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CEO is Chasing Ex Wife Back

Chapter 212
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CEO is Chasing Ex-Wife Back Chapter 212

Chapter 212 Play Tricks

Both sides of Aurora’s face were flushed red, and she tried he west to endure the pain, and she did not make a

sound. At that time, Zac’s action of stopping Wenny only made her feel that it was rídiculous. Aurora thought, don’t

you want to do the same as her? To torture me? Aurora glared at the couple in front of her.


Wenny stomped her feet in anger. “She almost killed my child and I…”

As soon as she said this, Wenny suddenly thought of what Aurora had once threatened her. Aurora told her not to

use her child as a bargaining chip. Her face froze, and she was stunned. “There’s no need to be infuriated by her.

Take care of the child in your belly,” said Zac coldly.

Wenny was happy again. She leaned into the man’s arms and said softly, “You still care about me. I know. I won’t

slap her anymore. If I slap her, my hands will also hurt.”

Zac withdrew his arm from her hand and looked at Davis again. He had saved enough face for the Swon family

today. If the Swon family didn’t appreciate it, that meant Davis would go against the Buchanna family.

“Mr. Buchanna, let’s go to the study and have a talk!” Davis immediately smiled and ordered the servants to

prepare tea. He also told Faye in a low voice, “Don’t let Wenny do it again. Keep Aurora. She is still useful.”

Faye did not dare to do anything to Aurora. She was also afraid that Aurora would take revenge on her in the

future. She immediately nodded. “Don’t worry, I will take good care of Wenny.”

Davis patted her shoulder with satisfaction and entered the study with Zac The conversation ended very quickly. In

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less than ten min s, Zac walked out. Davis sent him out with smile. It seemed that they had already agreed on a

condition that everyone was satisfied with. Aurora sneered. This was the true face of a profiteer. Zac does not care

about anything and he can even forgive his former enemy.

It was at that moment that Aurora seemed to understand that in the hearts of these two men, the child in Wenny’s

belly was not that important, but unfortunately, Wenny herself did not realize it.

As soon as Wenny saw Zac come out, she happily went up to him and wrapped his arms. “Zac, what do you want to

eat tonight? Just stay…”

“No, I have something to do in the company.” The indifference in Zac’s eyes was as usual. In the next moment, his

gaze fell on Aurora. He turned his head and said to Davis, “Mr. Swon, then I will take her away.” “What?” Wenny

hurriedly said, “How can that be!”

Davis directly gave Faye a look, and Faye hurriedly pulled Wenny. “Alright, be careful of the child.” Aurora never

thought that she would leave the Swon family so easily. She had thought that she would have to take at least a

dozen more slaps.

Zac walked in front, and urora followed behind. It was not that she was willing to follow him, but a few bodyguards

behind her had been staring at her. She really had no choice. “Let’s go.” Zac instructed the driver with a cold gaze.

As the car drove out of the Swon house, he took out his phone and dialed a number. “Inform everyone that from

now on, support the Swon Group’s water therapy project with all strength. All technology must be the best.” Aurora

raised her eyebrows. She thought, is this the benefit that he gave Davis? Indeed, with the support of the

Buchanna family, Davis would be able to save a lot of money. outside world would also know that th. Buchanna

family and the Swon family were on good terms. This price was not small.

Aurora’s face turned cold as she thought disdainfully that in order to coax his fiancée, Zac really put in a lot of

effort. The car didn’t return to Zac’s villa directly but stopped at the door of a pharmacy.

Zac pushed the door open and got out of the car, entering to buy some medicine. Returning to the car, he pulled

Aurora over. Aurora subconsciously resisted, only to hear him say in a cold voice, “Don’t move.”

Aurora’s chin was raised by him. His eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and her face quickly felt cool. His

finger was stained with ointment, he applied it to her cheeks. That strange feeling made Aurora frown. Zac


“Close your eyes.

Aurora was not obedient, and she just stared at the man in front of her. His eyes showed a hint of annoyance, and

he took away the thing that was stuffed in her mouth. Aurora’s face was already a little numb. Taking advantage of

the moment when

Zac let go, she moved ckward, and the distance between the tv suddenly widened. The disgust and avoidance in

her eyes were also seen by the man. He then threw the ointment aside.

“Don’t go out for the next few days. If Alma fails again, she will bear all the responsibility.”

“Why?” Aurora subconsciously retorted. As soon as she opened her mouth, the corner of her mouth felt the pain,

but she still endured it and argued with him, “You tied me up there, isn’t it enough for Wenny to vent her anger?

You involved Alma in this, too despicable.”

The man gently turned his head to look at her and suddenly spred, “In your eyes, I have always been a despicable

person.” Aurora didn’t say anything. She had nothing to say to him. As soon as the car stopped in the yard, she

pushed open the door and walked into the villa.

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** Zac watched her enter the villa. His furrowed brows slowly relaxed. The phone rang. He answered it.

“Zac, everything is clear. Hank in your

company used to be Shawn’s business partner. They were. nds, but later on, their business views were different, so

they parted. After Shawn passed away, Hank avoided the Bennet family. Davis must have known his relationship

with the Bennet family, so he told Hank to play tricks.” Listening to Dalwin’s words, Zac began to think about it.

“Also, those letters of cancellation have been dealt with. They won’t bother Aurora anymore.” As Dalwin spoke, he

suddenly thought of something. “If you really want to help her, why do you have to be so sneaky?” If they did it

openly, those people wouldn’t dare to do it again.

Aurora would also understand that he wanted to make it up. en if she didn’t forgive him, she wouldn’t hate him so

much. “Forget it,” Zac said tiredly as he held his phone.

Before he did these things, he had never thought of forcing Aurora to forgive him. Today, she was brought to the

Swon family to take two slaps, and she hated him even more. Zac rubbed his eyebrows. “You should also help me

with the cooperation project with the Bennet family. I will be involved too much.”

“Okay, got it.”

After the two of ther hung up the phone, Dalwin followed Zac’s instructions and began to push forward the

development project in New York. Zac returned to the company. Before entering the office, Hank and several

directors were already standing at the door.

“Mr. Buchanna, we know that we were wrong, but our original intention was good. Cooperating with the Bennet

Group won’t be beneficial to the Buchanna Group.”

“Yes, Mr. Buchanna, don’t be stubborn. Sometimes, you have to listen to our opinions, right?” “Your opinions?” Zac

slammed the door with a bang. “Your stupid actions almost ruined the Buchanna Group!