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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414

Bella‘s POV:

“Lucas, focus and eat!” At this time, Herbert‘s dignified voice suddenly came.

Hearing this, Lucas winked at me and then obediently lowered his head to eat.

I looked up at Herbert, only to find that he was still lowering his head and didn’t look at me at all.

As I ate my breakfast, I kept trying to recall what happened last night.

I only remembered that I drank too much last night. It seemed that I came back in Mr. Hall‘s car with

Joey. I didn‘t know what had happened after that.

Usually, he would have lost his temper at me, but today, he didn‘t say a word. “Did he come back later

than me last night? So he doesn‘t know what happened?”

“Mom, Mom.” At this time, Lucky, who was sitting in Gary‘s arms, suddenly opened her little hands to


Seeing this, I quickly reached out and wanted to pick her up. “Lucky, you miss me, don‘t you? Come

on, I‘ll feed you.”

As soon as Gary was about to hand her over to me, I heard Herbert‘s voice again.

“Gary, hurry up and feed Lucky. It‘s a nice day. After breakfast, you can take her out for a walk!”

“Okay.” Hearing this, Gary naturally didn‘t dare to hand Lucky over to me. He quickly took her back and

coaxed her to cat. Seeing this, I couldn‘t refute Herbert in front of so many people, so I had to endure it

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for the time being. However, when I looked at Lucky‘s pitiful expression, I felt a little sad. Although

Herbert usually played like crazy with the children, when his expression was serious, the two children

didn‘t dare to disobey his orders. Soon, Lucas was full, and Miranda sent him to kindergarten. Gary

had fed Lucky enough, so he pushed her out for a walk.

For a moment, only he and I were left at the dining table.

While eating breakfast, I thought to myself, “Maybe it‘s time to tell him the truth. I‘m really depressed to

stay here. Although I don‘t want to give up my children, I will go crazy if it goes on like this.”

I looked up and wanted to say something, but Herbert stood up first and said, “Don‘t drink so much

wine in the future. You will set a very bad example for the children!”

After that, he turned around and walked around the dining table to the outside.

I was a little angry.

It was not because what he said was wrong. I really shouldn‘t have drunk so much wine.

But his tone of speaking to me was very overbearing.

“I drank a lot because I had social activities. It seems that you drink more often than me, don‘t you?” I

stared at his back

“I am a man, and you are a woman. Which woman did you see often go home drunk?”

Herbert‘s words made me even angrier.

What was wrong with a woman?

“Don‘t you know that men and women are equal?” i retorted.

“I‘m in a hurry,” said Herbert.

After that, he took a step and was about to leave.

“Have I always wanted to quarrel with you?” I suddenly stood up.

Herbert did not stop. In the blink of an eye, he had already walked out of the dining hall.

“Herbert, stop right there!” I shouted at him.

My shout made Herbert stop in his tracks.

I stepped in front of him and raised my head to look into his eyes.

I took a deep breath and said calmly, “In fact, I never thought of quarreling with you.”

“L...” Herbert seemed to want to say something.

I interrupted him. “Herbert, let‘s… break up.”

Although I was mentally prepared, when I really mentioned the words, my heart ached. This

relationship once gave me countless hopes, but every time, it made my hope disappear. Happiness

was like a blooming flower, gorgeous and short–lived.

Herbert was first stunned, and then the expression on his face became a bit complicated. He then said

seriously, “You‘re not sober yet. I‘ll have Miranda bring you some sobering medicine later!”

After that, he stepped forward and left.

“Herbert, I am being serious!” I looked at his back and shouted.

With his back to me, Herbert didn‘t stay. Soon, he left the villa.

“Herbert...” No matter how hard I shouted behind him, he acted as if he didn‘t hear me at all. Since he

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refused to face me, I would wait for a few more days. Anyway, I was not in a hurry. I could stay with

Lucas for a few more days.

That morning, when I was sitting at my desk, Joey pushed the door open and walked in.

“How is it? Are you sober?” Joey sat in front of me.

“My head still hurts a little.” I reached out and touched my head.

Seeing my haggard face, Joey said, “What happened last night? You drank so much that I couldn‘t

even stop you. In the end, you were drunk. Fortunately, I was by your side. You can‘t drink like this with

others when you go out alone in the future. You don‘t know if you‘ll be taken advantage of.”

Hearing this, I asked, “By the way, did you send me back last night?”

“If it wasn‘t me, who else would it be? It was Mr. Hall who drove us to your villa,” replied Joey.

Hearing this, I frowned and asked, “Was Herbert at home at that time? Did he see Mr. Hall?”

No wonder Herbert was in a bad mood this morning. It turned out that he was angry that I went to drink

with Mr. Hall again.

I felt a little uneasy, but on second thought, I thought, “I didn‘t do anything bad. I just had a meal with a

client. What‘s the big deal?”

Joey replied, “I‘m not that stupid to let himn see Mr. Hall, I put you down and then left immediately But I

don‘t know if he saw Mr. Hall‘s car or not.”

For a moment, my mood was complicated.

I didn‘t know when he would be able to stay calm and listen to me about the breakup.

“Doesn‘t he love Eva Green from the bottom of his heart? Or is he with Eva Green just for the family

interests and the development of the company?” I felt very confused. At this time, Joey suddenly said,

“I‘m also annoyed by something.”