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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 546
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Debbie’s dad died a few years ago and her mom ran away from ha long tago.”

Debbie’s face darkened as soon as she heard her parents mentioned.

Valerie sneered, “No wonder she’s so rude. It turns out that both of her parents were irresponsible and taught her nothing.”

Debbie’s eyes burned with rage. She stalked towards the two on the sofa. Megan and Valerie were scared when they saw her angry face. Yet the old lady managed to remain calm despite her fright.

“What do you want?” she demanded.

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“What do I want? Old Lady, you’re Lucky that you’re Carlos’ grandma, so

I won’t do anything to you. However, Megan is not my elder…”

Debbie grabbed Megan’s collar abruptly and pulled her up.

“As her aunt,

I’ll teach her a lesson.”

Since Debbie had just done the cleaning, her dirty fingers left black streaks on Megan’s white collar. Megan screamed, “Yikes. Gross. Let go of me!”

“Gross?” Debbie sneered.

“You think that’s gross? You should be used to it. Why are you so condescending? My husband treats you well, so you think you’re a princess? Listen up: you’re trash! From now on, show srespect. I have a temper.”

With that, she pushed Megan so forcefully the girl staggered and fell onto the sofa.

Furious, Valerie started panting for breath. Seeing Megan was thrown to the sofa, she trotted over to pull the girl up.

“Dear, are you okay?” she asked in worry.

Megan trembled in the old lady’s arms.

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Watching the two, Debbie remarked indifferently, “I don’t owe this family anything. Even though you treatLike shit, I’ll still call you ‘Grandma, ‘ because you’re Carlos’ grandma and I love him. I don’t want any problems between us, because he’ll have to take sides.”

After a short pause, not long enough for the old lady and the girl to respond, she continued talking.

“But there’s a line. I hope for your sake you don’t cross that Line again. As an elder, you should know better. I’ll Let Megan off the hook this time, but if she talks about my parents again, things won’t be so easy for her, I swear.”

After that, Debbie turned and went upstairs.

Valerie was too furious to say anything. If it were possible, steam would have poured from her ears.

Back in her room, Debbie decided to get comfortable. She drew a nice warm bath and washed the graway. She had hardly put clean clothing on before her phone rang. She knew the number by heart, even though she didn’t have him in her contact list. It was Hayden. ‘Why’s he calling?’ she wondered.

In a bad mood, Debbie decided not to answer it, just let it go to voicemail. She wasn’t very good company right now. Then she got a text message from him.

“I’m in New York. I need to see you. It’s important.”