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Blessed by Night

Chapter 72  The Immortal Kitsune
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72  The Immortal Kitsune

Mal had always found Luna Autumn to be incredibly beautiful.

But as she stood before him right now, he could not help but find her even more enchanting than before.

Her usual loose and frilly kimono had been discarded and traded in for a set of tactical clothes.

She wore simple black combat pants that were tucked into a pair of dark boots.

Her upper body consisted of a long sleeved black shirt with a sleek metallic vest covering up her large chest.

The milky white hair that she was famous for had been restrained into a beautiful French braid that hung delicately off her shoulder.

But the greatest surprises for Mal were the fluffy fox ears on top of her head and nine swaying tails behind her back.

Without even meaning to, Luna had left her young protege completely starstruck.


Luna let out an mused giggle as she covered her mouth with her clawed fingers. "Are you saying. that because I caught you about to do something foolish or because you like my appearance?"

"Like doesn't quite cut it..." He muttered under his breath.

With Luna's new appendages on top of her head, she of course heard him and her heart began to flutter with excitement.


The pair were suddenly reminded of their less than friendly surroundings as their ears were filled with the roaring of the now irritable ice giant.

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'I nearly forgot that we weren't alone... That's a bit embarrassing.' Luna thought shyly.

The bewitching guild master glanced overhead at the glass ceiling that was separating them from the outside world.

"Hey Mal, think you could help me out here a bit?" She asked as she pointed to the sky.

It didn't take him very long to grasp her meaning and soon enough his body was returning back to it's normal appearance.

He thought he'd feel a bit colder since his shirt had been ripped after transforming but strangely enough, he found that it was actually rather bearable.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Mal focused on his connection to Nyx and allowed his consciousness to drift off into the night.

The sky darkened overhead and Luna smiled at it's beauty before her eyes began to glow a bright pink color.

A shining full moon appeared in the sky overhead, filling Luna with a renewed energy.

"Much better. I believe that I work best in environments where I am most comfortable."

Mal watched in awe as Luna held out her delicate hands and a scythe made of pure moonlight appeared in her grasp.

"Can you leave this to me? It's been a while since I've done any field work and I wanted to play with the boss a bit."

Malachi was so mesmerized by her appearance, he almost agreed to her insane proposal without so much as a second thought. "Hold up, you won't let me take on the boss myself but it's fine if you do it?"

As a response, Luna flashed him a bright smile containing pointed teeth that very nearly made his heart skip a beat.

"But of course, I am SS ranked after all. Do you think that's just for show?"

Before Mal could respond, Luna moved faster than his eyes could follow and rushed toward the boss.

Taking a giant leap into the air, she twirled her scythe around in her hand before executing a downwards slash onto the head of the blue giant.

Surprisingly, the lumbering behemoth was able to keep up with Luna's impressive speed and raised it's own hammer in defense, but it's efforts would prove to be wholly ineffective.

Luna's scythe of light cut through the icy hammer as if it were made of butter, and her attack continued it's destructive path free of obstacles.

The giant let out an agonizing roar as it's right eye was ruined beyond repair.

The kitsune did not remove her weapon from the face of her enemy and instead let gravity pull her body downwards, allowing her to carve a straight path down the giant's face.

Blood flowed like a river, and yet Luna remained perfectly unblemished among the cascade of red water as she plotted her next steps.

Looking below, she could see the two icy dire wolves bearing their fangs at her and snapping their powerful jaws menacingly, but she honestly couldn't have cared less.

Kicking off the body of the giant, Luna gracefully flipped in midair before giving Mal a show that he would recall for the rest of his life.

The bewitching fox woman began to hover in the air, and held out her palms as nine blue flames appeared over each of her white tails.

She smirked at the sight of the frenzied dire wolves rushing at her with hatred in their eyes.

The flames from her tails floated towards her outstretched palms, and a burning bow made of nothing but bright blue fire was created on the spot.

Drawing back the bowstring, three fiery arrows appeared magically within her bow, and once she released the string from her fingertips, they were all sent flying.

Two buried themselves in the foreheads of the icy dire wolves.

The third travelled all the way between the eyes of the still reeling ice giant, and all three creatures came to a dead stop.

Luna sighed in relief and let her body float back down to the ground where she landed a few feet away from a stunned Malachi.

She couldn't help but smirk as she saw the stunned look on his face, and a sense of pride began to well up from within her chest.

In her entire life, she had received a lot of looks from a lot of different men, and had thought herself It was the way he looked at her when they were alone, as if there was no one in the world above or 14:12

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equal to her in terms of beauty or importance.

used to it by now.

But somehow the look that Mal was giving her now was different from all of them, and she didn't quite understand why at first.

But after a moment, she remembered a conversation that she'd had with Sei about one of the reasons why she fell in love with Malachi.

It was the way he looked at her when they were alone, as if there was no one in the world above or equal to her in terms of beauty or importance.

'Now I understand what she meant... No wonder she has already fallen so far.'

"It's rude to just stare at me like that you know?" Luna said with a joking smile. "You could at least tell me what you thought of my performance."

Luna's transformation finally became undone and the tattoo on her forehead began to glow with a bright light.

A small white fox jumped directly out of her tattoo and grew to it's normal cute size before finding it's usual place in Luna's arms.





The arrows embedded within the heads of the icy enemies finally exploded, and three columns of bright blue fire swallowed their bodies whole.

Standing in front of three pillars of flame and lovingly stroking her pet, Luna looked nothing short of mesmerizing and left Mal able to form a complete sentence.


Sorry I been gone for so long, life caught up with me. AnathaShesha