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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 335 335 No One
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Chapter 335 Chapter 335 No One

"You there! Aren't you the famous Broken Sword Killer from Joven Province? I'm happy to finally see someone who's so renowned visit my city!"

Our bored gamer called unto a man who was walking alone and was minding his own business.

The man stopped and there was an ominous feeling in the air for a second or two but when the man turned around to look at our good gamer, his prior serious face turned into a hasty smile.

"Hello there, master! I'm afraid to say that you must have mistaken me for someone else." The man saluted deeply before vanishing into the crowd.

'What the fuck is happening with all these people?!'

'Why are they all so timid all of a sudden?' Clark mused inside but he never allowed this experience dishearten him in the least.

He tried again and was sure to target cultivators that were a lot more stronger than his 1st Stage of Innate Realm cultivation base.

Our bored gamer especially focused on bad apples wherein he could freely slay in order to bring prestige unto his name. Women always loved men with power and fame.

Thus, it was truly a foolproof plan to attempt this kind of stratagem for a change.

And so with the help of the system Nancy, it was quite easy picking the murderers and thieves that openly roamed in the busy streets of Aurora City.

"Stop right there! You sure hid well for years, One Eyed Demon Blade! Face you crimes and..." Our bored gamer moved on to a new target.

"Amitabha! I'm sorry donor but I don't know what you're talking about. If you must, strike me down where I stand but I don't know any One Eyed Demon Blade in my life!"

A holy man in a monk outfit answered with righteous vigor. People around them stopped, looked and listened which put our avid gamer in an awkward position in the end.

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"..." Clark could not help but waved a dismissive hand afterwards. The monk bowed and the audience began whispering in the drama that our bored gamer created in the first place.


'Why is this so hard?!' Clark shook his head in lament.

"You!" He called another target in an ocean of people.




Our bored gamer persevered a couple more times before he finally gave up later on. Clark got the same results which bugged him to his core.

"FUCK ME! It seems like people around these parts are quite prudent in their actions. Extremely vigilant in fact!"

"I need to do something about this or i'm gonna end up wasting my day without any favorable results after everything was all said and done."

Clark moaned and contemplated about his situation some more. It took him about 5 breaths to improvise on his plans.

"Very well. Since i can't randomly just kill people on the streets, i might as well go out and be a lot more decisive in my actions." He thought with much determination.

'Guide me to the most evil and notorious influence inside the city, Nancy.' Clark instructed his system.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied after a breath.

"Now this feels more like it!" Our bored gamer smiled when he saw a green arrow that materialized before him.

There was nothing for him to do but just follow the directions to a tee and begin his wanton slaughter in consequence.

* * *

Inside the Aurora City, there thrived a clan named Han. The Han Family had a long history in this place.

They had weathered the storms for hundreds of years since they took root within this haven of man and cultivators alike.

Unfortunately for them, they were going to face a mass extinction calamity in the face of our very own protagonist.

"BANG!" The gates of the residence exploded with a single kick.

Debris was everywhere and a minute pause happened when all the people were shocked by the unexpected advent of their reaper.

The people of Han and most especially its guards could not fathom how this strange thing could happen in their midst. Several breaths passed before the first man from Han exploded in rage.

"Who are you?! And why have you come to the Ancestral Home of our Han Family?!" An armored guard asked in a loud booming voice.

One could see that even after the initial attack, this smart man was still wise enough to entertain discussion before any blood could shed between the two parties.

It was easy to note that the same peculiarity still ran in these private domains.

'Hmmm... It seems like people in this xianxia world are very cautious and conservative in general. A very interesting detail indeed.'

Our bored gamer mused before he chose to address the guards that had already unsheathed their weapons in the open.

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"I am no one. Just a nameless man who wished to take justice for the many souls that have fallen victim in the cruel hands of your Han Family."

Clark replied and stepped further inside to confront the men closer and personal.

"What crimes have our Han Family committed? You must be misinformed, master!" The leader of the guards said again in hope for a peaceful discussion.

He could see from our bored gamer's expensive looking crimson robes that he was not a simple cultivator at all.

This was the reason why the guard was quite adamant to avoid conflict at all costs. Sadly, not all wishes were granted fruition.

"If you are innocent, you can live some more. But if you are not... I would suggest that you wash your neck clean for my spear to pierce!"

These were the last words that our bored gamer uttered before he visited death unto this luckless clan.

He did not of course kill everyone but only knocked out the innocent and the blameless.

Alas, the same could not be said to those who had murdered, raped, and plundered their way towards wealth and power.


"Why are you doing this to us?!"

"Our clan never offended you!"

"You are a devil in human skin!"

"I will fight you to the death!"

"DIE FOR ME!" The guilty people of Han fought bravely but alas, only the cold embrace of death awaited them all in the end.