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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 366
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Chapter 366

Bella’s POV: “Since you’re in such a good mood, I’ll take you to have a big meal. You should eat more

and gain a little fat. It will look better when you wear a wedding dress.” Herbert pinched my chin and

suddenly said.

Hearing this, I was stunned for a moment, then blushed and said, “Who wants to wear a wedding


At this moment, my heart was full of unusual passion. What did he mean? Was this considered a


“Nothing. I was just saying.” Herbert raised his eyebrows. Then, he lowered his head to deal with

official business. But I was a little disappointed. In fact, I was looking forward to the wedding with

Herbert. Although we already had two children and had gone through so many things.

But I hadn’t had a wedding yet.

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I hoped that he would take the initiative to mention the wedding to me.

I was a person with strong self-esteem. If I had to take the initiative to say to Herbert, “Please marry

me. When will we get married?”

This sentence was very difficult for me.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a French western restaurant a few minutes later. Through the glass

window, I saw that the door of this western restaurant was particularly tall, and there were top luxury

cars parked around it.

I could not help saying, “It’s just lunch. Why does it have to be so grand? I only have one and a half

hours to rest at noon. I can’t be late in the afternoon no matter what.”

I felt bad for being late several times in a week.

“I’ve already booked the seats and dishes. You won’t be late.” With Herbert’s guarantee, I was dragged

into this high-end French western restaurant. Sitting by the window upstairs, one could overlook a block

nearby. The restaurant was French classical palace style. The waiter was polite, and even the

tableware was painted with gold and silver, which was very noble.

On a high platform hung with beaded curtains in the middle of the hall, a curly-haired beauty wearing a

long white dress and a golden belt was playing the piano seriously. The soft piano song floated gently

in every corner of the restaurant.

As soon as Herbert sat down with me, the waiter placed the dishes on the table one after another. He

didn’t lie to me. I looked around. Although the restaurant was big, there were not many people eating.

There were only five or six tables that were occupied

“Is it very expensive to dine here?” I asked in a low voice after the waiter left.

Hearing this, Herbert grinned. Then he shook off the white napkin and spread it on his legs.

“Although it’s a little expensive, I like it here.”

“There are only a few tables of people in such a big restaurant. Will it be closed soon?” Looking at the

empty seats, I was a little worried about this restaurant. Seeing me like this, the corners of Herbert’s

mouth twitched and he put a piece of cut steak on the plate in front of me. “This kind of high-end

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restaurant is not prepared for ordinary people, so it has great profits. If it is also crowded here, I don’t

think anyone will come here in the future, because not only the dishes here are top-notch, but also the

environment here.”

I really didn’t understand the world of the rich. That world was too far away from me.

I looked up at the man in front of me who was from that world. It was amazing to think about it. I was

actually with him, and we had two lovely babies. “What are you thinking about?” Herbert frowned and


I raised my head to meet his inquiring gaze and puffed up my cheeks. “Nothing at all. The rich man has

invited me to such a high-class restaurant today. I have to focus on the food here!” “Then eat more,”

said Herbert. The steak and goose liver here were really delicious. I ate a few mouthfuls in a row. “You

didn’t have breakfast today, did you?” Herbert suddenly asked.

“How can I have time to eat? It was almost nine o’clock when I got up, and I was late today.” I puffed up

my cheeks and answered.

As soon as I saw his dark eyes in front of me, my face turned red inexplicably, and the crazy scene of

last night flashed through my mind. My cheeks suddenly became hot. In front of him, I would always be

shy, just like now.