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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest-Novel

Chapter 805 Rising Popularity
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Chapter 805 Rising Popularity


After having taken a break and eaten, we heard a bit of a commotion outside the Smithy, finding out there were dozens of adventurers outside, hitting the invisible Divine Ward barrier trying to call for us.

"Is someone there?!"

"Why is there this damn barrier?"

"I can't break it no matter what I try! Is there a Barrier Master here?"

"Who would play such a lame class anyways?"

"Hey, Planta was also playing a lame class and look how amazing she is for a newbie player!"

"Shut up she's an exception!"

I quickly walked outside to check on what was happening, as I greeted the people coming in. I felt a bit nervous they had all come here just to buy stuff.

"Sorry everyone, we're closed for now." I said.

"It's Planta!"

"What, you're closed?!"

"But I came here all the way from a town at the end of the continent!"

"This can't be… no way…"

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"There are so many of my friends bragging about having some of your equipment…"

"Are you sure you're not selling anything?!"

I haven't checked the forums or the community of BNLO lately, but apparently, it looks like my equipment has made some sort of huge furor among all Players, especially those below Level 150 that still need some good equipment because they aren't high level enough to do the Weekly Bosses that drop the best materials for the best equipment.

Well, "best" equipment according to the meta, which are several sets of equipment made using unique materials dropped from these Weekly Bosses, starting at Level 150 and onwards, this equipment set become much stronger.

But anybody below it is scrapping by and struggling with whatever they can find or buy, and because equipment is still incredibly rare as it only drops rarely inside dungeons and no monsters out there drop them, people have to rely on craftsman NPC and Players to get them.

"I'm sorry, I have been commissioned by the King so I can't really sell anything I've made!" I apologized to them. "I hope you can wait a week or two. I'll start selling again by then!"


"She was commissioned by the King of the Luminous Kingdom?!"

"Did you hear that? Quickly post it in the forums!"

"I'm doing that right now!"

"Wow, isn't this the first time a Player get this close with such a high-level NPC?!"

"S-She said in a week or two, it is not THAT long, right?"

"I guess I'll be staying in the city for a while, huh?"

"Thank you for clarifying, Planta!"

"We love you!"

"We're your fans!"

"Planta, you're so pretty! Can I take a picture with you? A selfie?"

"Planta, planta! Planta!!!"

There were a lot of fans as well mixed between them… both males and females, although mostly males. I suppose they are fan of other things from me rather than just… who I am.

"Sorry, can't do for now~"

As I walked back to the Smithy while keeping the Divine Ward up, which was very useful, I suddenly heard someone I had once interacted with.

"Planta! Remember us? Can we get through?" 

It was a man wearing sunglasses and a black suit, carrying a huge sword behind him, he had pointy, black hair, and seemed to be much higher level than the rest in here.

"It's me! From Arcadia News! We meet at the beginning of the month back in Nexus City." He said. "Have you thought about our offer? It still on! If you want to join us, we'll guarantee the best for you! There is already a tournament incoming! Many Players from all around the world will be participating, it is a big event even backed by several companies, so if you could become our representative, we would be more than happy to give you as many benefits as we can!"

Oh, it was that man!

So even after the whole First Contact and people awakening powers, while monsters are beginning to appear in the wilderness, BNLO is still as worldwide famous as it was before.

In fact, it seems that its popularity has begun to rise as reality has become increasingly more dangerous, people want to escape from reality and become someone strong more than ever…

News about BNLO is always on TV nowadays, this is how I've seen many of my videos too, and how even people that don't even play videogames back at my original job recognized the name "Planta" when I revealed it.

Profiting off the game has become more popular with the rising value of its products, and how the Gold can be easily exchanged for IRL money through the company itself too…

I originally believed it was some sort of pyramid scheme or scam with these other NFT games that came the last years, but it was all legit… you can really earn money out of playing a game, and a sizable amount if you pick a good class and rush through content until you can begin grinding Bosses.

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Even governments from other countries have already begun to interact with the game and its mechanics to an extent, especially countries such as Korea and Japan, who depend so much on their industries and companies to hold their economy.

However, I've already made my decision some time ago…

"Sorry, but I won't be joining you." I smiled. "I'll be going to the tournament though! With all my friends, we'll go the tournament and win! So look forward to seeing us, everyone!"

"Ooh?! She's coming to the tournament?!"

"Wait, without any backers or companies behind her promoting her?!"

"She does have a guild but its small…"

"Wow, we'll cheer for you, Planta!"

"You're the best and cutest milf player!"

"Milf player?! What sort of names is people giving me…" I sighed. "A-Anyways! I'm going back, please don't… annoy me? Please, we're busy."

I walked back to the smithy feeling embarrassed, although I heard the threatening voice of the Arcadia News representative, he was really angry over my carefree rejection of their offer.

"You will regret this, Planta! You will NEVER have an opportunity like THIS in your WHOLE life!!!"

"Yeah, yeah…"

I just ignored him. I didn't care about any big company backing me.

They pretend to care, but they only want to profit off me. 

They can go screw themselves!
