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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 271: Little Huginn, Saphee, And Terra
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Although Titania pretended to be alright, I could tell she was rather impacted by what she saw. Maybe I shouldn't had summoned these little guys at the end… But at the end, it would had been better this way than actually leaving them forever inside of my Inventory, or somehow using them to upgrade a weapon. Giving them a new life as new beings is probably way better than just becoming a powerup for a weapon, which sounds just very lame in comparison to a familiar that can continue evolving and developing.

"Let's call them by the names they had before. Saphee, Huginn, and Terra. How about it?" I asked Titania. She seemed to be happy I choose such names, smiling and nodding.

"I believe those are good names. I suppose it is better if they don't remember their memories. I wouldn't want them to be filled with the bitter feelings of having been taken over by the power of the Demon King's Miasma…" Titania sighed.

"Yeah, they might be rather weak right now as low level and without having evolved, but I can tell they've got great potential." I nodded.

[Summon Name]: [Huginn]

[Race]: [Shadow Fighter Chicken: Lv0/30]

[Satiation]: [100/100]

[HP]: [100/100]

[MP]: [40/40]

[STR]: [75]

[VIT]: [55]

[DEX]: [50]

[AGI]: [65]

[INT]: [20]

[WIS]: [15]

[LUC]: [20]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

[Race Skills: 5/10]

[Farm Animal: Fighting Chicken: Lv1] [Shadow Kick: Lv1] [Beak Attack: Lv1] [Intimidation: Lv1] [Shadow Feather Projectile: Lv1]


[Reckless Fighter Band]

Huginn seemed to be a fighter. He isn't named "Fighter Chicken" for no reason. His kicks are very powerful, and he also got a Beak Attack Skill. Above all, he has Intimidation and even long ranged attacks on Shadow Feather Projectile! He's a good fighter for everything. However, he can't fly yet, his wings are too small. Perhaps if he evolves, he might be capable of flying.

[Summon Name]: [Saphee]

[Race]: [Amethyst Snake: Lv0/30]

[Satiation]: [100/100]

[HP]: [70/70]

[MP]: [100/100]

[STR]: [35]

[VIT]: [25]

[DEX]: [45]

[AGI]: [60]

[INT]: [65]

[WIS]: [65]

[LUC]: [35]

[Race Skills: 5/10]

[Farm Animal: Snake: Lv1] [Farming Tool Tail Transformation: Lv1] [Venomous Fangs: Lv1] [Reflective Scales: Lv1] [Poison Magic: Lv1]


[Purple Eye Necklace]

And then there's Amethyst, she has a small stature and seems to specialize more in magic than anything, although she only got a single Magic Skill for now, it looks interesting, Poison Magic seems to have both offensive, defensive, and movement related Spells. She also has the reflective scales that reduce magic damage and a tail that can shapeshift into farming tools, so she can help at the farm, interestingly enough. I guess her actual job inside a farm would be to catch rodents that eat the crops.

[Summon Name]: [Terra]

[Race]: [Sleepy Cavern Walking Mushroom: Lv0/30]

[Satiation]: [100/100]

[HP]: [150/150]

[MP]: [40/40]

[STR]: [55]

[VIT]: [75]

[DEX]: [20]

[AGI]: [20]

[INT]: [40]

[WIS]: [60]

[LUC]: [25]

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

[Race Skills: 5/10]

[Plant Companion: Walking Mushroom Lv1] [Spongy Body: Lv1] [Sleepy Spores: Lv1] [Robust Body: Lv1] [Earth Magic: Lv1]


[Earth Crown]

And lastly there's Terra. She's quite special. She got a build that screams she's a tank. Her high HP and VIT, and her low DEX and AGI Stats make her a very slow tank. Her Spongy Body and Robust Body Skills work in tandem rather well. Spongy Body decreases Physical Damage Dealt to her by -50% with an additional -2% with each Skill Level. Meanwhile, her Robust Body increases HP and VIT greatly and enhances her natural HP Regeneration as well.

Lastly, she comes with pretty nasty Skills aside from those, Sleepy Spores has a 50% chance to inflict Sleep on foes that don't resist this Status Effect, which seems already pretty amazing, and the chances increase by +2% with each Skill Level too! And then she even has Earth Magic for support at controlling the ground around her.

Her biggest downside is that she doesn't even like to walk and stays still there doing nothing at all. I guess we need to carry her around if we even want some results. Perhaps keeping her in my back by wrapping her around with vines I create out of my body is a good idea.

"Come on Terra, you'll stay with me because you're too frail and lazy to move."


Terra gave a little cry as I grabbed her. She was very soft and spongy, like mushrooms. And her surface was slightly smiley and smelled rather sweet.

I quickly shapeshifted my body, spending some MP and generating several vines around my back, which I used to wrap Terra around my back to keep her safe. Whenever I need her assistance I'll send her into battle. But even with her build, she's too weak to fight high level monsters so she'll be just leeching EXP for the moment and helping with Sleepy Spore too.

Saphee wrapped herself around my neck as if she were a scarf, which made Silver a bit sad she wasn't a little snake any longer. And lastly, Huginn decided to sit down over the wide back of Belle. Although I hope he doesn't jump into battles recklessly or he's going to get stomped…

"Huginn don't fight close combat, okay?"


Huginn seemed to understand, raising his black wings around as if saying he was going to fight differently. I guess he can shoot his feather projectiles. It would had been nicer if he learned Darkness Magic or something, but I guess you can't get everything in the world.

"And done, let's go!"

It only took three minutes to sort everything out. And in the way to the Crystal Caves, I told everyone about the new Summon's abilities. The most impressive one was that of Terra, of course. It was useful even when she was Level 0.

"She has a 50% chance to inflict Sleep?!" Titan was the fist one to scream in surprise. His knowledge of the game quickly alerted him that this Summon's Skill was broken.

"Yeah, she's pretty good, isn't it?" I giggled.

"More than good, she's insanely broken!" Titan said.