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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 269 269
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Chapter 269 Chapter 269

Several visions flashed in our bored gamer's eyes and one of them was him doing the painful process of Soul Fragmentation once again.

It appeared that our good gamer shall have to wander to a different dimension altogether for this quest.

'FUCK ME! And here i thought that this mission will only be like a walk in the park or something a lot more easier than that. I guess i have no other choice then.'

Our bored gamer cursed inside as he sighed his worries away in the present. Since there was nothing else more to be said, it was better to start this thing and get it over with quickly.

"I'm ready when you are, partner!" Clark took a deep breath and steadied himself for the familiar pain of torture to come for trillions and trillions of years in the making.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The clay brick also immediately started and in response Clark could only shout his agony as one piece of his soul was shattered from the rest.

After an unknown length of time inside his consciousness, our bored gamer opened his eyes and had a crazed look on his face. It seemed like having 3 souls altogether was his limit already.

'More than 3 and I'm sure that i will turn into a raving lunatic afterwards.' Clark was troubled by this new piece of information. Alas, that did not hinder him at all in what he needed to do next.

"So where do i go from here, partner?" Our avid gamer asked for directions.

Although he had known one single route which was the way given by the Freaky Lady but he was not about to go there if there was a more simple path offered by his partner Clay Brick.

"..." True to his expectations, the clay brick has indeed given another complex route that was different from the Freaky Lady's Home Dimension.

"Thank you, partner." Clark said and followed the directions to a tee. His 3rd soul fragment broke through space and time until it had reached the final point a full minute later.

Our bored gamer was of course very much aware of what laid beyond this last step.

"Here goes nothing." He muttered in the empty void and took that single stride.

Normally, this would have been the time when he would be washed away by the irresistible power of heavenly punishment.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

A wild pillar of lightning would have descended unto this little soul traveler and turned it to dust without suspense.

Luckily for our bored gamer, only one of these things remained true in the aftermath.


The whole world was flooded by the extreme anger of the heavens as several kilometer thick lightning strikes had wished to devour the unwanted intruder in this sacred dimension.

"I died. I guess this will be a short trip after all. Better luck next time for me."

Our bored gamer sighed as he witnessed how the giant sheets of lightning fell overhead and in such inescapable speed. He closed his eyes and was already prepared for his eventual demise.

"BOOM!" The deafening sound of conflicting forces assailed the heavens and the earth.

It was astonishing to see that the familiar image of an ordinary clay brick has shielded our bored gamer's soul fragment from any harm whatsoever.

Clark was also a little bit too late to notice the major changes that were happening above him.

"Huh? I'm still here?"

Our bored gamer opened his eyes five breaths later and saw for himself that the heavenly punishment could not move an inch against the protection of the clay brick around him.

"You really came through for me, partner! Well done!" Clark could not help but laugh in his soul form. A few seconds more and he went on his way towards his goal.

It was suicide to stay any moment longer within this scene of conflict. And so he flew and broke a distance of millions of miles in just the blink of an eye.

"This world is huge!" Clark could not help but exclaim afterwards. He picked a huge boulder to store his soul from the start. Next, he chose a flying leaf to fly around.

In these two exchanges alone, our bored gamer has found something that was worth a note.

"I can travel fast in my soul form but when I possess an inanimate object, I am then shackled to the frailties of that object also."

"Let me settle down for a bit." Clark mused and wandered onto a stick on the road. He laid there for a few breaths until he remembered something of import.

"Show me my status, Nancy." Our bored gamer said to his handy system cheat.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied promptly.

* * *

Host: Clark Colter

Level: 99 (True Immortal Realm 9th Stage)

Power: 5,143,683,729

Class: Necromancer, Korou, Dominator

Constitution: Chaos Physique

Weapon: Severance, Spear of the Executioner

Armor: Darkheart, Carapace of the Undying

Cultivation Manual: Spear Art, Autumn Swallow

Boundless Void Insight

Experience: 99/100 (simplified)

Health: 9,950/9,950

Health Regen: 10/s

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mana: 60/11,450

Mana Regen: 20/s

System Shop

Shop Points: 3,676,881,702

Class Skills

Skill Points: 63



* * *

"Ohhh? It's still working even as a mere Soul Fragment?! Interesting!" Clark was thrilled to see this development.

"Now how about if i level up the rest of my abilities in the skill trees. I wonder what would happen." Our bored gamer smiled and did exactly as he intended.

"It's show time!" After that, the rest was easy to tackle.

* * *

"To all people in this world, I am Clark Colter. Your new Emperor! Bow down and you will be spared. Resist and you shall suffer!" A domineering voice echoed throughout the world.

"Emperor your ass! You don't scare me!" An equally brave sound rang in response. This was of course one of the top dogs in this world.

An equivalent to a True Immortal in the xianxia world that Clark initially visited.

"Very well. You earned the right to taste my newly leveled up skill.''

"Infernal Hymn!" Clark intoned and the whole world was shrouded in an evil miasma. What happened next was too horrifying to describe.

Even our bored gamer was also shocked by the ugly process of death that followed.