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Broken Dreams Stories

Chapter 124
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As promised, the gap returned with coffee and breakfast sandwiches the following morning.

"Coffee!" I squealed excitedly, reaching out with grabby hands towards the tray Josh was carrying. They all laughed, happy to see I was Accepting their good morning kisses, Josh handedmy coffee and breakfast, and everyone settled in to eat. Just as we were finishing our food, there was a knock on the door, and the doctor entered.

"I'm glad to see you feeling better," he said. I nodded since my mouth was still full, and he continued: "When you're finished eating, lets get that cast off of you, and then you can go home.

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Swallowing my food, I grinned. "That sounds great, thank you, I told him.

"I'm putting in the discharge paperwork now. Everything should be ready to go once you get back. Unless you have any questions, I will send the muse in to get your IV out." I glanced at the guys to see if they had any questions. I then thanked the doctor again. Once he closed the door behind him, I let out a big sigh. "I'm so ready to go home; I never want to see a hospital room again. The guys all agreed. A few minutes later, the nurse cin, took out my IV, and unhooked the monitors. I asked if I could get dressed before she tookto get my cast all. When she nodded, Patrick handeda bag beside him, and I went into the bathroom to change. When I cout of the bathroom, Jake offered to go with me, and the nurse led us out of the room.

Removing the cast only took a few minutes, and I groaned in relief. It felt so good to have full use of my hand back; I couldn't wait to get hand take a shower. Returning to my room, I found that the guys had already packed my stuff, so all I had to do was wait for the nurse with the discharge papers.

Once the paperwork had been signed, Patrick drove the car around, and the guys insisted that I take a shotgun. I laughed as I watched the four squish their way into the back seats, and then we were off. Once we were back at the house, I made a beeline for the shower, wanting to wash off the hospital smell, I tumed the water on and waited for it to warm up when a knock sounded on the bathroom door.

Jake stuck his head in. Would you like shelp in the shower? We have had a hell of a time, and I want to take care of you right now I smiled at him gently and agreed. We both stripped out of our clothes. And when the water was the right temperature, I climbed into the shower and felt the tension and stress of the last few days leave my muscles, asked Jake carefully lathered my hair with shampoo and gently rinsed it taking special care not to get soap in my eyes When the shampoo was entirely out of my hair he massaged conditioner into it causingto let out a groan of pleasure he then proceeded to lather a washcloth with soap And thoroughly wash my body. Oh. Once I had rinsed off the soap and conditioner. We traded places. And Jake. Quickly washed. Turning off the water. And climbing out of the shower.Jake gut towels for both of us. And help mine up forto step into Wrapping it tightly around me. He leaned down. And gently kissed my lips Thank you for lettingtake care of your He whispered. Against my lips. And I just smiled.

Going back into my bedroom. I quickly found a pair of comfy shorts. And threw on a tank toplefore making my way to the living room. The guys had all been waiting forAnd Drew quickly grabbed me. Huddlinginto his lap.

"I was going to order us food. Patrick said.Once I was settled. "What would you like to eat, love?" "I would kill for sChinese.I said, grinning "Oh, and ice cream. Do we have any mint chocolate chip?" Mike chuckled before standing 11 go look and if we don't, we can always order some," he assuredbefore walking into the kitchen. While Mike was gone Patrick had opened the food delivery. app.And was placing our order.

Ok. The food should be here in about 45 minutes. Patrick told us.Mike cback from the kitchen. Assuring me. That we had plenty of ice cream Including my favorite.

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"All right, since the food's been taken care of. What would you like to do while we wait for it to get here, baby girl?" Josh asked Looking at"Hm, letthink."I said.Thinking quietly for several minutes. An idea cto mind. And I grinned. Let's just chill and watch a movie 1 told them i think I'm really in the mood for a romantic comedy "All the guys groaned at this, And I giggled. "Well, if you don't want to watch a romantic comedy, 1 could always find a musical “Josh and Mike visibly paled at that statement. And I began laughing so hard.It caused my ribs to ache But it was worth it to see the look on their faces, Relax, you guys I'm just kidding.I know better than to ask you to sit through One of those movies. Here, tossthe remote and I will find something we can all enjoy I promise.” I found an action movie on one of the streaming services. With lots of car chases. And things exploding When I hit play could hear the guys. All sigh.In relief And I just had to giggle.

T I had really gotten into the movie. When an alert sounded on someone's phore Letting them know the food was here. The sound startleda megasp True, huggedcloser.

and made "Are you ok, sweet g

girl? He asked Concerned. The m content is en Exeko.com! Chapter 24

"Yeah, the noise just startled me.l think it's gonna be a long time. Before I can answer The door for a food delivery Without being anxious. I admitted.

"Don't worry, baby girl. It's going to be a long time. Before any of us det you go to the door by yourself 'Josh told me.As he stood. And went To answer the doo X