashed Lee Seng's right arm.

"Ahh!" Lee Seng screeched. Connors threw a punch at Lee Seng's chest, knocking him away. The katana scattered across the ground, away from its master as a green beam of energy hit Lisa. Lisa flew up in smoke as Lee Seng screamed for her. His injuries burned as he tried to get a hold of himself.

"Hahahah!" Natalie chuckled. "So easy! Now I get to bother your prey, Connors!"

"Do it and I'll gouge your ears out so you can't hear!" Connors threatened Natalie. Natalie shook her head as she turned away from Lisa.

"Blood Craft: Blood Reforger…" Lisa's whisper flew at Lee Seng and Natalie like finger nails running against a chalkboard.

"Ahh!" Natalie covered her ears, turning as Lisa appeared right in front of Natalie. Her entire body was half-formed in blood as she punched Natalie square in the face. Natalie flew past the large machine, smashing into the opposing wall. The sound of blood rushed into Lee Seng's hears as tried to shake the ungodly noise. Lisa's liquid blood body grew solid.

"She's not dead. Ha!" Connors commented. The ground beneath Lisa cracked as she appeared in front of Connors. She swung her fists at him, forcing him to block. Her scarlet eyes glowed bright as she frowned. Connors did well to block the Vampire's attacks as Lee Seng snapped himself out of it.

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Lee Seng pushed himself off the ground and stumbled onto his feet. His wounds from Connors was burning him. Connors swiped at Lisa, injuring her. The burn-effect flared and a smile began to grow on his face as Lisa's fist flew straight into his chest. The gruff man flew straight into the wall as a beam of green light fired out at Lisa.

Lisa jumped out of the way, her left hand being cut off from her as she landed. She glanced at her hand and watched it instantly grow back.

"You take care of the girl." Lisa spoke in a low voice. Lee Seng could barely understand what was happening when more laser flew at them.

"Turn to dust you whore!" Natalie screamed. An Echo of Lisa appeared behind her as Lee Seng Illusionary Stepped to her, creating a thick barrier. The laser bounced off of the barrier, hitting the large machine and denting it. The ceiling and walls crumbled around them as Lee Seng winced.

"Oh no you don't!" Connors slashed the air. The air sizzled around the heated liquid as Lisa flew forward, raising her hand. Her entire arm turned into blood, blocking the attack as it lit on fire.

"You're mine, whore!" Natalie fired another beam of energy at her. Lee Seng appeared at Lisa's side, lifting his scabbard and blocking the attack.

"Switch." Lee Seng replied to Lisa. "I'll handle her. You sure you can handle him?" Lisa's arm reappeared as she forced Connors away from Lee Seng. Lee Seng snapped his left hand and grasped the katana.

"You're with me now." Lee Seng smiled. Natalie's screamed as a starry Lee Seng sppeared in his spot. "Slash and Dash." Natalie's eyes grew wide as she felt the blade rake her chest. The Fox appeared in front of her for a split second, disappearing and reappearing as another slash flared across her back. Lee Seng kept up the momentum as he went for the kill. The blade flew straight for Natalie's head when Natalie suddenly exploded in a pillar of pure energy.

Lee Seng flew into the large crevice Natalie had created, eyes blinded by the energy.

"ARGHHH!" Natalie screamed, capturing the attention of her ally and Lisa.

"She's already doing it?" Connors commented. His face soured as his nose flared. "Fine, I'll do it too!" Lisa ran for the kill on Connors when he suddenly plunged his hand between his pecs.

'What is he doing?' Lisa asked herself as she came to a stop. Connors' chest began to burst into flames as a smile grew on his face.

"You wanna play that way, Vampire?" Connors asked. "Then witness what true power is!"

p A pillar of fire and metal liquid engulfed Connors. Lisa shielded herself, feeling the sudden shift of energy condense.

'Shit.' Lisa jumped backwards.

"Lee Seng! Get away now!" Lisa shouted. It was already too late. A green humanoid flew out of the blinding light, impaling Lee Seng in the chest. The energy began to bubble when an altered voice screeched.

"Die!" Natalie screamed.

[Notice: Lethal damage has been dealt—]

"ARGH!" Lee Seng's distorted voice growled. His right arm grabbed the burning energy of Natalie. The mask faded, revealing the purple eyes as horns replaced the Fox ears. Eleven squeezed Natalie's arm to bits, ripping the hand away as he swung the sword straight down. Natalie jumped away, arm reappearing as the green light dissipated. Flames dying behind her.

"Ah!" Natalie screamed. "What the fuck are you?!?" Eleven looked as his hands as purple began to weave itself through the Dark Matter suit.

"What am I?" Eleven asked. "What you try to imitate." The blade in his hand glowed purple. Eleven's form disappeared, reappearing as the blade flew straight for Natalie's head. Natalie released a scream, altering the angle of the blade as it sliced her on her chest.

"Burn." Eleven ordered. Purple flames erupted from Natalie's wounds, capturing the screams of his victim. She backed up, trying to pat the flames out as a metallic claw flew out at Eleven. The sword flew out of Eleven's hand and slammed against the metallic hand.

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"Don't get involved." Eleven shook his head. A low growl grew loud as Lisa looked at the monster close to her. Connors' body was black laced with liquid metal. His eyes were pure black with red irises. A large smile appeared across his face.

"What are you?" Connors asked with his distorted voice. "You can't be one of us! You're nothing like us!"

'What the hell is happening?' Lisa wondered. Connors' right arm whipped upwards as it stretched. Lisa jumped out of the way as his arm flew down at her spot.

"Not so fast!" Connors' arm fired out liquid beams, impaling Lisa in the heart. Her eyes widened as her liquid form began to shake.

The sword pushed the liquid arm away into the ceiling. Eleven flew froward, grabbing the sword with his right hand.

"Wanna know what a true deimon's power is?" Eleven asked. "Black Void." Eleven slashed the sword upwards, across Natalie's body. The cosmos began to grow out of her wound and then suddenly caved in on itself. A large black energy pulsed outwards, quickly rushing in as fast as it went out. Natalie's body distorted and twisted as the Black Void pulled her inwards.

Her bloody screams echoed in the large chamber. She quickly pushed her energy out, fazing into nothing as a small black orb appeared in Natalie's spot.

"Just like that… You're gone." Eleven chuckled. He lifted the sword to rest on his shoulder as a spark of green energy fired above the machine. Eleven's smile faded as Natalie regrew. Green blood dropped onto the large machine, corroding it just a bit as Natalie winced in pain.

"You think… You can kill… Me?" Natalie asked. "You're too slow… To kill me."

"Meteor Cannon." Eleven fired a large meteor at Natalie. Natalie jumped out of the way, the machine being destroyed as Lisa coughed up blood.

"Heal…" Lisa weakly whispered. "Vanish." Lisa's body began to rapidly heal as she disappeared from view. Connors pulled his arm back, jumping away as he launched his arm out.

"Now!" Connors shouted.

"Emerald Fury." Natalie whispered, lifting her hand. A blast of energy flew at Eleven from his left while Connors arm grew bigger and denser. "You should've just died when you had a chance." The two energies slammed as smoke billowed out. Natalie groaned, turning to feast her eyes upon the invisible Lisa.

"Where are you going, Vampire?" Natalie asked. "I'm not done with you, yet."