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Chapter 589 A Boring Check Up
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Keng was led up to the fourth floor. He didn't really understand why he was being taken all the way up there, but this floor seemed even more deserted than the other rooms. Empty hallways with many rooms that held many things within. The guards started to spread out around the floor as the doctors turned and ushered him into one of the rooms.

"Stand on the platform. We'll run diagnostics and gather your information." One of the doctors told him. It would go on and be like this. They took his weight, measurements, even scanned his whole entire body to compare the date two months ago.

Keng watched the screen, a bit curious, as the doctors compared the data. He had grown bigger in the two months. Something "not seen with victims of torture" apparently.

"You gained more weight while you were being tortured?" The doctors asked. Keng shrugged.

"I was on the run for most of the time." Keng told them. What he didn't know was one of them had the ability to see through lies. The lie detector narrowed his eyes on him as the other doctors tried to not make it obvious they were waiting for him. Keng looked at him, not bothered by the stares or nervous. He was just feeling annoyed about the whole thing.

The lie detector doctor turned and gave a small nod. They continued on. They matched his energy levels with Lee Seng's and found that he had considerably gained more energy in the two months.

"How is that possible?" The second doctor asked. "Could it be possible he had to practice his energy while being tortured and on the run?"

"It could be possible." The first doctor shrugged. They went back and forth on this for awhile. Keng casually dug into his pockets, remembering he didn't have a phone on him.

'Dammit, I forgot Calis took it…' Keng's mood soured. He began to impatiently tap the bed as the doctors continued. When the doctors didn't let up on the argument, Keng sighed and jumped off the table.

"Are we done? Are you really going to theorize and debate on whether or not it was possible for me to gain energy while I was on the run and being tortured?" Keng asked, irritably. The doctors turned to him, remember he was in there.

"We should finish this conversation at a later date." The lie detector doctor nodded at them.

"Yes, yes. Later." The second doctor nodded. They led him out to the hallway and into the next room. It was a plain room with nothing in it.

"Take your clothes off." The first doctor instructed.

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"Huh? Why?" Keng asked.

"We'll need to observe your body for any scars or—"

"You guys must not know me well." Keng scoffed, throwing a hand up. "I can heal scars and bruises."

"Just do it." The lie detector doctor ignored him. They shut the door and locked it. Keng sighed, turning around and walking into the room.

'What do they even want to see? That I'm actually Lee Seng or something? I'm an exact identical replica.' Keng pulled his clothes off, kicking them away from him as he stood there naked. He looked around as one of the doctor's voices came through the speakers.

"Alright, stand still for thirty seconds." The doctor instructed. Keng did what he was told not sure what they were doing. The walls began to move up and down like it a scanner going off. "Alright, you can put your clothes back on."

Keng put his clothes back on and by the time he turned around to look at the door, it opened. The lights flickered, drawing Keng's attention upwards.

'What the hell?' Keng thought ot himself as he looked back at the door. The lights flickered, shutting off. His eyes saw no difference with the lights off. He slowly made his way out, looking left and right.

"Docs?" Keng called out. Every door was open and the guards that were in the halls, weren't anymore. "No backup generator?" Right on cue, the emergency lights turned on. The hall illuminated as he turned his attention towards the elevator. Someone stood just outside one of the lights.

Keng didn't budge. He studied the person. It was a woman. She looked similar to that annoying Queenie woman. The woman lifted her head and hand up. She began to chuckle, exaggerating her body movements.

"Ohohohohoho!" The woman chuckled loudly.

'She sounds exactly like Queenie.' Keng thought, stepping out into the hallway. Queenie pulled her arm down to her side, standing in a superhero pose as she looked at him.

"And now it's my turn!" Queenie excitedly shouted. The woman moved quickly down the hall. Her heels hit the ground as Keng readied himself. "From the front? Nah, from the back!" Queenie's voice appeared behind him as  a fist slammed into the back of his head. Keng stumbled forward as Queenie raised her leg straightened up into the air and swung downwards.

Keng rolled forwards, turning as he lifted his hand into the air.

"Oh, I know that trick! It won't work on me, hun!" Queenie chuckled. Keng shot a couple blasts at Queenie, watching her disappear in an instant. She appeared off to his right, swinging at him. Keng threw up his hands, only to be sent flying through the wall. Keng groaned as Queenie's chuckles filled the space. Keng shook his head, swatting the dust away from him as Queenie turned and looked at him.

'What is that strength? Was the first one a feint?' Keng questioned.

"Hmm, you didn't knock out so fast! Good for you, foxy." Queenie smiled. Keng's blood ran cold.

'What did she just say?' Keng asked himself.

"Foxy, foxy, foxy! Did you think you were going to be in the care of the Creator? Ha! He doesn't have time for a fake like you! Why do you think he would entertain the idea of you?" Queenie asked.

"Because I am Lee Seng." Keng answered.

"No, no, no!" Queenie shook her head. She blinked in front of him, grabbing his throat and lifting him up into the air as her smile grew bigger. "You are not the real Lee Seng. The real one was already found… By my men."

'W-what…?' Keng gasped. His hands tried to pry her hand off. Queenie squeezed his neck harder, choking him. Keng struggled to gasp for air as the woman in front of him laughed.

"Already found and you're almost dealt with." Queenie pulled him in closer. "So, now that you know that, I can get rid of you and make sure little Eleven gets a body."

"Ahh…" Keng's nails scratched the woman, drawing blood.

"Ah, you bitch!" Queenie chucked Keng into the counter tops. Keng gasped, coughing as his hand hovered over his neck. "You ruined my beautiful sleeves!" Queenie threw her hand down as her heel slammed against the rubble, crumbling it. She moved forward, grabbing Keng as he let out a shout.

"AHHH!" Queenie screamed as he hand flew straight into Keng's stomach. Keng coughed up blood as Queenie pulled her hand out and went in for another stab.

"Argh…!" Keng coughed up more blood. His shoulders tensed as his sight began to blur.

[Critical Condition! You will not survive the next hit!]

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Queenie pulled her bloody hand out, raising it as a smile grew on her face. She licked the blood and raised her eyes in surprise.

"You taste good!" Queenie drooled. "Maybe I'll just eat you!"

[Critical Condition! You will not survive the next hit! What do you want to do?]

Keng's eyes glowed as Queenie pulled him closer. His hand shot up, severing Queenie's hand. Keng dropped to the ground, grunting in pain as a bright silver light enveloped him.

'Mass Heal.' Keng commanded.

[Critical Condition has been staved! Mass Heal has sapped most of your Energy.]

Keng launched himself forward  as Queenie screeched in pain.

"You stupid Fox!" Queenie shouted. Keng's arms lit up, Hydrosphere appearing in his hand as he slashed a blast of water and gravity at Queenie. Queenie slammed through the wall, into the hallway as Keng ran the opposite direction.

Queenie screamed, everything tearing apart around her.

"You will die!" Queenie shouted, lifting herself up into the air as her bloody hand rose into the air. The building ripped apart, forming into sharp spears. Queenie threw her hand forward as Keng ran straight for the window. "Ahhh!"

Keng threw his hand outwards, shattering the glass as he marked a random spot he could see. Keng jumped, time seemingly slowing as his adrenaline pumped through his veins. A spear pierced itself into him as his body shimmered.

[Displacement Mark used.]

Keng blinked, landing on the ground as the spear dug in deeper. Keng let out a groan as he reflexively shot the spear out of his body. The spear scattered away from him as his wound began to close.

[Energy has been depleted.]

"Fuckkk!" Keng cursed.