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CEO is Chasing Ex Wife Back

Chapter 214
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CEO is Chasing Ex-Wife Back Chapter 214

Chapter 214 Deliberate

Mr. Buchanna, are you going to the company?” The driver felt the nervous atmosphere in the ear and asked in a

low voice. “No.” Zac opened the car door.

At the end of the concert, Aurora was unwilling to leave. Aurora liked and appreciated this band before. After

experiencing a lot, Aurora had a different feeling while listening to these songs.

“Let’s go,” Terry said.

“There’s a coffee shop downstairs. Let’s go and have a seat. Ih ve something to tell you,” Aurora said.


Aurora sat down by the window and smiled. “During this period of time, the Walton Group has developed very well

under your leadership. I have watched the news.”

Her words made Terry feel unfamiliar.

Terry pushed the coffee in front of her and said, “Reporters are always exaggerating.”

Aurora nodded and rubbed her coffee

cup, “When the accident happened that time, I felt that I was responsible. I…”

“Aurora, stop talking about that.”

“No matter what you want to say, I don’t want to hear it toda ust let me be willful today, okay?” Terry interrupted


Aurora frowned, “Don’t be childish. I have to say it sooner or later.”

“That’s because you haven’t seen what I will do in the future. I will let the Walton Group develop better. At that

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time, no one will dare to bully you and threaten you.”

Terry had never been so determined to do something.

Terry even didn’t take racing seriously. But now, Terry was really serious.


As long as I’m willing to work hard, it won’t be long before I could fight Zac.

Aurora opened her mouth. “There are

some things that I don’t want you to be implicated in. Zac and I…”

Before Aurora could finish speaking, she

stared at the figure at the door.

There was a kind of cold air around his body. His black windbreaker coat was

stained with tonight’s snow. Zac looked around the entire hall expressionlessly. When Zac saw Aurora, he quickly

walked over. “It’s time to go.” Zac looked at the two cups of coffee and felt that they were very dazzling. Aurora is

not going anywhere.” Terry also stood up and ronted Zac.


Zac smiled mockingly and glanced at Aurora. The light in his eyes was deep and cold, like a sign of a blizzard

approaching. Aurora grasped the table. Aurora knew well about Zac’s expression. Every time Zac was about to get

angry, he put on this expression. If Aurora didn’t want to implicate Terry, she could only obey Zac. “Terry, we

haven’t finished talking today. Let’s talk next time we meet.” Aurora stood up, lowered her head, and walked behind

Zac. Aurora!” Terry was anxious and tried to pull her back. But just as his hand reached out, it was blocked by Zac.

“Don’t try to get the things that don’t belong to you,” Zac said as he brought Aurora out. The snow outside the door

grew heavier and heavier.

Aurora’s coat looked very thin. She took a few steps forward and saw that Zac stopped. Zac looked back. “Don’t

think that I’ll be like Terry and give you a coat.” “I didn’t think so,” Aurora said with a frown. Aurora walked towards

the car across the street.

Only when Aurora arrived did she realize that the car door was locked. It was Zac who personally drove here to wait

for her? Aurora looked at the man who was slowly sitting in the driver’s seat.

Aurora only felt that Zac was crazy. Why would he waste so much energy on her? Or perhaps, Zac was planning

something. “Get in the car.’ Zac shot her a cold glance and spoke in a cold tone. Aurora adjusted her coat and got

in the car, feeling a little warm. In the distance, Terry was walking out of the cafe.

Aurora only glanced in that direction before Zac stepped on the accelerator. Aurora did not react in time. Zac sped

up and braked at the intersection. Aurora was violently shaken. Her head almost hit the window. “You…” Aurora

gritted her teeth in hatred and was about to curse when Zac’s phone rang. Zac picked up the phone with a cold


Mr. Buchanna, the cooperation plan with the Bennet Group has been drafted. Do you want me to send it directly to

Ms. Bennet? She is the only employee in the Bennet Group, and there is no actual office location. It is difficult to

carry out the follow-up work.” Carter reported. Aurora clutched her seatbelt. This was indeed what she was worried

about the most.

Aurora could disregard her face and attach herself to the Buchanna Group. As long as this project was completed,

the Bennet Group would have the capital to make a comeback.

But before that… Where was she going to recruit talents in this area and how could she rent an office? The reality

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was always like a sharp blade, unconsciously cutting all of her hopes.

At the next intersection, Zac looked ahead and said, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” “Okay, Mr. Buchanna.” Then

Zac hung up. Zac turned around slowly when the car

stopped at the entrance of the villa. His eyes were sharp and piercing. “I can destroy the Bennet Group and give

the Bennet Group hope to live. Can Terry do that?” Aurora frowned and said nothing.

“Beg me, and I will let the Bennet Group live. Otherwise, once the cooperation fails, the Bennet Group will once

again be ruined.” Zac slammed the door and left. Aurora felt the temperature in the car cool down bit by bit, just

like her current mood.

Aurora walked up the steps as if she was stepping on a needle. “Ms. Bennet, why are you standing at the door?”

Alma quickly took the coat and draped it over Aurora. But no matter how warm the room was, there was no way to

warm Aurora’s heart.

Aurora lowered her head and changed her shoes. “Alma, no matter what you hear, don’t go upstairs.” Before-Alma

could réact, Aurora had already walked upstairs to the room.

When Zac heard the footsteps of someone going upstairs, he raised his head and saw Aurora standing there with a

pair of clear eyes as if she was an emotionless puppet, allowing others to freely fiddle with her. “What does Mr.

Buchanna want me to do?” Aurora said in a low voice and looked over.

There was a smile on Zac’s face that was as handsome as a sculpture. Zac stepped in front of Aurora. He reached

out and mercilessly clamped down on her chin. Zac pinched her until she felt pain. “Haven’t you begged anyone? Is

this your attitude?” Zac sneered, his fingers stroking her lips. “Don’t you know what a man wants?” Aurora said


Aurora’s cheeks were hot, and the shame of being humiliated swept through her whole body. “Let go of me!” The

next second, Zac’s hand moved away mercilessly. Zac coldly said, “It doesn’t matter. The Bennet Group has nothing

to do with me.”

Then, Zac carried the towel into the Bathroom. Listening to the faint sound of water coming from inside, Aurora felt

desperate. Aurora must save the Bennet Group. “Is this the only way?