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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 90: An Emotional Aftermath
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"So you're a Dark Elf!"


"I heard that Dark Elves betrayed nature to ally with darkness!"

"A-Are you an evil elf?"

The squirrel-kin that were less mature were all trembling while looking at Rita, who was boringly chopping into some bread I had just made from the flour I made by crushing grain some days ago. It was a nice and delicious bread, but it would get hard very quickly so we had to eat it while it was fresh and warm. Meanwhile, one of the Mushroom Brigade members named Chef quickly went to cook something with the ingredients I gave to him, saying to leave everything to him. I guess I can always count on him whenever I don't feel the strength to cook something myself…

"What are you talking about? Achlys is my best friend! She's a good and lovely girl!" I said. "She might be a bit rough around the edges but… She's good-hearted, so don't worry you guys!"

"Ooohh… If Lady Planta says so…! It must be the truth!"

"Indeed, if she trust her, there's no way we can't trust her then…"

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Wow they're easily convinced, aren't they? This must be the effect of the Title I got that made me gain their trust a lot. The chief also understood a bit after I told him she was sent by Nyx, the goddess of the night. I also asked them about what sort of tales they were talking about while the food was getting ready.

"There are tales of Dark Fairies or Dark Elves, they were once people like you, Lady Planta, that loved nature and were part of it! But for some reason, sometimes heartbreak, or sometimes being contaminated by miasma… they changed! They became dark and corrupt, and their powers only spread more darkness… But it is merely an old tale, it seems that Lady Achlys is a very nice lady, she's not evil at all." The Chief said, while he saw Achlys playing around with the squirrel-kin children. She had children herself so she liked kids quite a lot, they had already completely lowered their guards against her and they were playfully playing with her without worries.

"Well, now that things are done in terms of explanations regarding the new friends, I would like to speak something more serious with you, chief, as you're the figure of authority in this place…" I said.

"Yes?" Asked the chief rather intrigued.

I quickly told him about the Mushroom Dungeon, the mushroom hero we defeated, and about the gift that Acorn received, the Lesser Player Authority, which gave him a lot of great benefits that only Players usually have.

"T-This is… So you've done something so great in our little forest?!" Asked the Squirrel-kin chief. "A-Acorn! You've acquired a goddess-given gift… You kid… you make your grandpa proud!"

The chief quickly hugged Acorn with his tiny arms, but Acorn was struggling to get off his grasp.

"GRUAKH…! G-Grandpa, I already told you that I am not a kid anymore! Also this power… I barely did anything to receive it! I don't know if it is something I even deserve…" Sighed Acorn, looking at the floor rather dispirited.

"You did more than enough, Acorn. Without your help in making all those Mana Potions, I wouldn't had been prepared for what we did, and I would had never been able to get enough Mana either! You're a real life saver there… Literally you were the reason I was even able to defeat the Hero with everybody else!" I said, as Acorn's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"R-Really?" He wondered.

"Yes! You really did an amazing work there, dear!" I said, petting his head. "Never! Never say that you've done anything… You've put your weight more than one time already, you're a welcome member of our party, and an important one as well!"

"Yeah, without your help, we would be goners and the entire forest would had been consumed by the miasma of the Hero, after all, he was risen by the Dark Demon King of Miasma, a World Boss!" Said Titan. "I am jealous of Planta for having such an incredible little friend at her side."

"Yeah, and you're super cute too!" Said Rita, petting Acorn.

"Hahaha… I-It's not like I am happy to be praised or something! Hehehe…" Acorn began to feel all embarrassed as he covered his face while giggling cutely. The chief noticed that his grandson had grown a lot, as he congratulated him.

"You've done amazing, Acorn! I've already taught you everything I could about alchemy… It is now upon you to improve further into it… You once told me you were going to become the best alchemist in the world, didn't you?" Asked the chief while smiling at his grandson.

"I… I said that?" Asked Acorn.

"Around five years ago… when your parents… passed away due to the disease." Said the chief. "You swore that you would one day become an alchemist capable enough to cure any disease! Have you forgotten that promise you've given to your parents, Acorn?"

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"Ah… T-That's right…" Said Acorn. "I made such a promise when they passed away in the bed… Back then I wasn't strong enough, I lacked the skills… But now… Thanks to Planta's help, I made the cure for the disease and we saved everyone too… Haha… I guess I've already done part of the promise!"

"But not everything yet, isn't it?" Asked the chief. "Hahaha! You gotta go out to the world now, kid! Go with Planta, accompany her and help her in everything she needs! You'll grow at her side, and learn about the vast world outside of these woods as well!"

"G-Grandpa…" Acorn began to cry like a baby as he hugged his grandfather.

"Hahaha! There, there… Don't cry now, you little fluff!"

"Uwaaaaaah! Grandpa, thank you for teaching me everything you know!"

"It is fine! Now, don't begin crying in front of your companions!"

The chief cleansed Acorn's tears as he smiled.

"You've gotta be prepared for what's to come, so make sure to use your new powers for good!"

"A-Alright! Lady Planta, Achlys, Titan… I am on your care!"

"Of course! You're already our party member, I already told you, dear." I said, petting Acorn.

"Hm! I wouldn't mind having a capable alchemist." Said Titan.

"Yeah, your potions came in a clutch there!" Said Rita.

I think I've never seen Acorn so happy before… This was a memorable day indeed.